General Index to
PAN - A Magazine About Boy-Love
No.1 (June 1979) to No.21 (December 1985), complete run
(as of Issue 13, October 1982, known as Paedo Alert News)
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format for references is ISSUE:PAGE; for example,
Issue 14, page 9 is shown as 14:9
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X-Y-Z
A propos de la pedophilie (article) -- 2:5
A.B. (photographer) -- 13:2
A.G.M. -- 2:31
Aalst, Belgium -- 5:4
Aard van het waarderingsonderzoek, De (article) -- 5:14
Abel, Dr Gene A. -- 12:8 13:7 13:8 15:13 17:30
Abolitionists, International Federation of (F.A.I.), France -- 10:7
Aborigines (Australia) -- 10:5
Abortion Law Reformed (1971) (book) -- 7:22
About One Way in Which Christians Love One Another (essay) -- 14:23
About Pedophilia (article) -- 1:16
Abrams, Robert -- 3:29 11:9
Abruzzi region, Italy -- 14:22
Abu Dhabi -- 10:6
Abuse (1982) (film) -- 13:12 16:5 16:6 21:9
Abuse of Trust (radio programme) -- 21:5
abused children become abusers themselves (CAI claim) --
2:26 3:5 3:17 5:5 9:11 9:35 10:13 11:8 16:25
ABV test (Amsterdam Biographic Questionnaire) -- 3:15
Academic Hospital, Utrecht -- 20:8
Academic Press (publisher) -- 10:28
Ackerley, J.R. -- 13:20
adaptation, perversion as -- 21:41
ADEHO (Belgium) -- 6:6 7:14
ADEHO Newsletter (periodical) -- 21:7
Adelaide, Australia -- 14:8
Administrative Vice Division, LAPD -- 5:27
Adolescent, L' (magazine) -- 2:4
Adolescent Family Life Program (United States) -- 16:9
Adolescent Male Prostitution: A Study of Sexual Exploitation, Etiological Factors and Runaway
Behavior (government report)
adolescents, adult bonding with -- 21:40
adolescents, non-sexual love for, by gay man -- 11:38
Adonis Garcia (1981) (book) -- 10:31 14:25
adoption by boy-lover -- 4:14 4:18 15:3
adoption by gay man --
2:4 4:8 6:5 8:31 14:30 21:9
Adult Sexual Interest in Children (1981) (book) -- 10:28 11:28
Advocate (periodical) --
4:28 6:9 7:4 9:13 10:12 10:32 10:34 13:8 15:5 15:12
16:6 18:10
Africa -- 16:29
Afscheid nemen van een vriendje (film) -- 11:3
After Punishment What? (1980) (book) -- 10:31
Aga Khan -- 13:22
Agadir, Morocco, Maghreb, North Africa -- 14:20
agathos (αγαθος=good, Greek) -- 15:28
Age, The (newspaper) -- 12:6
Age, The (periodical) -- 14:9
Age and Conditions of Consent in Sexual Matters (conference paper) -- 15:4
Age Boundaries in Moral Legislation: Protection or Deception? (report)
1:24 2:18
age of consent --
1:7 1:15 1:24 2:5 2:18 3:6 3:13 4:4 4:8 6:4
6:11 6:19 7:9 7:11 8:3 8:4 8:5 8:24 9:3 9:4
9:5 9:7 9:23 10:7 10:10 10:11 10:33 11:11 11:14 11:27
12:10 12:42 13:3 13:6 13:11 14:4 14:8 15:3 15:4 15:9
15:22 15:30 15:33 15:37 16:6 16:10 16:29 17:3 17:5 17:6
17:7 17:8 18:6 19:32 20:5 20:6 21:6 21:7 21:8 21:9
21:15 21:45
age of consent -- see also: consent
Age of Reason -- 6:21
age preference -- 16:4
Age Taboo: Gay Male Sexuality, Power and Consent, The (1981) (book)
10:33 11:28 16:6 21:10
ageism -- 9:37 10:30 13:27 21:14 21:30
Ahlers, Karl -- 10:16 13:8 13:14 15:30
AIDS -- 18:5
Aimargues, France -- 13:4 14:3
Air Force, United States -- 6:9
Akki (photographer) -- 17:2
Aktuell Rapport (magazine) -- 15:10
Alabama -- 16:9
Alameda County, California -- 9:5
Alaska -- 19:28 21:7
Albania -- 1:19 15:7
Albany, New York -- 2:4 4:28 11:9 12:3 13:12
alchemy -- 7:19
Alcibiades -- 7:28
alcoholism, child porn worse than -- 16:8
Alden, Ralph -- 11:38 14:2 14:29 17:14
Alencon -- 1:22
Aleut Indians, Alaska -- 19:28
Alexander, Richard -- 17:12
Alexander-Bucephalus story -- 5:9
Alexander the Great -- 18:11
Algemeen Dagblad (newspaper) -- 5:7 20:8
Algeria -- 8:37
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865) (book) -- 5:21
Alien (1979) (film) -- 16:11
Alkmene of Thebes, Queen -- 14:26
All Saints Episcopal Church, Leonia, New Jersey -- 11:13
Allah -- 12:32
Allen, Baltimore City Court Judge -- 4:7
Allen, Bill -- 12:32 14:24 17:17
Allen, Dr Donald -- 8:35
Allen, Martin -- 5:6
Almeda, Lamberto F. -- 14:6
Almelo, Netherlands -- 17:3
Alpha Bravo (photographer) -- 9:2 16:2 21:2
Alps -- 9:18
Alterio, Hector -- 2:5
Alyson, Sasha -- 6:25
Alyson (publisher) -- 10:33 21:20
Amadei, Amadeo -- 14:23
Amaniera, Patrice -- 10:21
Ambato, Ecuador -- 6:8
Amendt, Gunter -- 6:19
America/American (see also: United States) --
1:16 1:17 1:28 2:16 2:28 6:23 7:14 7:31 8:3 9:5
10:9 10:28 10:31 11:13 11:15 11:27 13:10 15:4 15:10 15:12
15:19 16:5 16:24 16:29
American Bar Association (ABA) -- 4:7
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology -- 4:5
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) --
4:6 4:26 4:29 5:27 7:9 17:13 19:5 21:14
American College of Trial Attorneys -- 4:7
American Hedonist Society (U.S. Postal sting) -- 20:36
American Journal of Psychiatry (journal) -- 19:8 20:20
American Law Institute -- 19:30
American Library Association -- 8:8
American Perfumer and Essential Oils Review, The (journal) -- 1:28
American Photographer (magazine) -- 9:6
American Psychiatric Association (APA) -- 12:45 13:31 20:20
American Psychological Association (APA) -- 3:5
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children --
4:10 5:4 5:9 9:7
Amities Particulieres, Les (1945) (book) -- 11:33
Amnesty for Child Sexuality (organization) -- 2:6
Amnesty for Love and Affection (conference) -- 2:6
Amor Victorinus [sic] (painting) -- 16:15
Amphitryon of Thebes, King -- 14:26
Amsberg, Ariane -- 15:9
Amsterdam --
1:18 1:23 2:14 2:15 4:14 5:5 6:4 8:5 9:3 9:29
10:7 11:4 12:10 12:36 12:38 12:39 12:43 16:28 17:24 17:31
18:26 19:7 19:8 20:6 20:26 21:31 21:33 21:44
Amsterdam Biographic Questionnaire (ABV test) -- 3:15
Amsterdamse Bos, Het -- 11:4
Anagnosti, John -- 11:13
anal sex --
2:27 4:9 9:33 13:4 17:14 17:28 20:6 21:19 21:32
anaphylaxis -- 18:4
Anarchist of Love: The Secret Life of John Henry Mackay (1983) (book)
anarchy/anarchists -- 21:20
Anatomie du Dormeur (1982) (photo book) -- 13:23
Anatomy of the Sleeper (1982) (photo book) -- 13:23
Anchell, M.D., Melvin -- 4:30
Anchorage, Alaska -- 21:7
Ancient World -- 16:29
And My Fawn Right Beside Me (article) -- 8:29
Andalusian -- 8:30
Andersen, Richard -- 6:23
Andrews, Julie -- 10:13
Andrews, Paul -- 3:6
Andriette, Bill -- 15:39 19:7
androcur -- see also: depo-provera, drugs
androcur (drug) -- 1:23 2:12 2:20 3:18
androphile gays -- 10:28
Anglo-Saxon -- 3:24 7:28
angst -- 12:44
animal pornography -- 5:28
Anita Bryant Ministries for Counseling Homosexuals (organization) -- 5:8
anorgasmia -- 8:5
Antarctic Autonomous Zone and Other Skits, The (short story) -- 21:23
anthropology --
5:25 7:7 7:22 9:35 11:29 12:46 14:18
anti-androgen therapy --
1:23 2:12 2:20 3:18 4:31 5:30 9:36 11:5 12:44 12:46
15:14 16:9 17:10 18:3 18:4 19:30 19:33 20:16
Anti-Gay Technology (pamphlet) -- 19:10
anti-hedonist view: sex must have a purpose -- 16:3
anti-masturbation techniques -- 6:20
anti-paedophile attitudes, development of -- 13:29
anti-paedophile crusader accused of sex with underage partner --
4:9 7:5 8:6 8:9 9:11 13:8 15:5 15:20 16:3 19:24
anti-paedophile crusaders, sexual attraction of paedophilia to -- 2:25 12:41
anti-paedophile crusades promoting state control over family -- 21:7
anti-Semitism -- 8:12 16:11 17:30
anti-sexual -- see also: sexophobia
Anti-Slavery Society, London -- 9:29
"anti-social" behavior, pornography as cause of -- 2:25
Antinous -- 16:14
Antioch College -- 11:31
Antwerp -- 4:5 13:5
anus -- 6:28 8:16 15:21 17:27 21:31
Apeldoorn -- 2:15
Apollo (deity) -- 15:27 16:13
Aponte, Dennis -- 15:30 19:9
Appolonios -- 14:27
Aquarius (constellation) -- 16:14
Aquinas, St Thomas -- 17:20
Arab/Arabs/Arabia/Arabic --
2:26 3:23 8:37 9:38 10:6 17:31 20:9
Arabian Nights Entertainment, The (book) -- 12:32
arachnophobia -- 19:24
Aragon, Jules -- 7:4
Arbenz, Richard -- 11:8
Arbitman, Debra -- 11:36
Archdiocese of New York -- 4:9
Archer (lawyer) -- 8:20
archetypes, Jungian -- 16:15
Arctic -- 9:23
arete (αρετη=virtue, Greek) -- 14:26
Argentina -- 12:6
Argo (ship) -- 14:27
Argonauts -- 14:28
Arizona Blues (short story) -- 18:15
Arkansas -- 13:8 18:24
Arlington Street Church (Boston) Parish Hall -- 7:12
Armley Prison -- 2:6
Army, British -- 13:20
Army, United States -- 13:8
Arnhem, Netherlands -- 1:18 1:23 2:14
Arnold (publisher) -- 13:20
Art & Jeunesse Youth (periodical) -- 12:40
Art and Architecture Department, Cornell University -- 19:7
art, erotic -- 13:10
Artesia Hall School -- 18:13
Arthes, Billy -- 19:33
Artifical Princess, The (1915) (book) -- 11:23
Arts, Minister of, France -- 18:9
Aryan -- 10:37
Asbestos Diary, The (1966) (book) -- 3:26 7:18 13:23 20:26
Asia -- 3:28 8:5 13:22
Asia's Delights for Tourists (article) -- 17:6
Asian Minor: The True Story of Ganymede, An (1981) (book) --
14:24 15:6
asphyxiophilia -- 12:46
Associated Press (AP)(news service) --
10:12 13:10 15:11 18:5 18:8 18:13 19:10 20:16
Association for Canoeing (Hajo Ortil's nudist group) -- 9:21 19:2
Association for the Advancement of Social Scientific Sex Research (GFSS), Germany
1:6 1:18 7:11
Association of Psychologist [sic] of Quebec -- 17:11
At the Back of the North Wind (1871) (book) -- 5:21
At the Money Fount (article) -- 12:7
Atascadero State Hospital, California -- 5:6
Athens -- 7:28 13:22 19:26 21:31
Athletic Models Guild (AMG) -- 5:27
Atlanta -- 9:7
Atlanta Fugiens (1618) (book) -- 7:19
Atlas Mountains -- 3:22
attacks on boy-lovers in prison --
2:6 3:18 4:4 4:10 9:33 10:12 11:11 11:17 11:32 15:32
15:36 16:7 18:22 19:9 20:4 20:16
attention from boy-lover as flattering to boy --
1:27 3:5 5:30 8:38 9:20 10:18 11:4 12:9 12:10 14:19
17:27 18:19 18:28 20:30 21:30
Attic Adolescent -- 19:26
Attica (Greece) -- 19:26
Attica Prison -- 13:13
Attila -- 4:30
Attorney General, Britain -- 8:21 17:14
Attorney General, Delaware -- 4:30
Attorney General, Illinois -- 4:30
Attorney General, Massachusetts -- 10:8
Attorney General, New York --
6:6 6:9 9:6 11:9 16:10 20:12
Attorney General, New York State -- 3:29
Attorney General, Ontario, Canada -- 4:9 17:9
Attorney General, United States -- 17:8
attraction to boys exists in all men -- 19:18
attraction to boys stronger than legal penalties against it -- 19:18
Au Courant (periodical) -- 20:14
Auckland --
10:5 13:3 16:6 17:4 17:5 18:12
Auckland Star (newspaper) -- 17:5 18:13
Auffrand, Roger -- 15:19
Augusta, Maine -- 2:6
Augustine, Saint -- 17:19 17:26
Aurora Publications -- 13:10
Auschwitz -- 17:20 17:31
Austin American Statesman (newspaper) -- 9:11
Austin Pedophile Study Group (ASPG) -- 15:11
Austin, Texas -- 15:11 20:14 20:38
Australia/Australian --
2:4 2:6 2:7 3:27 3:28 5:28 6:25 7:14 8:8 8:9
9:4 9:8 9:12 10:5 10:7 10:10 10:32 11:6 12:3 12:5
12:38 13:6 13:12 13:31 14:3 14:8 15:5 16:5 16:7 17:3
17:13 18:6 19:10 19:26 20:12 21:10
Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science -- 9:8
Australian Anti-Discrimination Board -- 1:6
Australian Association of Sex Educators -- 10:5
Australian Crime Prevention Council Quarterly Journal (journal) -- 14:4
Australian Institute of Criminology -- 15:5
Australian Paedophile Support Group -- 19:10
Austria/Austrian -- 2:28 9:18
autoassassinatophilia -- 12:46
Auvergne, France -- 10:19
Ave Maria -- 14:24
Avenue (periodical) -- 11:12
aversion therapy --
2:27 9:36 10:29 10:35 13:7 15:5 17:20
Avery Hotel, Boston -- 20:15
AVRO (Dutch television) -- 20:7
Award for Courageous Advocacy -- 4:7
B.L. Ltd. (U.S. postal sting) -- 16:4 20:37
B.S.A.F. Newsletter (periodical) -- 9:44
babies as alleged sex objects -- 8:16 10:17 18:20 20:38
baby-blaster -- 15:36
Backe, Lone -- 6:4
backsadilla -- 11:24
Baden, Dr Michael -- 3:29 6:6 15:12 17:4
Baden-Powell, Lord -- 16:8
Bagarozy, Ed -- 21:11
Bagatsing, Mayor -- 9:4
Baguio City, Philippines -- 14:7
Bahadur Shah -- 7:20
Bailey, Raymond -- 13:7
Baker, Dr Tony -- 17:15
Baker, Ian David -- 2:4
Baker, Judge Edward -- 13:13
Baker, Rusty -- 15:8
Baker boys (Swithinbank case) -- 13:13
Baker III, Harold R. -- 13:15 15:29 15:37
Bakersfield, California -- 12:12 20:16
bakla (=foreign homosexual, Philippine slang) -- 18:5
Baldwin, James -- 5:23
Baldy the Clown -- 6:10
Balearic island -- 12:3
Balkin, Diane -- 19:38
Ball, Graham -- 8:18
"Ballets Bleu" scandal -- 13:4
Baltara Reception Centre, Parkville, Sydney, Australia -- 17:13
Baltic Sea -- 11:34
Baltimore --
4:6 4:31 5:27 6:8 11:5 15:13 17:10 17:12 18:8 19:10
19:33 20:3 21:20
Baltimore News-American (newspaper) -- 11:6
Baltimore Sun (newspaper) -- 17:12
Bambi (1942) (film) -- 10:17
Bambini-Sex (magazine) -- 21:45
Bancroft, John -- 7:25
Bangkok -- 8:5 12:12 13:5
bankruptcy as a cause for paedophilia (!) -- 12:12
Baptist -- 9:7
barangay tanod -- 14:6
Barcelona -- 1:18 5:5 21:45
Barclay, Humphrey -- 16:4
Barnardos, Newton-Abbey -- 20:9
Barnens Ö (1976) (book) -- 11:16
Barnens Ö (1978) (film) -- 10:4 11:16
Barns, William -- 1:3 4:14
"Baron Corvo" -- 5:24 14:22 16:15
Baron of Tichfield -- 19:19
Barrault, Jean-Louis -- 12:15
Barrie, David -- 5:23
Barrie, James Matthew -- 5:20
Basler, Barbara -- 13:12
Bathurst-Norman, Judge G. -- 4:10
Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- 20:37
battered child syndrome -- 13:26
Bauman, Rep Robert E. -- 7:5 8:9 13:8
Baurmann, Michael C. -- 17:6 19:6
Bawnmore, Belfast -- 20:9
Baxter, Paul -- 15:24
Bay Area Reporter (newspaper) -- 13:8
BBC (radio) -- 21:5
BBC (television) -- 13:20 17:14 17:15
BBC News Night (television program) -- 17:16
Beach, Gary -- 2:28
Beach, Leonard -- 19:6
Beach Boy (short story) -- 14:10
Beacon, New York -- 12:6
Beagle (?) (newspaper, Lexington, Kentucky) -- 12:11
Bearse, Richard -- 1:31 2:22
Beast of Berlin, The (article) -- 8:22
Beatrix, Queen -- 5:6
Bedford, England -- 19:12
Beemer, Professor -- 15:26
Beer, Ian -- 16:4
Beerbohm, Max -- 5:22
Begin, Menachem -- 17:31
behavior-modification therapy -- 13:7
Behavioral Science Unit, FBI Academy -- 15:7
Being (article) -- 21:43
Being Compassionate (short story) -- 6:12
Belem, Brazil -- 18:19
Belfast -- 7:10 20:9
Belgium/Belgian --
4:5 4:8 5:4 6:5 6:21 7:14 10:7 11:13 12:4 13:5
15:28 16:3 16:30 17:7 21:7
Bell, Alan P. -- 3:5
Bell, William -- 3:5
belly dancers -- 3:20
Ben (magazine) -- 11:34
Ben (photographer) -- 4:3
Benkovitz, Miriam Jeanette -- 11:26
Bennett, Det Ralph -- 11:8 15:8 17:5 20:15
Benson, E.F. -- 7:28
Bentley, Ward -- 12:10
Berber -- 14:20
Berber Arabs -- 3:21
Bergen County Police, New Jersey -- 18:7
Berkel, Michiel -- 18:27
Berkeley, California -- 5:5 9:13
Berlin --
8:4 9:10 11:34 11:39 15:10 16:15 20:14 21:20 21:31
Berlin, Dr Fred S. -- 11:5 15:13
Berliner, Ross -- 10:30
Bern/Berne, Switzerland -- 9:3 11:11
Bernard, Dr Frits --
1:6 1:15 1:29 2:6 2:7 2:15 3:13 6:20 7:15 7:21
7:27 8:4 9:10 11:31 12:9 13:6 14:25 19:6 21:10 21:19
Bernard Stichting (Foundation), Frits -- 2:21
Berven, Brittany -- 18:9
Bessoro -- 12:32
Best Kept Secret: Sexual Abuse of Children, The (1980) (book)
7:8 8:32
Bethe, Erich -- 15:27 21:31
Betrifft Beziehung (periodical) -- 9:10
Better Life Monthly (periodical) -- 1:4 2:24 4:7 5:28 19:38
Bexleyheath, Kent, England -- 1:6
Bey, Hakim -- 7:19 17:22 18:26 21:20 21:23
Bible --
4:26 10:31 10:38 11:36 12:11 12:45 13:27
Bible-Belt -- 13:14 18:24
Bible class -- 9:7
Bibliography of Hard-Cover Series-Type Boys' Books, A (1977) (book)
Big Bertha - The Balloon Buster -- 8:15
"Big Brother" (Orwellian term from "1984") -- 2:7 20:38
Big Brothers of America -- 4:28 5:29 9:13 11:8
Big Brothers-Big Sisters -- 7:31
Biggest Corrupter of Boys in the World -- 21:45
Bilgin, Huseyn -- 2:5
Birken, Heinz -- 11:34
Birkin, Andrew -- 5:22
Birmingham, England -- 6:4 21:6
Birnbaum, H. Jean -- 9:12
birth control -- see: contraception
Birth Defects of the External Sex Organs and Erotosexual Functioning (conference paper)
Bishop, Arthur -- 18:13
Bishop of Breda, Netherlands -- 1:17
Bitola, Macedonia -- 1:19
Bjelke-Petersen, Premier -- 20:13
Black Piet -- 2:11
Black Stallion (1979), The (film) -- 5:9
blackmail --
2:5 4:4 6:31 7:6 7:12 7:14 7:25 9:4 10:17 13:3
13:9 14:3 15:19 18:5 18:6 20:10 20:22 20:38 21:33
Blackwater - A Novella (short story) -- 21:23
blasphemy -- 1:27 8:18 17:19 17:20 17:21
Bleibtreu-Ehrenberg, Dr Gisela -- 6:20 7:27
Bloomington, Indiana -- 10:4 18:3
Bloomsbury -- 5:23
Blue Jeans (play) -- 12:5
Blue Vespers or Texts for Jesse (short story) -- 21:23
Bluher, Hans -- 21:33
Board of Education, Germany -- 9:22
Board of Selectmen -- 15:38
boarding school -- 21:32
Bodley Head (publisher) -- 13:22 14:22
Body Human, The (article) -- 8:26
Body Human: Facts for Boys, The (television documentary) -- 8:26
Body Politic, The (periodical) -- 4:9 17:9 17:12
Bogota (Bagot) -- 12:10 18:18
Boldt, Rainer -- 4:4
Bolton Evening Post (newspaper) -- 20:16
Bolton, England -- 20:16
Bom-Crioulo, The Black Man and the Cabin Boy (1895/1983) (book) -- 14:25
Bombardier, Denise -- 17:11 20:12
Bon Sexe Illustre ~Le, Le (1974) (1974) (book) -- 10:22
Bond, Tim --
8:5 9:4 9:28 10:7 10:38 11:5 12:41 13:5 15:13 17:29
Bondi, Australia -- 8:9
bonding, opposite-sex -- 21:38
bonding, same-sex -- 21:38
Bonin, [Massachusetts Superior Court] Chief Justice Robert M. --
1:7 4:7 18:22
Bonin, William - incorrect entry; see: Bonin, Robert -- 18:22
Bonke, P. -- 5:10
Bonn, Germany -- 7:11 20:11
Bonnell, Ralph -- 4:7 5:7 9:13 9:45 10:17
Bonner, Lane -- 18:8
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (book) -- 12:32 16:22
Boothby, Lord -- 5:23
Borgens Forlag -- 10:3
Bornemann, Ernest -- 2:28
Boston --
1:7 2:4 2:22 2:23 3:5 4:7 7:5 7:10 7:12 8:10
8:12 8:15 9:11 9:37 10:8 10:33 10:34 11:11 11:32 12:9
13:11 15:7 15:29 15:39 16:24 17:12 18:5 19:7 20:15 21:20
Boston-Boise Committee/Boston-Boise Scandal --
1:20 2:22 2:23 4:6 7:10 8:10 8:35 10:16 16:10 18:22
Boston City Hospital -- 12:7 19:7
Boston Globe (newspaper) --
1:7 4:8 9:9 10:13 11:12 12:9 12:10 15:36 17:8 20:15
Boston Herald (newspaper) --
2:4 3:5 12:10 13:11 15:38 17:12 20:15
Boston Police Vice Squad -- 8:16
Boston Public Library -- 2:4
Boston Sex Scandal, The (1980) (book) -- 8:34 9:37 11:28
Boston University -- 8:12 9:11 11:11 20:20
Boston University Medical Center -- 19:22
Boston University School of Nursing -- 12:7
Bouchard, Dr Alain -- 17:11 20:12
Boulder, Colorado -- 6:24
Boulin, Bertrand -- 15:23
bourgeoisie -- 6:19
Box Brownie -- 19:13
Boy and the Dagger, The (1982) (book) -- 13:2 13:23 17:22
boy-love as antidote to sexual repression -- 20:32
boy-love as beneficial, expert opinion -- 10:8 19:37 21:19
boy-love as initiation/preparation for adult life -- 7:7 7:27
Boy-Love as Religion (article) -- 16:11
boy-love as solution for (some) problems of childhood/adolescence --
19:37 21:8 21:19 21:31 21:43
boy-love different from androphile homosexuality -- 14:15
boy-love friendship, continuation into boy's adulthood --
5:6 7:25 9:21 10:3 10:32 11:3 14:28
boy-love function is to protect child/adolescent from destruction by competitive adult males
(zoological hypothesis)
Boy Love News (periodical) -- 21:8
boy-love relationship, criticism for limited duration of -- 8:14 9:10 15:7
boy-love, non-sexual -- 11:38 21:4
boy-love, persistence of, despite attempts to eliminate it --
3:13 9:32 14:14 17:26 19:24 21:42
boy-love, zoological hypothesis -- 14:13
boy-lover, J. Edgar Hoover as -- 13:29
boy-lovers replacing gays as society's sexual outlaws --
9:29 12:44 21:5 21:7
boy-love[r] -- see also: paedophilia, pedophilia, child-adult
boy scout troop -- 6:23
Boy Scouts, America --
4:28 7:31 8:3 8:34 9:13 17:12 19:38 20:28
Boy Scouts, Britain -- 8:23 16:8
Boy Scouts, Germany -- 9:21 13:8
Boy Scouts, Spain -- 21:44
Boy With Three Names, A (short story) -- 21:26
Boy's Own Story, A (1982) (book) -- 17:22 18:24 21:8
boy, older, natural partner is a man (Bielefeld) -- 19:37
Boy: A Photographic Essay, The (1964) (photo book) -- 9:26
Boys and Girls (article) -- 19:35
boys as the perfect expression of Beauty -- 6:24
Boys in Bronze (sculpture) -- 17:25
Boys on My Paths (1977) (book) -- 11:34
boys sexually "assaulted" on repeated voluntary visits -- 11:9 15:12 15:21
Boys Speak Out on Man-Boy Love (pamphlet) -- 10:6
Boys Town Manila -- 9:4
Boys Will Be Boys (1966) (photo book) -- 9:26
Boys' Dreams (1980) (book) -- 11:34
boys' sexual needs, girls in adolescence not well matched to -- 19:35
Bradberry, Detective -- 11:16
Bradford Target (newspaper) -- 18:3
Bradford, England -- 3:6 18:3
Brahman caste -- 13:21
Bratles, The (rock music group) -- 14:3
Brattleboro, Vermont -- 17:9
Braun, Enid -- 6:25
Bray, Alan -- 13:31
Brazil -- 2:22 12:5 16:4 16:10 18:19
Breaking the Silence (pamphlet) -- 10:4
Breda, Netherlands -- 1:17 2:15 7:15
Bremen, Germany -- 17:13
Bremner, Dr Peter -- 13:9 17:15
Brenda Cherry Centre, Subiaco (Australia) -- 10:5
Breslin, Jimmy -- 7:5
Bressan, Arthur J. -- 13:12 16:6
bribery, police -- 20:10
bridge function of education -- 21:34
Bridge Over Troubled Waters (youth organization) -- 8:15
Bridgeport Theatre, Elkhart, Indiana -- 10:12
Bridges, Danny -- 20:10
Bridgewater State Hospital, Massachusetts -- 8:11 9:11
Brigade des Stupefiants et du Proxenetisme (BSP), France -- 15:19
Briggs, John -- 18:21
Briggs, Mike -- 16:4
Briggs, Ronnie -- 16:4
Bright, Particular Galazy of Boys, A (short story) -- 11:23
Brighton, England -- 3:6 17:14 17:15
Brill, David -- 4:7
Brisbane -- 10:5
Brisbane Sunday Mail (newspaper) -- 10:32
Brisbane, Australia -- 8:8 14:3 20:13
Bristol Day Care scandal -- 20:15
Bristow, Justice -- 4:4
Britain/British (see also: England) --
2:23 3:18 3:20 5:5 5:15 6:11 7:10 7:22 8:17 9:6
9:33 10:4 12:6 16:6 20:6
British Association of Social Workers (BASW) -- 11:15
British Blasphemy Act of 1698 -- 17:20
British Board of Censors -- 9:5
British Boxing Board of Control -- 9:11 13:7
British Empire -- 1:26
British High Commissioner in Canada -- 8:22
British Information Services, New York -- 8:22
British Journal of Criminology (journal) -- 6:8
British Military Government of West Berlin -- 8:22
British School, The Hague -- 8:20
Brittany -- 18:9
Broad Street Journal (BSJ) (periodical) --
4:27 8:16 9:45 16:4 20:37
Broadway -- 2:8
Brockley, London -- 14:30
Brockton, Massachusetts -- 15:34 19:9
Brodl, Herbert -- 4:4
Brongersma, Dr Edward --
2:17 2:28 3:25 4:24 5:5 5:8 5:25 6:5 6:8 6:26
7:21 7:28 8:6 8:17 8:36 9:25 9:40 10:9 10:18 10:35
11:3 11:33 12:41 13:26 14:26 15:26 16:29 17:26 18:27 19:35
20:8 20:30 21:9 21:30
Brongersma Stichting (Foundation), Edward -- 2:21 11:16 19:2
Bronstein, Alvin -- 4:6
Bronx Lebanon Hospital -- 3:4
Bronx, New York -- 20:15 21:11
Brooklyn -- 5:9 9:39
Brooklyn (Catholic) Diocese, New York -- 15:12
Brophy, Brigid -- 11:26
brothel -- 17:27
Brother Edmund -- 7:31
Brother Paul -- 4:28 9:44
Brothers, Dr Joyce -- 16:27
Brown, Detective Inspector -- 17:14
Brown Jr, Gov Edmund G. 'Jerry' -- 9:13 10:12
Bruhl, Germany -- 20:11
Brussels -- 6:6 7:14 10:7 11:17 17:7
Bryant, Anita --
1:4 1:26 3:6 5:8 8:34 18:21
Buddhism/Buddhist -- 1:25 10:6 16:12 18:26
Buena Park, California -- 2:7
Buffiere, Professor Felix -- 15:27
buggery -- 6:31
Bull Ring district of Birmingham -- 6:4
Bulletin Today (newspaper) -- 9:4 11:7 18:5
Bullough, Dr Vern L. -- 20:14
Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden (publisher) -- 17:6
Bunker, Mrs Archie -- 6:7
Burdick, Bob -- 9:39
Bureau for Social Services, Lexington, Kentucky -- 11:36
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA), Minneapolis, Minnesota -- 19:3
Burgess, Ann Wolbert --
8:12 9:3 9:11 11:12 11:14 12:7 17:8 19:6 19:7 19:10
Burghley, Lord -- 19:19
Burkhard, Paul -- 5:6
Burkhardt, Michael -- 20:11
Burns, Anne -- 4:8
Burton, Lindy -- 3:30
Burton, Sir Richard Francis -- 12:32
Butler, Robert -- 18:14
Butters, Tom -- 8:25
Buzzard Bay, Massachusetts -- 15:29
Byrne, District Attorney Garrett --
4:7 7:10 8:34 9:9 10:8 18:21
cabin boys, merchant marine -- 20:5
Cal Poly Pomona -- 7:9
Calcutta -- 12:10 13:21
Calderone, Dr Mary Steichen -- 4:5 6:31 16:9
Califano Jr, Joseph A. -- 15:5
Califia, Pat -- 7:4 10:34
California --
4:7 5:5 5:28 8:5 8:15 9:13 9:45 10:12 10:13 10:17
11:8 11:9 11:13 12:4 12:6 12:7 12:9 12:12 13:5 13:6
13:11 14:4 14:5 15:11 15:14 15:39 16:4 16:5 16:6 16:7
16:8 17:5 17:12 17:13 18:9 18:21 19:5 19:9 19:10 19:28
20:11 20:14 20:15 20:16 20:37
California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, California -- 16:5
California Highway Patrol (CHP) -- 16:8
California Men's Colony (prison), San Luis Obispo -- 19:28 20:11
Caligula -- 13:13
Caligula (1979) (film) -- 9:5
Calvin, John -- 6:31
Calvin (England) -- 17:20
Calvinism -- 1:15 2:15 6:5
Cambridge University -- 6:8 11:23 12:41 13:20 15:4
Camilla -- 16:3
Caminha, Adolfo -- 14:25
Camp NSW (newspaper) -- 5:28
Campaign (periodical) --
1:6 9:4 10:32 13:12 15:5 18:7
Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE)(Great Britain) --
3:6 5:5 8:17 17:16
Campbell, Ken -- 4:9
Campbell, Tim -- 19:3
Campbell, Walter -- 20:13
camping --
3:6 8:14 9:21 13:3 13:14 19:2 20:11 21:44
Camus, Albert -- 18:26
Canada --
2:6 2:15 2:22 2:23 4:6 4:9 8:22 12:8 12:9 12:40
15:25 16:6 17:9 17:10 17:11 18:10 20:12 21:10
Canary Islands -- 21:44
Canberra -- 13:12
Canberra Times (newspaper) -- 13:12
Canby, Vincent -- 16:7
cancer, anti-androgen drugs as cause of -- 15:14
Candelario, Aner -- 6:11
caning (punishment) -- 13:27 17:15
Cannibalism and the Common Law (1984) (book) -- 20:5
Cape Cod, Massachusetts -- 17:3
Capelle-aan-de-Ijsel -- 2:15
Capetown -- 18:11
capital punishment for rape of child rejected -- 11:15
Caplan, Prof Gerald M. -- 8:9 11:13
CAPM - Conspiracy [Campaign] Against Public Morals (defense organization)
3:6 7:11 8:23
Capri, Italy -- 18:20
Caprice of Some Cherubim, A (short story) -- 14:23
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da -- 16:15
Cardiff, Wales -- 19:4
Carroll, Lewis -- 5:20
Carter, Jimmy -- 4:26
Carter, Robert -- 20:37
Casanova (personality type) -- 15:20
Case for Torture, The (article) -- 17:31
case study reports, boys involved with paedophiles -- 5:10
case study reports, retrospective -- 3:13
Cassell (publisher) -- 10:33
Castano, James -- 11:37
castration --
2:25 5:30 9:36 9:44 10:29 13:11 21:8
Castro, Fidel -- 1:7
Catalan -- 12:3
Catalyst Press (publisher) -- 9:38
Catford (London) Police Station -- 14:30
Catford police, London -- 11:38 17:14
Cathars/Catharists -- 8:12
Catholic Archdiocese, Brooklyn -- 6:10
Catholic Leader (periodical) -- 20:13
Catholic Seminary -- 14:22
Catholic University of Nijmegen -- 4:6 5:14 10:8 15:26
Catholic Women's League (Philippines) -- 9:4
Catholic/Catholic Church (see also: Roman Catholic) --
4:4 6:10 6:23 7:31 11:6 11:23 14:9 14:26 17:9 17:12
17:19 18:13 19:29 20:15
Cato (Institute?) -- 1:5
Catskill, New York -- 2:4
Catullus -- 9:39
Caucasian tourists -- 14:6
Caucasians -- 17:4
Cayman Islands -- 13:8
CBS (television) --
3:27 4:29 8:26 13:11 15:5 16:4 18:12
censorship --
8:8 9:5 11:6 12:5 20:13 20:14
Center for Child Abuse and Neglect -- 9:3
Central African Empire -- 2:22
Central America -- 17:3
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)(U.S.) -- 3:4 9:44 21:44
Central [Railway] Station, Bonn -- 20:11
Ceylon -- 1:25 7:12 10:39 15:6
Ceylon Daily News (newspaper) -- 6:11 10:6 17:6
Ceylon Observer (newspaper) -- 8:5
Ceylonese youth -- 10:6
Chalkley, A.J. -- 9:36
Chambre d'Accusation (Court of Criminal Appeal), France -- 15:19
Changing Prisons (1975) (book) -- 7:22
Channel 11 (television station, New York City) -- 21:12
chap-stik -- 11:4
Chapel of St Matthew, Church of San Luigi dei Francesi -- 16:15
Chapman, Detective Inspector -- 2:31
Chapman, Justice -- 6:6 8:8
Chappaquiddick -- 7:5
Chardak, Henriette -- 15:21
Charles, Prince -- 10:7
Charles, Raymond -- 17:8
Charlton, Lesley -- 8:19
Chartres -- 1:22
Chatarpur, India -- 13:20
Chattanooga, Tennessee -- 12:34
Chatto & Windus (publisher) -- 13:22
Chautemps, David -- 15:19
Chavarri, Jaime -- 2:5
Chelmsford -- 3:4
Cheltenham, England -- 14:5
chemical castration --
1:23 2:12 2:20 3:18 4:31 5:30 6:4 9:36 10:3 10:5
10:6 10:29 11:5 12:44 12:46 15:14 16:9 17:10 17:20 18:3
18:4 19:10 19:30 19:33 20:16
CHIC (magazine) -- 5:7
Chicago --
2:24 5:30 9:43 19:5 20:9 20:10 20:34 20:37
Chicago Police -- 17:19 20:38
Chicago Sun-Times (newspaper) -- 20:11
Chicago Tribune (newspaper) --
1:28 2:24 4:28 5:29 17:19 20:11
Chichester, New York -- 10:16 13:16
Chicken (1979) (book) -- 9:39
chicken hawk -- 9:35
Chief Censor, Australia -- 12:5
Chief Medical Examiner, New York City -- 3:29 17:4
Child Abuse and Neglect (journal) -- 3:27
Child Abuse and Treatment Act of 1974 (United States) -- 9:3
child abuse by giving children misinformation -- 19:24
child abuse by keeping children ignorant -- 13:28
child abuse, mental -- 13:26
child abuse, non-sexual -- 13:26 18:13
child abuse, verbal -- 13:26
Child-Abuse-Industry (CAI) --
1:6 2:25 3:28 4:26 5:5 5:9 6:8 8:9 8:10 8:15
9:6 9:13 10:8 10:9 10:30 10:38 11:7 11:14 12:3 12:7
12:12 12:43 13:11 13:13 15:7 15:8 15:39 17:30 21:14
Child Abuse: The Ultimate Betrayal (article) -- 17:8
child-adult -- see also: paedophilia, pedophilia, boy-love[r]
child-adult contact as described by the child --
2:8 2:16 2:27 2:28 2:30 3:13 3:25 4:6 4:14 4:18
4:22 5:7 5:10 5:25 6:5 6:18 6:26 7:7 8:3 8:35
8:38 9:8 9:34 9:41 10:6 10:8 10:10 10:33 10:36 11:3
11:32 12:18 12:35 13:14 15:3 15:10 15:23 15:39 16:8 17:3
17:6 17:26 18:8 19:5 19:7 19:22 19:39 20:33 21:6 21:15
child-adult contact as guardian of the "spark of adolescence" -- 15:27 21:34
Child and Youth Sexuality in Crisis (1979) (book) -- 2:5
child as symbol of "wholeness" -- 16:16
Child Lovers (1981, unpublished), The (manuscript) -- 9:13 17:21
Child-Lovers: A Study of Paedophiles in Society, The (1983) (book)
16:24 17:6
Child Molestation: The Criminal Justice System (report) -- 9:43
child molester hotline -- 7:5
child-molester's lib -- 15:7
Child Molesters Facing a Full-Time Foe (article) -- 11:7
child molesters, national registry of, United States -- 11:15
child molesting destroys the child, is "worse than murder" --
1:31 4:27 5:27 8:8 8:14 8:15 11:7 11:17 12:41 15:20
17:19 17:30
child neglect -- 13:26 18:13
child porn worse than alcoholism -- 16:8
Child Pornography Unit, Indianapolis Police Department -- 12:42
Child Protection Act (Britain) -- 1:4 1:6
Child Protection Act of 1984 (United States) -- 20:6
child protection authorities -- 8:4
Child Protection Authority, Netherlands -- 2:16 4:19
Child Protection, English Style (article) -- 5:15
child protection, instinct for -- 14:13
child sex and pornography, inflated estimates of --
1:6 2:25 3:28 4:26 5:5 5:9 6:8 8:9 8:10 8:15
9:6 9:13 9:43 10:8 11:14 12:3 12:7 12:12 12:43 13:11
13:13 14:8 14:9 15:7 16:7 16:10 18:10 18:12 18:19 19:10
Child Sex Victory Party (article) -- 19:10
Child Sexual Abuse By Neglect (article) -- 13:26
child's initiative for intimate contact --
3:14 5:5 8:24 8:33 9:8 9:28 9:32 9:35 9:36 10:22
10:33 10:37 11:4 11:6 12:18 14:25 16:31 18:19 18:28 21:43
child's need for older people -- 21:34
Child, Adult and Sexuality (conference) -- 10:8
childhood can be lost when one becomes an adult -- 21:34
Childhood Sensuality Circle (CSC) --
5:7 7:21 8:15 11:15 12:12 12:43 13:10 16:10 20:14 20:38
childhood, new concept of, in 20th Century -- 21:33
childhood, opposite male qualities briefly united during -- 16:16
Childre, Dave -- 11:37
Children and Family Services, Department of, Illinois -- 20:10
Children and Sex: New Findings, New Perspectives (1981) (book)
10:8 11:28 12:11 12:37
children as property -- 7:8 18:27
Children in Chains (1981) (book) -- 10:30 17:21
Children of the Americas (organization) -- 12:11
children protected, kept "innocent" too long --
5:25 6:7 6:21 13:27 16:9 16:29 18:27 19:21
children victimized become paedophiles themselves -- 15:14
Children's Bureau, Istanbul -- 2:5
Children's Island (1978) (film) -- 10:4 11:16
Children's Legal Centre, Britain -- 18:13
children's liberation --
2:15 6:11 6:19 6:25 7:6 7:10 7:25 15:3 15:7 15:22
17:21 18:6 18:18 21:10 21:35
children's liberation -- see also: children's rights
Children's Nudist Camp, Vermont -- 4:28
children's rights -- see also: children's liberation
Children's Television Workshop (television production company, U.S.) -- 18:12
children, adult bonding with -- 21:40
children, non-sexual love for, by gay man -- 11:38
children, unpleasantness of modern -- 11:27
China -- 6:23
China Sea Postcards (short story) -- 21:23
Choosing Children (1985) (film) -- 21:9
Christ -- 10:24 15:27 17:20
Christ -- see also: Jesus
Christian, Sam -- 20:10
Christian Committee on Moral Concerns -- 9:13
Christian Democrat (CDA)(Dutch political party) -- 2:18
Christian Democratic Appeal (Dutch political group) -- 1:24
Christian Democratic Union (German political party) -- 9:23
Christian fundamentalists -- 4:9
Christian mysticism -- 12:45
Christian sex morality -- 11:36
Christian/Christianity --
2:17 2:23 2:28 3:28 4:30 5:25 6:5 6:10 7:6 7:22
8:5 8:8 8:30 9:7 9:28 9:44 10:11 10:12 10:23 10:35
11:15 11:32 12:11 12:46 13:31 14:9 14:23 15:22 15:24 16:3
16:5 16:11 16:15 17:19 17:20 17:30 20:11 20:21 20:32 21:20
Christianisation -- 19:4
Christianity's shift over time from "love" to "chastity" -- 19:4
Christopher Street (periodical) -- 5:4 5:9 6:7 18:24
Christopher, Saint -- 5:21
Chubb, Ralph Nicholas -- 15:27
Church of England -- 7:7
Church Street Station Post Office -- 6:10
cimili (=boy between 6 and 9, Albanian) -- 1:19
Cincinnati, Ohio -- 9:8 10:10 10:11
circumcision, female -- 17:10
Citizen (periodical) -- 17:11 17:12
City College of New York -- 17:31
City Paper (newspaper) -- 19:33
City Rhythm (periodical) -- 13:6
Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts -- 4:7
civil suit for defamation of character -- 20:12
civil suits against "child molesters" -- 7:31 10:23 17:12 18:8
civil suits against police and the press -- 10:11 20:4 20:12 21:11
Claesen, Abel -- 11:5
Clairvaux Christian Brothers College -- 8:8
Clapson, Gordon -- 10:12
Clarke, James -- 6:6 8:8
Class Struggle -- 7:11
Classical Association -- 19:4
Claverack, New York -- 6:5
Clemenza (city) -- 11:25
Cleveland, Grover -- 1:28
Cleveland, Ohio -- 6:9 18:14 20:34
Clicking Beat on the Brink of Nada (1983) (book) -- 18:24
Clift, Montgomery -- 17:4
Club International (gay bar) -- 12:9
Club Magazine (periodical) -- 12:5
Coakley, Robert -- 7:31
cobalt treatment -- 4:9
COC - Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum, Netherlands -- 1:15 1:16 20:7
COC Magazine (magazine) -- 1:16
Cockpit Theatre, Marylebone, London -- 20:5
coitus -- 6:28
Colantuono, Louis A. --
16:3 17:23 18:26 19:28 20:11 21:29 21:43
Collages (photo book) -- 16:28
Collingwood, Australia -- 20:13
Collins, Detective Sergeant -- 2:31
Collins, Glenn -- 12:8
Cologne, Germany -- 20:11
Colombani, Christian -- 15:22
Colombia -- 12:10 18:18
Colombo --
1:25 7:13 8:5 9:28 10:6 10:8 10:39 15:6 16:7 17:6
Colorado --
8:16 13:8 17:30 19:5 19:38 20:28 20:37
Coltsfoot Press (publisher) --
1:29 3:26 13:2 13:23 17:24 19:2 19:7 19:26 20:6 20:11
20:26 21:3 21:10 21:20 21:24
Columbia-Greene Classis -- 6:5
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center, New York City -- 12:8
Columbia TV -- 7:13
Columbia University -- 1:28
Combat Zone (Boston's "Red Light" district) -- 20:15
Coming of Age Rites: Institutionalized Paedophilia Among the Papuans and Melanesians (1980)
coming-out -- 6:25
commie (communist) -- 15:31
Commission d'Expert pour la revision du Code Penal (Switzerland) -- 9:3
Commissioner on Immigration and Deportation (Philippines) -- 14:6
Committee of Criminal Justice, United States -- 18:23
Committee on Morality -- 1:5
Committee on the Judiciary -- 4:26
Commonwealth Attorney, Kentucky -- 11:37
Communist -- 1:7 16:5
Communist (French political party) -- 10:24
Communist (German political party) -- 9:23
communists -- 2:26 17:6
Community Welfare Services Department, Sydney, Australia -- 17:13
Community Welfare, Department for, Australia -- 14:8
Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli (1926) (book) -- 11:25
Concord, California -- 16:5
concubinage -- 14:19
conference on aspects of homosexuality, Quebec, 1983 -- 17:10
Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, Fifth National, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1981
Congress on Child ABuse and Neglect, Third International, Amsterdam, 1981
Congress, United States -- 12:7 15:5
Connecticut -- 7:10
Connecticut Department of Correction -- 9:11
Connecticut State Prison -- 15:8 17:20 18:23
Conseil de l'Etat, Luxembourg -- 21:8
Conseil de Presse du Quebec -- 17:11 20:12
consent -- see also: age of consent
consent as essential for "true" boy-lover -- 21:7
consent, ability of child to --
2:27 6:18 7:24 8:3 9:12 9:32 10:3 10:8 10:30 10:36
11:6 11:13 11:31 12:6 12:12 12:13 12:35 12:41 15:4 16:27
16:29 17:12 17:15 18:6 19:30 21:4 21:7 21:8 21:10 21:15
Conservative (British political party) -- 4:8 7:26 8:18 8:21 13:9
conservative backlash -- 16:9
conspiracy to change a boy's homosexuality, civil suit for -- 10:11
Conspiracy [Campaign] Against Public Morals (CAPM) (defense organization)
3:6 7:11 8:23
Constantine, Larry L. --
2:6 10:8 10:28 11:28 12:11 12:37 13:6 19:6
Constantinople -- see also: Istanbul
Constitution, United States --
4:26 4:29 8:8 10:11 13:9 14:9 17:19 20:12
Contact (periodical) -- 10:26 15:6
Contact No.6 (pamphlet) -- 17:16
contraception (anticonception) -- 13:27
contraception/contraceptives (see also: birth control) --
4:25 16:10 17:3 18:13
Contras (Nicaragua), The -- 21:44
converting paedophiles and gays --
5:8 6:6 7:24 8:7 9:36 10:13 12:8 12:44 12:47 13:7
16:7 17:9 19:3
Conyers, Rep John -- 4:26 13:12
Conyers Crime Subcommittee Hearing, 1977 -- 4:8
Conyers Subcommittee, U.S. House of Representatives -- 9:43
Cook, Mark -- 2:6 10:28 11:28
Cooke, Dan -- 20:14
Cooper, Dennis -- 9:38
Cooper, Jim -- 13:8 13:14 18:7
Copenhagen --
3:4 4:8 5:4 6:4 8:7 10:3 11:34 12:43 13:11 16:6
17:13 18:3 20:4
Coppleson, Malcolm -- 3:28
Coppola, Francis Ford -- 5:9
coprophilia -- 12:46
Copthorne Assessment Centre, England -- 19:3
COQ International (publisher) -- 4:8 10:32 11:34 12:40 20:4
Coral Gables, Florida -- 17:19
"Coral" affair --
13:4 14:3 15:19 16:5 16:9 16:28 18:9
Coral, France -- 14:3
corduroy -- 15:20
Corlett, Rev David -- 6:5
Corn Flakes -- 16:18
Cornell Government Department -- 19:7
Cornell University -- 4:10 5:4 5:9 13:8 19:7
Cornwall -- 8:22
corporal punishment --
10:31 11:10 12:5 13:27 17:15 19:5
Corps Expeditionnaire -- 10:23
Correction, Department of, Florida -- 4:5
Correspondance (1983) (book) -- 18:11
Corrupted and Corruptors, The (article) -- 6:26
Corvo: Saint or Madman? (1971) (book) -- 14:22
Cossack pogrom -- 1:31
Costa Brava (1960) (book) -- 1:16 9:10 12:9 14:25
Costa in the Magic Forest (photo book) -- 16:28
Council for the Protection of Children (private organization, Philippines)
Council of Europe -- 5:5 15:4
Country Walk Babysitting Service scandal -- 20:16
Court of Appeal, Britain -- 9:33
Court of Appeal, London -- 4:4
Court of Appeal, Massachusetts -- 10:3
Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit, United States -- 20:34
Court of Appeals, California -- 16:4
Court of Appeals, Michigan -- 11:5 18:4
Court of Appeals, New York -- 12:3 13:9
Court of Appeals, United States -- 1:7 15:12
Court of Criminal Appeal, France -- 15:19
Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, European -- 8:18
Court, Australian -- 6:23
Court, Baltimore City -- 4:7
Court, Bow Street Magistrate's -- 3:6
Court, Brockton, Massachusetts, Superior -- 15:34
Court, Bromley Magistrate's, London -- 17:16
Court, Central Criminal, London -- 21:15
Court, Children's, Sydney, Australia -- 17:13
Court, Juvenile -- 8:11 9:8
Court, Juvenile, Eaton County, Michigan -- 18:8
Court, Los Angeles Superior -- 6:9
Court, Madrid High -- 21:44
Court, Magistrates', Worthing, England -- 19:3
Court, Massachusetts Superior -- 1:7 8:35 18:22
Court, New York Supreme -- 9:6
Court, Queensland, Australia -- 10:32
Court, Riverside, California, Municipal -- 15:11
Court, Superior, Plymouth County, Massachusetts -- 19:9
Court, United States District -- 16:9 21:11
Court, United States District, Manhattan -- 17:4
Court, United States Supreme -- 10:3 11:15 13:9 14:9 16:3
Court, Worcester (Massachusetts) Superior -- 1:31
Courts, British -- 6:7
Covenant House -- 14:9 17:11
Covent Garden -- 8:18
covert sensitization -- 10:29
Cowley, Alan -- 7:7
Cowper glands -- 6:27
Cox, David N. -- 16:24 17:6
Cradle of Civilisation -- 19:17
Crane, Rep Daniel B. -- 17:3
Crawford, David -- 10:29
Crete -- 15:28 16:14 21:31
Crime Against a Child Has No Equal, A (seminar) -- 17:30
Criminal Code, Belgium -- 17:7
Criminal Justice Committee, California Assembly -- 7:9
Criminological Institute, Utrecht -- 3:25
Crinimological [sic] Research Conference, 15th, Strasbourg, France -- 15:4
Cromie, Detective Senior Sergeant/Inspector Neil -- 18:7 19:10
cross-generational -- see: intergenerational
cross-species research -- 21:37
Crossroads (poetry) -- 21:9
Crown Summit Books -- 12:13
Crowstone: The Chronicles of Qamar (1983) (book) -- 17:22 21:24
Crusaders for Sexual Freedom (CSF)(U.S. postal sting) -- 18:14 20:34
Crystal Palace, London -- 11:39
CSC Nusletter (periodical) -- 3:4 13:10 18:3 20:14 20:38
Cuba -- 1:7
cults, child sex -- 8:15 8:34 16:13
Cultural Affairs Minister, France -- 15:19
Culture and Leisure Center (COC), Netherlands -- 1:15 1:16 20:7
Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum (COC), Netherlands -- 1:15 1:16 20:7
Culver City, California -- 2:7
Cumkid (U.S. postal sting) -- 12:6 13:5 16:5
Cuna-Cuna -- 11:24
Cuomo, Gov Mario -- 21:11
Cupid (deity) -- 7:20
Curran, Timothy -- 17:13
Currier, Richard -- 11:30
Curtis Auditorium, Boston University -- 8:12
Custody Action for Lesbian Mothers (CALM) -- 14:7
Customs Bureau, Britain -- 19:2
Customs Bureau, Canada -- 18:10
Customs Bureau, New Zealand -- 16:6 18:11
Customs Bureau, United States -- 12:7 18:14 19:5 20:37
D-66 (Dutch political party) -- 2:18 15:3
D'Mello, Syd -- 8:8
D.M. (book reviewer) -- 19:26
D.O.M. -- 2:25
DA Says Child Porno Ring Cracked (article) -- 10:17
Dagnall, Michael -- 8:20 9:7
Daily Express (newspaper) -- 6:6 16:8 17:16
Daily Mail (newspaper) -- 9:36 17:16
Daily Mirror (newspaper) -- 8:10 8:17 13:5 17:16 19:9
Daily News (newspaper) -- 7:6 7:9 9:6 11:9
Daily Star (newspaper) -- 13:9 17:16 20:3
Daily Telegraph (newspaper) --
2:6 4:4 6:4 8:8 8:9 8:17 10:5 13:7 15:8 16:4
17:15 18:7 18:13 19:6 21:8
Daily Telegraph (Sydney, Australia) (newspaper) -- 20:13
Dallas -- 4:7 8:11 20:37
Dallas Cowboys (football team, U.S.) -- 21:16
Dallas, Texas -- 18:16
Damascus -- 12:33
Dance of the Gods, The (article) -- 13:20
Danes -- 20:6
Daniels, Greg -- 18:6 19:10 20:13
Danish -- 13:23
Dante Alighieri -- 2:27
Danube -- 9:20
Darling, J. -- 14:21 16:11 18:18
Darwin, Australia -- 9:4 10:10
Data-Print (publisher) -- 1:29
David, Kati -- 10:7
David and Jonathan -- 8:29
Davide Jr, Hilario -- 7:9
Davidson, Michael --
3:26 5:24 7:21 17:19 17:26 21:32
Davies, Peter -- 9:29
Davies, Roaslie [sic] -- 14:7
Davila, Valida --
5:7 5:27 7:21 11:15 20:14 21:14
Davis, Ed -- 4:27
Davis, Mark -- 15:36
Dawson, John E. -- 11:3
day-care centers, sexual abuse in -- 20:15
de Brethmas, Jacques -- 21:31
de Foggia, V. -- 10:10
de Gaulle, Charles -- 7:4
De Gay Krant (periodical) -- 21:8
De La Salle, Belfast -- 20:9
de Rais, Gilles -- 15:20
De Ronde, Judge John -- 18:9
de Rossi, Armando -- 6:5
de Ruiter, J. -- 1:24
de-sexualization of the child -- 6:20
de Vaal, Otto M. (?) -- 4:25
de Zulueta, Alfonso -- 14:23
Deady, Patrick -- 17:19
Dearborn, Frank -- 17:9
Death in Venice (1911) (book) -- 4:25 21:22
Death in Venice (1971) (film) -- 16:15 19:20
Death of Innocence, The (1981) (book) -- 10:30
Death of Narcissus, The (1976) (book) -- 5:20 6:17 9:34
death threats from police to paedophile -- 11:17
debauchery -- 20:37
Debre, François -- 10:9 11:6 12:4 12:41 12:42
Deeks, Frank -- 9:5
Deep Throat (1972) (film) -- 4:30
defamation of character civil suit -- 20:12
Defence Ministry (Britain) -- 8:22
Defense Department, United States -- 18:8
Defense des enfants (organization) -- 10:7
Delaware -- 4:30 11:3
Delft Comedy -- 4:8
Delft, Netherlands -- 2:8
Delman, Marc -- 18:5
Delphi -- 15:27 16:14
Delta Squad, Melbourne Police, Australia -- 18:6 19:10 20:13
Delta Squad, Sydney, Australia police -- 17:13
Deming, Marty [sic] -- 18:12
Democrat (U.S. political party) -- 13:6 13:11
Den Bosch, Netherlands -- 15:7
Denis Bracknel (1947) (book) -- 5:22
Denmark --
3:4 4:8 6:31 8:7 10:3 13:8 13:11 15:27 16:6 17:13
18:3 20:4
Densen-Gerber, Dr Judianne --
2:17 2:24 3:27 4:5 4:8 4:26 5:6 5:8 5:28 5:29
6:6 6:9 6:20 7:4 7:9 7:31 8:5 8:10 8:28 8:34
9:3 9:6 9:29 9:35 9:43 10:5 10:11 10:13 10:30 10:38
11:7 11:9 11:14 11:28 11:36 12:7 12:41 12:42 13:7 13:11
13:12 13:13 13:29 15:12 15:13 15:19 16:7 16:10 17:4 17:19
17:21 17:30 18:3 18:21 19:10 20:12
Denton, Sen Jeremiah -- 16:9
DeNucci, State Senator A. Joseph -- 17:12
Denver Post (newspaper) -- 19:38
Denver, Colorado -- 19:5 19:38 20:28
DePeri, Chief Inspector Joseph -- 20:8
depo-provera --
4:31 11:5 12:44 12:46 15:14 16:9 17:10 18:3 18:4 19:30
19:33 20:16
depo-provera -- see also: androcur, drugs
Der Eisbrecher (newspaper) -- 13:8
Des Moines, Iowa -- 9:8
Desert Patrol (1980) (book) -- 7:12 9:4 19:5
Desert Sun (newspaper) -- 19:8
Desire and Pursuit of the Whole, The (1909/1934) (book) -- 14:23
Detroit -- 4:8 6:7 11:4 16:10 20:34
Deutsche Studien- und Arbeitsgemeinshaft Pädophilie -- 4:4
Deutschlands Hoffnung (1979) (book) -- 7:27
development, child/adolescent -- 4:24 10:29 14:13
Devil -- 21:45
Devil and Miss Jones, The (film) -- 13:14
Devon -- 8:22
Dewey Decimal System -- 15:7
Dia de Baleares, El (newspaper) -- 12:3
Diamond (pseudonym of D.W. Nichols)(photographer) -- 14:2
Diario: Shinnecock & Wickapogue (poetry) -- 7:20
Dickens, MP, Geoffrey -- 8:21 13:9 14:5 17:15 19:6
Did Sex Club Trap This Boy? (article) -- 15:38
diddler (child molester) -- 15:32 15:36
Differences (periodical) -- 11:7
dildo -- 15:21
Dillon, Denis -- 10:17
Dinah (newsletter) -- 9:9
Dinnis, Detective Sergeant William -- 2:30
Dionysos/Dionysius (deity) -- 14:26 16:13
Diplomatic Service, Britain -- 11:23
Director of Criminal Affairs, France -- 10:7
Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), London -- 8:18 9:7 15:8
disco music -- 20:30
District Attorney, Boston -- 7:10 11:12 12:10
District Attorney, Bronx, New York -- 21:11
District Attorney, Denver, Colorado -- 19:38
District Attorney, Douglas County, Nebraska -- 18:5
District Attorney, Fall River, Massachusetts -- 20:15
District Attorney, Los Angeles County -- 6:9 13:11 17:5 21:8
District Attorney, Manhattan -- 13:12
District Attorney, Mineola, New York -- 11:17
District Attorney, Nassau County, Long Island, New York -- 10:17 13:13 13:14
District Attorney, Philadelphia -- 20:14
District Attorney, Riverside County, California -- 15:11
District Attorney, Suffolk County, Massachusetts -- 7:5
District Attorney, Suffolk County, New York -- 17:8
divorce -- 8:15
Do We Repress the Sexuality of Our Young? (article) -- 8:23
Dobbins, Bill -- 9:13 17:19 17:21
doctorandus (Drs.) degree -- 12:35
Dogstar (1985, unpublished) (book) -- 21:23
Dolan, Michey -- 20:10
Dominican Republic -- 1:20
Donahue, John -- 19:3
Donatist blasphemers -- 17:19
Donnelly, Dr Felix -- 18:13
Doric Boy-Love, its Ethics and Meaning (1907/1983/1988) (pamphlet)
15:27 21:31
dorische Knabenliebe: Ihre Ethik und ihre Idee, Die (1907/1983/1988) (pamphlet)
15:27 21:31
Douglas, Mike -- 6:10
Douglas, Norman -- 13:22
Dover, Prof Kenneth J. -- 15:27
Down Under the Plum Trees (1976) (book) -- 8:37
Downers Grove, Chicago -- 20:34
Downsborough, Nigel -- 6:23
DPA (periodical?) -- 20:11
Dr Strangelove (1964) (film) -- 9:10
Dracula -- 10:24
Dragonfly (magazine) -- 9:39 17:23
Dragonfly Press (publisher) -- 5:9 9:39
Drake, Sir Francis -- 19:16
Dravidic invasions -- 1:25
Dream Above a Cody Creation: My Denim God, A (poetry) -- 18:26
Drenth, Prof P.J.D. -- 7:15
Drew, Ronald -- 6:10
Drs. degree -- see: doctorandus degree
drug use --
2:25 2:27 6:31 7:26 8:14 8:16 10:5 10:7 10:25 10:31
12:12 12:44 14:6 14:7 17:25 20:3 20:8 20:10 20:12 20:23
drugs -- see also: androcur, depo-provera
DS-70 (Dutch political party) -- 2:20
DSAP (German paedophile organization) --
5:5 6:19 6:20 6:21 9:10 15:10
Du & Ich (periodical) -- 7:12 10:38
Dubost, Rev Father Michael -- 11:6
Duckworth (publisher) -- 11:26 13:22
Dufoix, Georgina -- 15:19
Dugue, Jacques -- 1:22 2:23 5:27 15:22
Dukahz, Casimir --
3:26 7:17 9:39 10:34 13:23 20:26 21:32
Dukakis, Gov Michael -- 17:12
Dusseldorf, Germany -- 9:10
Dutch (see also: Holland, Netherlands) --
1:25 1:29 2:8 4:5 6:18 7:12 9:24 10:7 10:24 10:38
12:9 14:6 15:7 16:3 17:4 18:10
Dutch Army -- 4:14
Dutch Cabaret -- 11:4
Dutch government -- 5:25 6:4 8:5
Dutch Journal of Medical Science (journal) -- 8:5
Dutch legislature -- 8:3
Dutch National Committee for the International Year of the Child -- 5:7
Dutch Paedophile Action Group -- 9:42
Dutch police commissioner -- 11:12
Dutch Reformed Church -- 6:5
Dutch television -- 12:4
Dutch Workgroup for Youth Emancipation -- 5:4
Duvert, Tony -- 9:7 10:22 20:30
Dylan, Bob -- 13:17
Dyonisian -- 9:26
Dyson, Charles -- 15:32 15:37
E.M., Mrs -- 21:11
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) (film) -- 14:4 18:21
Ealing North, London -- 20:5
Earl of Pembroke -- 19:18
Earl of Southampton -- 19:19
Earthling (1980), The (film) -- 21:16
East Berlin -- 11:34
East Germany -- 11:34
Eastern Evening News (newspaper) -- 7:7
Eaton County, Michigan -- 18:8
Ecklund, Ted L. -- 6:9
Ecole en Bateau -- 21:35
Ecoles Differentes (Alternative Schools) -- 13:4
Ecoliers sans tablier (1979) (book) -- 3:26
Ecuador -- 6:8
Edinburgh -- 7:6 19:9 19:11
Editions de la Jungle (publisher) -- 19:5
Editions Imagine (publisher) -- 13:24 16:28
Editions L'Aire (publisher) -- 11:14
Editions Vrac (publisher) -- 16:28
education -- see: pedagogy
education as more than just "training" -- 21:34
Education Department, Scotland -- 19:9
education, the bridge function of -- 21:34
Edward, Alan --
3:8 9:14 10:34 15:24 18:26 19:12
Edwardian -- 1:28
Edwards, T.L. -- 18:14
Eggeling, Jim -- 9:38
Eglinton, J.Z. -- 7:22 16:15
Egypt -- 14:25 17:10 19:4
Ehrenberg, Gisela -- 7:27
Eidelweis (Madrid youth group) -- 21:44
Eidelweis - Love, Justice and Liberty (article) -- 21:44
Eifel Mountains -- 20:11
Eigene, Der (periodical) -- 21:22
18th Century -- 6:19
Eindhoven, Netherlands -- 11:13
Eisenhardt, Jens -- 10:3
eispnelas (εισπνηλας=inspirer; paederastic lover, Greek)
ejaculatio praecox -- 17:17
Ekologische Uitgeverij (publisher) -- 10:7
Ekstra Bladet (newspaper) -- 6:4
El Ferrol, Spain -- 4:10
El Salvador -- 14:19 18:18
El Tiempo (periodical) -- 18:18
Electric Eiderdown (rock music group) -- 17:18
electrick shock (12-volt) used in religious instruction -- 9:7
electro-shock therapy -- 9:36 18:23
"11-year-old faggot" (writer) -- 21:15
11th Century -- 8:29
Elgnald -- 6:20 13:20
Elizabeth Bay, Australia -- 2:4
Elizabeth I, Queen -- 19:19
Elizabeth II, Queen -- 6:11
Elizabethan -- 19:16
Elkhart, Indiana -- 10:12
Elliott, Christian -- 3:6
Elmhurst, New York -- 10:10
Eltham, England -- 4:10
emancipation -- see: liberation
Emerson Friary -- 7:31
Emerson, New Jersey -- 7:31
Emma (magazine) -- 5:6 6:19
Enclave movement, International -- 1:15
Enclave Press (publisher) -- 1:15
Enfants de Manille (article) -- 9:4
England/English (see also: Britain) --
1:6 1:15 1:17 1:25 2:5 2:6 2:23 2:27 3:6 3:23
3:27 4:5 4:8 4:9 4:22 5:6 6:4 6:6 8:8 8:9
8:21 9:7 9:11 9:23 10:11 10:12 10:16 10:21 11:7 12:6
12:9 12:42 13:4 13:7 13:9 13:27 13:29 14:5 15:4 15:6
15:8 15:10 15:11 15:24 16:4 16:5 16:8 16:10 16:24 17:14
17:15 17:25 18:3 18:4 18:13 19:3 19:6 19:11 19:12 19:19
20:3 20:5 20:16 20:29 21:6 21:14
English, Michael -- 11:5
English Blasphemy Act of 1650 -- 17:20
English television -- 11:38
Enkele Kanttekeningen bij het rapport Melai met betrekking tot seksuelen handelingen met
kinderen (article)
Enlightenment, The -- 17:21
Enquiry Among a Group of Paedophiles, An (article) -- 7:16
Enschede -- 2:21
Enterprise, Oregon -- 21:46
entrapment --
6:10 7:10 8:9 9:43 12:6 12:10 13:5 16:4 18:11 18:14
20:34 20:35 20:37 21:46
Entree Gerard Philippe (photograph) -- 16:28
Entwhistle Publications -- 9:39
ephebes -- 15:28
Ephebo Video Products -- 16:28
ephebophilia -- 3:19 12:46
epilepsy -- 6:20
Episcopal priest -- 2:24
Epistles of St Paul -- 8:12
Erasmus of Rotterdam -- 5:25
erections in boys before birth (sonograms) -- 16:9
Eric (article) -- 16:17
Erickson, Richard W. -- 5:27
Erl-King, The (1970) (book) -- 5:21
Ernest (book) -- 9:38
eros (ερως=sexual desire, Greek) -- 12:46
Eros (deity) -- 14:26 16:15 21:23 21:36
Eros (Piccadilly Circus statue) -- 21:6
Eros adolescent: la pederastie dans la Grèce antique (1980) (book)
Erosmith (pseudonymous writer) -- 13:10
erotic embraces as cultural tradition, Alaskan Eskimo -- 21:7
Erotosexual Status in Idiopathic Adolescent Gynecomastia vs. Congenital Virilizing Adrenocorticism: Implications for
Homosexual Therapy (conference paper)
erotosexual syndrome -- 12:45
ervaringswereld van kinderen in pedofiele relaties, De (1979) (book)
Eskimo -- 21:7
Esposito, Judge Vitaliano -- 5:5
Essaouria -- 14:21
Essays on a Science of Mythology (1963) (book) -- 16:13
Esser, Kevin --
13:17 14:10 15:6 16:3 18:15 19:25 20:17
Essex University -- 9:37
estupro (=rape, Spanish legal term) -- 21:45
eternal child -- 16:16
Ethics of Man-Boy Relationships (conference paper) -- 4:6
Ethiopia -- 2:22
ethology -- 21:37
Euripides -- 21:36
Europe --
2:22 5:4 5:5 5:8 11:9 11:11 11:14 11:27 12:4 12:43
13:22 13:27 17:6
European -- 20:33
Euthanasia and the Right to Death (1969) (book) -- 7:22
Evans, Bill -- 11:17
Evans, Robert -- 10:11
Eveleigh, Justice -- 4:4
Evening Observer (newspaper) -- 15:6
Evensong -- 3:9
Everest House (publisher) -- 10:30
Everlasting Secret Family, The (1980) (book) -- 10:7
Every Kind of Love is Love (1982) (book) -- 11:34
execution -- 19:33
execution of paedophiles, suggestion of -- 5:6 13:31 15:20 16:5
Executive Committee, PIE -- 17:15
exhibitionism -- 12:46
exhibitionism as pleasure to adolescents -- 20:31
expatriation -- 1:19 2:22
Experience World of Children in Paedophile Relationships, The (1979) (book)
4:6 5:10 5:14
Expert Commission, Switzerland -- 11:11
Expres VPRO (Dutch television) -- 9:9
extortion -- 20:8
Eyler, Larry -- 20:10
Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) -- 16:24
F.A.I - International Federation of Abolitionists, France -- 10:7
Al-Fadl bin Yahia -- 12:33
Fag Rag (periodical) -- 8:34 9:37
faggot culture -- 7:10
faggots -- 8:16
Fagin (character) -- 12:5
Fairfax, Virginia -- 20:37
Fairfield, California -- 18:9
Falkland Islands -- 12:6
Fall River, Massachusetts -- 20:15
Fallen Angel (1981) (television film) -- 7:13 8:3
Fallen Angels (organization), The -- 5:5
Falwell, Rev Jerry --
7:6 11:36 12:11 17:31 18:13 18:21 19:5 20:22
Family Group Home, Newton-Abbey -- 20:9
Family Protection Act (United States) -- 17:20
Family Studies Laboratory, Boston University Medical Center -- 19:22
Family Violence Task Force (United States) -- 17:8
family, anti-paedophile crusades promoting state control over -- 21:7
Far East -- 7:13 9:40 11:10
Far East Economic Review (magazine) -- 13:6
Farrar, Dale -- 18:13
Farrar, F.W. -- 5:20
Farrar, Joseph -- 18:13
fascism -- 7:4
FBI Training Academy -- 9:11
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)(U.S.) --
3:4 4:7 4:29 5:28 6:9 7:6 8:14 10:16 10:17 10:28
11:12 11:16 12:9 13:8 13:13 13:29 14:8 15:4 15:7 15:12
15:29 15:37 15:38 16:6 16:7 17:11 18:5 18:7 18:8 18:10
18:21 19:9 20:20 21:44
Federal Reporter (journal) -- 20:38
Federowicz, Nicholas -- 10:11
Feierman, Dr Jay R. -- 17:9
female paedophiles -- 6:19 8:33
Feminism and Paedophilia (article) -- 8:6
feminists/feminism --
2:17 3:5 5:6 6:4 6:25 7:8 7:10 7:11 7:12 7:15
7:25 8:6 8:32 9:37 10:9 10:10 10:28 10:32 10:34 13:12
14:6 14:7 14:21 15:7 15:11 16:3 16:27 19:8 19:38 19:39
20:7 20:14 20:26 20:28 21:10 21:11
Ferguson, Nicholas J. -- 21:45
Ferman, James -- 9:5
Fernand-Laurent, Jean -- 16:7
Festival of Light organization -- 9:5
Fetish Times (periodical) -- 12:6 13:5 18:14
fetishism -- 6:21 12:46
Feuerzeichen [Fire-Alarm] (1979) (television film) -- 4:4
Figaro, Le (newspaper) -- 14:3
Fillioud, Georges -- 10:9 11:6
film festival -- 16:3 21:9
Filmar, Jean-David -- 20:2
filth (mysophilia) -- 12:46
Finkelhor, Dr David -- 11:30 12:13 16:7 17:30
Fiolet, Marc -- 11:4
Fipersquelle Forest -- 12:9
Firbank, Ronald -- 11:23
First Amendment Defense Fund -- 10:11
First Amendment, United States Constitution --
4:26 4:29 8:8 10:11 13:9 14:9 20:12
First Love (short story) -- 5:4
First of the Month, The (short story) -- 3:8
Fishkill, New York -- 13:16
Fist, Alan -- 21:2
Fitchburg, Massachusetts -- 2:22
Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia -- 2:7 6:25
Flanagan, Newman -- 7:5 17:8
Flannery, Judge Thomas -- 16:9
Flashback (short story) -- 13:17
Fleet Street -- 8:18 9:27
Fleetwood, Lancashire -- 4:4
Flemish Socialist (Belgian political party) -- 17:7
Flemish Society for Sexual Reform -- 10:7
Flick, Rachel -- 18:8
flipper machines (pinball) -- 4:15
Florek, Josy -- 7:14
Florence, Heather -- 4:29
Florian's (restaurant) -- 10:14
Florida --
1:29 8:15 11:15 15:3 17:19 18:21 19:33 20:16 20:37
Flower Beneath the Foot, The (1923) (book) -- 11:24
Flumenbaum, William -- 12:12
Foerster Verlag (publisher) -- 9:10 11:34
Fonk, Mrs -- 1:17
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States -- 15:14 18:4
For Money or Love - Boy Prostitution in America (1976) (book)
2:24 5:29 8:10 9:43 12:6 13:29
Forbach, France -- 12:9
Forbidden Sexual Behavior Among Kin: A Study Among Self-Selected Respondents (1981) (book
Forbundet af 1948 (Danish gay organization) -- 16:6 17:13 18:3
Ford, C.H. -- 9:39
Ford Foundation -- 11:14
Foreign Affairs, Department of, Switzerland -- 12:12
Foreign Affairs, Minister of, Netherlands -- 11:5
Forensic Mental Health Associates -- 9:12
foreskin -- 16:29
Forster, E.M. -- 13:20
Forster (publisher) -- 12:9
Fortune-500 corporation -- 17:11
42nd Street, New York City -- 9:36
Forum (magazine) -- 8:17 11:6 17:11
Forward With the Rights of Youth (article) -- 15:3
foster homes --
4:8 4:15 4:21 4:28 4:29 11:37 14:30 15:3 18:8 20:10
Foundation for America's Sexually Exploited Children -- 11:8 16:10 20:16
Foundation House, Catholic psychiatric rehabilitation facility, New Mexico
4th Century C.E. -- 17:19
Fourth Lateran Council -- 17:20
Fous d'Enfance (1979) (magazine special issue) -- 2:5
Fox, C. Masson -- 14:23
Fox, Jerry -- 10:16 11:12 11:16
Foyer, Jean -- 4:4
France --
1:15 1:22 2:5 2:6 4:4 7:22 8:18 9:7 10:7 10:18
10:21 11:7 11:14 12:9 12:13 12:42 13:3 13:23 13:24 14:3
15:4 15:12 15:27 16:6 16:9 16:28 17:30 17:31 18:9 18:11
18:14 19:5 21:35
France-Soir (newspaper) -- 13:5 14:3
Franciscan Brothers -- 7:31
Franco, Guido -- 7:12 7:22 19:5
Franco-Polish cinema -- 8:6
Frank, Theodore -- 10:13
Frankenthal, Germany -- 16:28
Frankfurt Book Fair -- 19:7
Frankfurt, Germany -- 2:6 9:10 19:7
Franny: The Queen of Provincetown (1983) (book) -- 21:20
Fraser, Dr Morris -- 5:20 6:17 9:34
Fraser, Malcolm -- 10:33
Fraser, Stewart E. -- 13:10
Free Childhood - Free Sexuality: A Marxist Analysis (article) -- 16:6
Free Mark Davis Committee -- 15:36
free speech, right to -- 21:5
Freed, Kenneth -- 18:19
Freedom of Information Act, United States -- 15:12
Freeman, The (periodical) -- 18:7
Freiburg -- 21:23
Fremont-Smith, Eliot -- 7:11
French --
3:23 7:13 8:37 9:3 9:5 10:9 11:15 13:24 15:10 16:3
16:7 19:5 20:30
French Association for Knightly Action -- 10:21
French decadents -- 11:23
French Revolution -- 7:4 10:35
Frenken, Prof Jos -- 15:26 20:8
Freud, Sigmund --
3:28 6:31 7:22 8:24 9:35 10:28 10:29 10:35 11:29 12:44
15:24 17:4 17:20 19:10 21:11
Freudenberg, Arther [sic] -- 15:12
Freudenberger, Herbert -- 3:5
Freudian -- 8:3
Freudiochristian sex ethic -- 12:44
Freund, Kurt -- 10:28
Friedman, Meryl -- 3:5
Frignito, Nicholas G. -- 2:25
Frost, Robert -- 15:25
frotteurism -- 12:46
Ft Lauderdale, Florida -- 4:4
Fulton, Rev Robert -- 15:12
FUORI! (Italian gay organization) -- 10:11
Furbank, P.N. -- 13:20
Fyns Stiftstidende (newspaper) -- 8:7
G.F.G., Mr -- 17:4
Gaat de uniek persoon in de psychologie onder? (1975) (book) -- 5:14
Gabatan, Mrs -- 18:5
Gadpaille, Warren -- 11:29
Gage, Nicholas -- 2:5
Gai Pied (periodical) -- 9:7 15:12 15:23 16:9 18:14
Gai Pied Hebdo (periodical) -- 15:9 18:9
Gallup Pole [sic] -- 18:13
Gambie, Graham -- 8:9
Game-Texts: A Guatemalan Journal (1978) (book) -- 10:31
gamines -- 12:10 18:18
Gannett Westchester Newspapers -- 9:7
Gannon, Detective/Sgt -- 10:17 11:16
Ganymede -- 3:22 9:38 14:24 14:26 16:14
Garaud, Henri -- 10:24
Garber, Mitch -- 21:11
Gard, France -- 13:4
Gardiner, Jamie -- 18:6 19:11
Garibaldi (Italian leader) -- 14:22
Garret, Paul -- 16:8
Gary Collins' Hour Magazine (television show) -- 16:8
Gates, Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl -- 8:16
Gaullist (French political party) -- 15:23
Gauntlett, Roger A. -- 18:3 20:16
Gay Activist Alliance (GAA) -- 6:11
Gay and Lesbian Community Center, Philadelphia -- 14:7
Gay and Lesbian Police Task Force (Los Angeles) -- 14:5
Gay Community News (Australia) (periodical) -- 14:5
Gay Community News (U.S.) (periodical) --
1:31 2:4 4:7 4:9 6:6 6:7 6:11 7:5 8:8 8:10
8:19 8:34 9:9 11:9 11:12 12:10 13:10 14:5 14:8 14:9
16:5 17:8 17:13 18:3 19:7 19:9 19:10 20:4 20:14 21:9
Gay Insurgent (journal) -- 10:33
Gay Legal Rights Coalition, Australia -- 18:6 19:11
gay liberation -- 7:10 21:21
Gay March on Washington, 1980 -- 4:6
Gay Men (magazine) -- 19:5
Gay Men's Press (publisher) -- 10:33
gay movement distancing itself from boy-lovers --
1:6 1:15 3:6 5:5 6:11 7:5 7:11 7:14 8:17 10:12
10:32 11:7 12:3 15:7 15:11 15:12 16:6 16:10 17:16 18:4
Gay News (periodical) --
3:4 3:6 7:7 7:25 8:18 8:23 13:9 17:16 17:20 18:4
Gay News Germany (periodical) -- 1:7
Gay Noise (periodical) -- 8:19 8:23
Gay Pride March (Britain) -- 8:21
Gay Rap (radio program) -- 5:8
Gay Solidarity (Australia) -- 16:5
Gay Sunshine Journal (periodical) -- 9:37 12:9 14:25
Gay Sunshine Press (publisher) -- 9:37 10:31
Gay Teachers and Students Group (Australia) -- 2:7
Gay Teachers Association -- 3:5
Gay Unity Niagara (periodical) -- 15:8
gay youth -- 6:4
Gay Youth (periodical) -- 10:4 18:4 19:3
Gay Youth (organization, U.S.) -- 6:11
Gay Youth Help Service -- 11:38
Gay Youth Movement, London -- 18:4 19:3 20:3
Gay's the Word (bookstore) -- 21:15
Gays Against Psychiatric Assault (GAPA) -- 19:10
Gayzette (periodical) -- 20:13
Gebhard, Dr Paul -- 16:7 18:3 19:30
Geisler, Claudius (?) -- 3:14
Gemignani, Robert G. -- 4:30
Gemini Club -- 8:21
General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, A (1920) (book) -- 17:21
Genesee County, Michigan -- 4:8
Genet, Jean -- 16:31
Geneva -- 7:12 9:3 10:7 16:7 17:8
Genghis Khan -- 4:30
genitals, measurement of boys', in Juvenile Detention Center -- 8:11
Gentenaar, De (newspaper) -- 16:3
George, Stefan -- 21:22
George University Law School -- 11:13
George Washington University Law School -- 8:9
Georgia, United States -- 20:26
Gerard, François -- 18:14
German Association for Scientific Sexology (DGFS) -- 7:11
German/Germans/Germany (see also: West German) --
1:6 1:15 1:29 2:28 4:25 5:25 6:19 6:20 6:23 7:27
8:37 9:18 9:27 11:17 11:34 12:4 12:9 13:23 13:26 15:6
15:27 16:6 16:25 16:28 20:14 21:8 21:20 21:31
Germanic Europe -- 16:15
Germany's Hope (1979) (book) -- 7:27
Gerolstein, Germany -- 20:11
gerontophilia -- 12:46
Gerritsen, Theo -- 15:7
Gestapo -- 1:4
GFSS (Association for the Advancement of Social Scientific Sex Research), Germany
1:6 1:18 7:11
Ghent -- 4:8 16:3
Ghentse Rijksuniversiteit -- 16:3
Giarretto, Dr Henry -- 10:5 10:11 10:39
Gide, Andre -- 2:27 8:37 15:22 16:30 21:22
Giese, Hans -- 3:14
Gil, David -- 8:29
Gilbert, William D. -- 11:4
Gilchrist, John -- 19:9
Ginsberg, Allen -- 8:35 9:38 18:21
Giovanni's Room, Philadelphia (bookstore) -- 14:7 20:14
girl-woman relationships -- 21:10
Giustiniani, Vincenzo -- 16:15
Glad Day Bookshop (bookseller) -- 18:10
GLC Voice (periodical) -- 19:3
Glen Ellen, California -- 9:39
Glen Ellyn, Illinois -- 18:14 20:34
God -- 13:31 17:24
Godfrey, Neal -- 17:25
Goethean -- 21:21
Goettel, Judge -- 21:11
Goggin, Terry -- 9:13
Goldberg, Rube -- 4:28
Golden Age and the Mystery of W.H., The (article) -- 19:16
Golden Age, England -- 19:16
golden showers -- 8:13
Golden, Colorado -- 10:11
Goldstein, Richard -- 7:10
Goldstein, Seth -- 5:5 9:13
Gomorrah -- see: Sodom and Gomorrah
Gonzales Arenas, Eduardo -- 21:44
Goodbye to Berlin (I Am a Camera) (book) -- 21:20
Goode III, Arthur Frederick -- 19:33
Goodman, Paul -- 2:27
Goodstein, David -- 7:4
Gooi en Eemlander, De (periodical) -- 20:8
Gordon, Bruce -- 20:38
Gordon, L.V. -- 7:15
Gorling, Lars -- 18:28
Gorman, W.T. -- 20:37
Gotlieb, Bruce -- 10:11
Gouda, Netherlands -- 2:15
Gourlier, Michel -- 14:5
Government Accounting Office (GAO), United States -- 12:7
Government Printing Office, United States -- 4:26
Government Rest House, Tissamaharama -- 10:6
Governor, New York -- 6:6
GPU News (periodical) -- 1:7
Graeco-humbuggery -- 21:22
Granada -- 8:31
Grand Rapids, Michigan -- 9:7
Great Barrington, Massachusetts -- 17:4
Great Britain -- 1:20 8:17 9:37
Greater Cincinnati Gay Coalition (GCGC) -- 9:8 10:11
GRED - Groupe de recherche pour une enfance differente -- 10:6 11:10
GRED Congress, Paris -- 11:10
Greece/Greek/Greeks --
1:25 1:28 9:25 9:38 12:16 12:46 15:27 16:13 16:15 18:11
19:17 19:26 20:30 20:33 21:31
Greek Creek (short story) -- 19:28
Greek Homosexuality (1978) (book) -- 15:27
Greek love -- 6:22 15:27 21:32
Greek Love (1964) (book) -- 7:22 16:15
Greek mythology -- 14:26
Green, Frank -- 20:16
Green Booklet, The (pamphlet) -- 12:3
Green Mansions (1904) (book) -- 17:22
Greenhill Middle School -- 7:7
Greenway, MP, Harry -- 20:5
Greenwich Village -- 13:8
Gregorio, Jack -- 9:11
Griffin, Merv -- 6:10
Grilli -- 13:14
Grimsby Evening Telegraph (newspaper) -- 16:10
Grimsby, England -- 16:10
Groat, David -- 13:15 15:29 19:9
Grodin, James -- 6:9
Groningen, Netherlands -- 1:18
Groswird, William -- 13:12
Groth, Dr A. Nicholas --
9:3 9:11 10:3 10:28 11:11 12:7 13:7 13:8 13:29 15:8
15:13 16:25 17:8 17:20 17:30 18:21 18:22 19:6 19:10
Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry -- 19:30
Groupe de recherche pour une enfance differente (GRED) -- 10:6 11:10
Grove, David -- 2:25 3:6 4:9 7:10
Grove, George -- 8:18
Guardian, The (newspaper) --
3:18 5:15 8:24 9:36 10:13 10:21
Guardians of the Flutes: Idioms of Masculinity (1981) (book) -- 7:7
Guatemala -- 1:20 10:31
Guindon, Albert -- 15:11 17:13
Guinness Book of World Records -- 10:4
Gunga Din (1892) (poetry) -- 9:14
Gunn, Adam -- 8:3
Gunn, David -- 15:11
Gury, Christian -- 11:14
Gutenberg press -- 13:2
Guthrie, Lt Richard -- 17:9
Gutierrez, Roy -- 20:12
Guyon, Rene -- 8:15 12:12 15:7
gymnopaideia (γυμνοπαιδει#945;=ritual dances performed by boys, Greek)
15:27 15:28 20:33
gynaecomastia (gynecomastia) -- 17:10
Gypsy -- 18:17
Haagse Courant (newspaper) -- 1:16
Haagse Post (periodical) -- 18:27
Haagsma, Ids -- 1:17
Haarlem, Netherlands -- 3:25 5:14
Habbema, Cox -- 11:4
Hacienda Heights, California -- 11:8
Hackler, Roberta -- 14:7
Haddad, Jill --
12:12 15:39 16:10 17:5 17:30 20:16
Hadrian -- 16:14
Hagen, Lief -- 15:10
Hague, The --
1:23 2:8 2:20 5:6 8:20 10:38 11:12 15:3 15:9
Haifa University -- 18:10
Haight, Judge Charles S. -- 17:4
Haileybury -- 9:11
Hale, Keith -- 18:25
Hall, Gerald 'Jerry' -- 19:38 20:28
Hall, William -- 19:19
Halliday, Skippy -- 8:16 8:25
Hamburg -- 5:5 21:44
Hamburg Gay Association -- 21:35
Hamilton, David -- 15:19
Hamilton, Wallace -- 7:26 8:31 13:14 17:13 19:25
Hamilton College of Education -- 19:9
Hamilton College, Lanarkshire, Scotland -- 17:15
Hamilton, Scotland -- 19:9
Hammil, Hugh -- 10:16
Hampton, New Hampshire -- 13:11
Handbook for Instruction in Personal Relationships (1977) (book)
Hannon, Gerald -- 4:9
Hannover, Germany -- 1:7 9:21
Hanseatic Pirates (Association for Canoeing, Hajo Ortil's nudist group)
9:21 19:2
Haptoc Collective (newspaper) -- 4:6
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich (publisher) -- 10:28
Harland, Harry -- 14:23
harm -- see also: child-adult sex
harm caused by authorities and public exposure --
5:5 5:15 5:18 6:8 6:22 6:31 7:22 7:26 7:31 8:3
9:30 9:36 9:40 10:6 10:7 10:30 10:31 10:39 11:6 11:32
11:36 11:39 13:15 14:7 14:9 14:30 15:13 15:22 16:27 17:5
17:7 17:12 17:13 18:5 18:9 19:3 19:23 19:38 20:10 20:13
harrassment of non-paedophile businesses --
5:9 8:21 17:9 18:10 19:8 20:4 20:6 20:14 21:6 21:15
Harrell, William C. -- 11:30
Harris, Judge Sydney -- 4:9
Harrison Plaza, Manila -- 12:4
Harrow School -- 16:4
Hart, John -- 9:36
Hartman, Carol R. -- 19:7 20:20
Hartz Mountains -- 9:21
Harvey, Sir Thomas -- 19:20
Harvey, Sir William -- 19:19
Hassell, Minister -- 10:5
Hastings, Sussex -- 2:5
Hathaway, Ann -- 19:19
Havana -- 1:7
Have You Slugged Your Kid Today? (bumper sticker) -- 18:10
Havens, Sir Michael -- 8:21
Haver, Michael -- 17:14
HAVO - university preparatory school, Netherlands -- 12:26
Hayes, David S. -- 4:9
Hayman, KCMG, CVO, MBE, Sir Peter -- 8:22 19:6
Hayward, California -- 11:9 12:4
He was a boy when first we met (poetry) -- 16:30
headmaster -- 7:7
Heald, Mac -- 13:11
Health and Human Services Department, United States -- 9:6 12:9
Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), Florida -- 15:3
Heart's Witness: The Sufi Quatrains of Awhaduddin Kirmani (1976) (book)
heaven, Judaic -- 17:24
Hebe -- 16:14
Hebrew -- 8:29
hedonism -- 15:26
Heggli, Josef -- 2:5
Heidelberg, Germany -- 9:10
Heimliche Aufforderung (poetry) -- 20:14
Heinje, Cees -- 11:4
Helios (mythological character) -- 14:26
Hellbrügge, Prof Dr -- 6:21
Hellenic culture -- 18:11
Hellenistic -- 11:27
Hemingway, Ernest -- 11:23
Henderson, Bob -- 12:14 19:26
Henderson, Mr -- 8:22
Henderson matter (Huddersfield, England) -- 8:21
Hennepin Center for the Arts, Minneapolis -- 10:12
Hennepin, Minnesota -- 13:10
Hennig, Jean-Luc -- 2:5
Henri, Philippe -- 16:17
Hentof, Nat -- 20:11
Hera (deity) -- 14:26 16:14
Heracles/Herakles/Hercules (mythological character) -- 14:26
Herbert, William -- 19:18
herding instinct -- 14:13
Herdt, Dr Gilbert H. -- 7:7
heresy -- 13:31
Hermance, Ed -- 14:7 20:14
Hermans, Hubert J.M. -- 5:10
hermaphrodite -- 6:21 7:19
hermaphroditic nature of young boys -- 16:16
Hermes (periodical) -- 1:4 2:24 5:28
Hermes (deity) -- 7:29 16:13
Hershey Motor Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania -- 7:31
Heskin, Lancashire -- 7:7
Hesse, Hermann -- 18:26
Hetherington, Sir Thomas -- 17:14
Hey (periodical) -- 10:38
Hicks, Tom -- 7:7
Hidden Epidemic, A (article) -- 19:6
hideous villainy, child pornography as -- 13:10
High Atlas (Morocco) -- 14:20
Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka -- 15:6
Hill, Detective Inspector -- 11:39 17:14
Hill, Dr Auston -- 10:11
Hill, Judith -- 15:4
Hill, Michael John -- 2:4
Hill of Devi, The (1953) (book) -- 13:20
Hillingdon, England -- 10:12
Hilversum, Netherlands -- 6:5 9:8 11:4 15:9
Him (periodical) -- 18:11
Himalayas -- 9:24
Hindoo Holiday (1932) (book) -- 13:20 13:22
Hindu -- 1:25 11:30 15:27
Hindustani -- 20:3
Hipponicus -- 7:28
Hiroshima -- 9:21
Hirschfeld, Dr Magnus -- 1:15
Hirst, Royston -- 6:6
Hitler, Adolf --
8:21 9:18 10:9 10:37 16:11 17:31 19:2 21:20
Hitler Jugend -- 9:18
Hocquenghem, Guy -- 11:7 18:9
Hoddeston, England -- 19:12
Hohmann, Joachim S. -- 1:29
Hoi! (photo book) -- 20:27
Holiday Help Portfolio, Spartacus (travel guide) -- 8:5 10:9
Holiday Inn -- 20:3
Holland (see also: Dutch, Netherlands) --
1:4 5:5 7:21 8:17 8:28 9:3 9:7 10:7 10:21 10:39
11:13 11:30 12:11 12:35 16:28 19:8 19:32 20:3 20:9
Hollebrand, Chief Police Inspector J. -- 8:4
Hollywood --
5:9 9:5 10:13 12:4 12:7 14:4 16:6 20:14
Holtzman, Rep Elizabeth -- 4:27
Home Office, Britain -- 4:8 13:9 15:8 17:16
Home Secretary Ministry (Britain) -- 8:22
homophobia -- 6:19
Homosexual and the Law, The (1981) (book) -- 11:14
Homosexuality (1955) (book) -- 15:4
Homosexuality and Social Control (conference paper) -- 15:4
Homosexuality in Renaissance England (1982) (book) -- 13:31
Homosexuality Re-Examined (1977) (book) -- 12:41 15:4
homosexuality, increasingly liberal attitudes toward -- 9:3
homosexuality, persistence of, despite attempts to eliminate it -- 21:39
Homosexuel et le loi, L' (1981) (book) -- 11:14
Hong Kong -- 13:6 20:12
Hoogeveen, Netherlands -- 15:7
hookah -- 13:21
Hoover, J. Edgar -- 13:29
Hopkins, Professor Keith -- 19:4
Horatio Alger Chapter, NAMBLA (New York) -- 17:13
Horizon Line, The (short story) -- 5:19
Horstkotte, Dr H. -- 15:4
Hostel -- 5:27
Hotel Leamington, Oakland -- 5:5
Hounsome, Ian -- 4:10
House of Representatives, United States -- 19:6
House Ethics Committee, United States -- 17:3
House Judiciary Committee, United States -- 2:24 3:27
House of Commons, Britain -- 7:10 8:21
House of Representatives Ethics Committee, United States -- 15:4
House of Representatives, Illinois -- 9:43
House of Representatives, United States -- 4:26
House that Paul Built, The (article) -- 4:14
Houston --
11:15 13:12 16:4 18:13 20:16 20:37 20:38
Houston Chronicle (newspaper) -- 20:38
Houston Police Department -- 11:15
Houston Post (newspaper) -- 18:8 18:13 20:38
How It's Done in the US of A (article) -- 10:16
How It's Done in the US of A, Part Three (article) -- 13:13
How It's Done in the US of A, Part Two (article) -- 11:16
How to Have Sex with Kids (pamphlet) -- 20:14 21:14
Howard, Ken -- 8:26
Howells, Kevin -- 10:28 11:28
Hoy, Claire -- 4:9
Huddersfield, England -- 8:21 13:9 17:15 19:6
Huddlesfield - incorrect reference; see: Huddersfield -- 17:15
Huddleston, James T. -- 20:37
Hufnagel, District Judge Lynne -- 19:38 20:28
Hughes, John -- 7:6
Huisinga, Carl -- 2:21
Huisman, Cor -- 1:16
Human Resources, Department of, Lexington, Kentucky -- 11:36 12:11
Human Rights Committee, United Nations -- 11:9
Human Rights Committees of hospitals (in general) -- 4:31
Human Seal, The -- 6:10
Human Services Department, New Jersey -- 4:8
Human Sexuality: A Small Hypothesis (article) -- 21:37
Humanist Society -- 2:21
Humo (magazine) -- 6:5
Hunt, Roger E. -- 21:2
Hunter, Lew -- 7:13
Husserl, Edmund -- 15:22
Hustler, The (1926/1985) (book) -- 20:14 21:20
hustling/hustlers --
7:6 8:10 9:13 10:31 11:12 12:9 13:8 14:23 15:9 17:24
19:5 20:8 20:10 20:38 21:21
hustling/hustlers -- see also: prostitution
Hutchinson, Stephen F. -- 3:27
Huxley, Sir Julian -- 16:11
Huysmans, Joris-Karl -- 11:23
Hyacinthus (mythological character) -- 14:26
Hygron Nederland -- 4:8
Hylas (article) -- 14:26
Hylas (mythological character) -- 14:26
hypnosis -- 21:37
hysteria -- 6:20
Iandoli, Richard -- 10:8 19:9
Ibbottson, Andrew -- 5:15
Ibiza -- 7:12
Idaho -- 11:17
ILIC - Illinois Legislative Investigating Committee -- 8:10 9:43 16:5
ILIC, Ltd. Summer Camp -- 9:44
illegal tactics, police use of -- 5:16 9:31
Illinois --
2:24 7:10 18:14 20:9 20:34 20:37
Illinois Legislative Investigating Committee (ILIC) -- 8:10 9:43 16:5
Illusion Theatre (play) -- 10:12
Immanuel Baptist Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan -- 9:7
Immigration Commission, Philippines -- 15:11
Immigration Police, Philippines -- 16:3
Immoralist, The (1921) (book) -- 21:22
impotence -- 6:20
In His Own Image (1901) (book) -- 14:22
in loco parentis -- 3:28
In Touch (periodical) -- 2:7
incest -- 8:33 11:31 15:10
Incest Patterns (conference paper) -- 8:12
Indecent Assault (1980) (book) -- 5:17 12:3
Indecent Publications Tribunal, New Zealand -- 18:11
indefinite confinement -- 1:23 4:7 8:11 10:8
Independent Network News (television show) -- 21:12
India -- 11:30 13:20 17:29
Indian Ocean -- 1:25 10:6
Indiana -- 10:4 10:12 18:3
Indiana University -- 19:31
Indiana University Press (publisher) -- 10:4
Indianapolis Police Department -- 8:15 11:14 12:42
Indianer-Kommune -- 6:20 9:11 11:10 16:6
Indo-China -- 10:22
infantilisation of the child -- 6:20
inflated estimates of pornography and child sex --
1:6 2:25 3:28 4:26 5:5 5:9 6:8 8:9 8:10 8:15
9:6 9:13 9:43 10:8 11:14 12:3 12:7 12:12 12:43 13:11
13:13 14:8 14:9 15:7 16:7 16:10 18:10 18:12 18:19 19:10
Infor-Homosexualité -- 7:14
Ingalls, David -- 15:39
Inglis, William -- 6:8
initiative for intimate contact, child's --
3:14 5:5 8:24 8:33 9:8 9:28 9:32 9:35 9:36 10:22
10:33 10:37 11:4 11:6 12:18 14:25 16:31 18:19 18:28 21:43
Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) -- 16:8 20:5
Inner Tides (1976/1977) (poetry) -- 9:39
Inquisition, The -- 17:19
Insel der Kinder (1976) (book) -- 11:16
"Inspecteur Jason" -- 1:22
instinct in male adult to care for adolescents -- 21:40
instincts, human -- 14:13
Institute for Human Genetics, University of Göttingen -- 1:7
Institute for Sex Research -- 13:11
Institute of Humanistic Science -- 5:7
Institute of Psychiatry, Law and Behavioral Sciences, USC -- 7:9
intercrural sex -- 21:32
intergenerational relationships -- 10:39
Interior Minister, New Zealand -- 17:6
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) -- 4:28
International Gay Association (IGA) -- 3:6 5:5 17:13
International Gay Association (IGA) Conference, Barcelona, 1980 -- 6:19
International Harold [sic] Tribune (newspaper) -- 14:6
International Health Card -- 2:22
International Herald Tribune (newspaper) -- 18:6
International Television Festival, 22nd Annual, Monte Carlo -- 11:6
International Year of the Child -- 5:7
internment camps -- 1:7
INTERPOL -- 10:39 16:7
Interview With Brett Portman (article) -- 15:29
Interview With Hajo Ortil (article) -- 9:18
intimidation of witnesses and suspects --
2:5 5:15 5:18 5:28 6:31 7:5 9:30 10:16 10:25 10:26
11:7 11:16 11:17 11:37 13:13 13:15 13:16 15:9 15:21 15:30
17:14 19:3 19:9 19:10 19:38 20:10 20:13 20:15 20:23 20:28
Iran -- 1:7
Iranian -- 20:15
Ireland, Beth -- 6:25
Irish-Catholic -- 8:34
Irish Mafia -- 3:5 4:7
Irish political machine (Boston) -- 12:10
Irish Republican Army (IRA) -- 14:5 17:15
Irizarri, Detective Dion -- 10:17
Iron Curtain -- 7:23
Iron Lady (Margaret Thatcher) -- 17:14
Isherwood, Christopher -- 21:20
Islam --
1:25 10:34 12:32 14:20 17:31 18:20
Isle of Serendip -- 1:25
Issues (magazine) -- 11:6
Istanbul -- 2:5
Istanbul -- see also: Constantinople
It's a Boy! (1984) (book) -- 13:23 20:26
It's a Small World (pamphlet) -- 20:36
Italian -- 1:19 19:20
Italy --
2:23 2:27 7:14 10:11 12:42 14:22 18:20 19:17
Ithaca, New York -- 4:10 19:7
ITT (company) -- 2:26
Ittihad (newspaper) -- 10:6
Ivy League -- 2:26 19:7
J'Accuse (1898) (article) -- 15:22
J.F. (letter writer) -- 18:22
J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys: The Love Story that Gave Birth
to Peter Pan (1979) (book)
J.S., Mrs -- 21:12
Jack the Ripper -- 19:33
Jackman, Assemblyman Christopher -- 13:11
Jacobs, George --
4:6 5:7 5:27 8:13 8:25 9:13 9:45 10:17 20:38
Jadoff, Rev Kenneth -- 4:9
Jaffee Productions -- 9:5
jail --
2:17 3:6 3:30 8:4 10:7 10:9 10:16 11:37 20:10
jail -- see also: prison
James, David -- 11:23 13:20
James, Henry -- 5:20
James Bond (character) -- 10:39 13:9
Janus, Father Mark -- 8:15
Janus, Sam -- 10:30 13:29 17:31
Japan -- 6:6 13:22
Japenga, Ann -- 16:8
Japp, Peter -- 12:6
Jaroslawicz, David -- 7:31
Jason -- 14:27
Jay, Alan -- 19:16
Jayawardena government -- 17:6
Jean's (magazine) -- 21:24
Jede Liebe ist Liebe (1982) (book) -- 11:34
Jeffries, David -- 14:3
Jekyll and Hyde personality -- 19:38 20:28
Jennings, Marianne -- 21:11
Jeol, Michel -- 10:7
Jersey City, New Jersey -- 10:11 15:30
Jersey Journal, The (newspaper) -- 10:11
Jersild, Per Christian -- 11:16
Jessup, Maryland -- 11:6
Jesuits -- 17:13
Jesus Christ (see also: Christ) -- 5:21 8:18 11:7 18:26
Jeugdrecht, terecht! (article) -- 15:3
Jewish -- 10:37
Jewish poets -- 8:29
Jews -- 2:23 8:21 16:11
Jews as anti-paedophile crusaders -- 17:30 18:21
Jews required to wear identification marks, 13th Century -- 17:20
Jingle Bells (song) -- 3:29
Jingle Bells and Embezzlement (article) -- 3:29
Jingle Bells Judy --
4:5 5:29 6:6 7:4 9:6 10:5 10:13 10:30 10:38 11:7
11:9 13:11 15:12 16:10 17:4 18:3 20:12
jinnee (genie) -- 12:33
JMV Books (publisher) -- 21:24
Joan of Arc -- 15:20
Job, Book of -- 17:24
Joe and His Uncle (magazine) -- 20:5
Johansen, Ernst -- 5:4
Johns Hopkins University --
4:31 11:5 15:12 15:13 16:9 17:10 19:10 19:33
Johnson, Arthur -- 14:13
Johnson, Eddie -- 15:30
Johnson, Fred -- 20:37
Johnson, Harry -- 1:22 10:22
Johnson, Virginia E. -- 20:31
Johnson boys (Swithinbank case) -- 13:13
Joint Council for Gay Teenagers (Britain) -- 6:4 10:4 17:16 18:4
Jones, Gerald P. -- 5:28 16:4
Jones, Judge Geoffrey -- 16:10
Jones, Rev Jim -- 16:10
Jonestown (Guyana) -- 16:10
Jordan, Lloyd Allen -- 16:4
Josephsen, Don -- 15:3
Journal de Geneve (newspaper) -- 17:7
Journal du Dimanche, Le (newspaper) -- 10:21 14:3
Journal of Criminology (Dutch) (journal) -- 8:6
Journal of Homosexuality (journal) -- 16:4
Journal of Sex Research (journal) -- 1:17 7:16
Journal of Sexology (journal) -- 8:5
Joy, David -- 13:9 17:16
Judaeo-Christian -- 11:36
Judaeo-Christian hatred of life -- 11:27
Judaeo-Christian sex morality -- 10:6
Judges Rules (guidelines for interrogation) -- 5:16
Judiciary Committee, New Jersey Assembly -- 13:11
juge d'instance [sic] -- 17:30
juge d'instruction -- 14:3 15:19 16:5 16:9 18:9
Jung, Carl G. -- 16:13
Jungen an meinen Wegen (1977) (book) -- 11:34
Justice and Police, Department of, Switzerland -- 12:12
Justice Committee, Belgian legislature -- 17:8
Justice Department, United States -- 15:5 18:8 18:10 20:6
Justice Minister, Netherlands -- 1:23 2:18 8:3 11:5 21:9
Juvenile Aid Bureau, Australia -- 14:4
Juvenile Bureau, London Police -- 14:30
juvenile detention center -- 12:5
Juvenile Detention Center, Dallas, Texas -- 8:11
Juvenile Division, LAPD -- 11:8
Juvenile Hall -- 6:9
Juvenile Justice (periodical) -- 11:14 12:3
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Bureau, Department of Justice, United States
Juvenile Unit, Houston Police Department -- 11:15
Ka'aba -- 6:24
Kaiser, Edmond --
8:5 9:29 10:7 10:9 10:38 12:12 17:30 19:5
kaka (κακα=evil, Greek) -- 14:26
Kalamazoo, Michigan -- 18:3
Kalina, Judge Harold -- 13:10
Kalma, Bouwe -- 2:16
kalma (=boy between 7 and around 10 or 12, Albanian) -- 1:19
Kameneff, Leonid -- 3:26 21:35
Kandy, Mountain Kingdom of -- 1:26
Kansas City, Missouri -- 20:37
Karachi -- 1:18
Kassib, King -- 12:32
Kastle, Professor Leonard -- 17:4
Kathmandu, Nepal -- 15:13
Katonah, New York -- 12:11
Katz, Linda -- 10:8
Katz, Stan J. -- 20:14
Katz, William -- 5:9 9:7 13:29 17:30
Keane, Msgr John -- 15:12
Keating, Judge Francis -- 19:9
Keeper, The (short story) -- 9:14
Kelly, Dennis -- 9:39
Kempe, C. Henry -- 10:11 13:26
Kennedy, Donald -- 16:7
Kennedy, Dr Hubert -- 21:20
Kennedy, Sen Edward -- 7:5
Kensington, Philadelphia -- 20:8
Kentish Independent (newspaper) -- 4:10
Kentish Times (newspaper) -- 1:6
Kentler, H. -- 21:36
Kentucky -- 4:6 11:36 12:11
Kerenyi, Carlo -- 16:13
Kevin (1980) (book) --
7:11 7:26 8:31 13:14 17:13 19:25
Keyl, Catherine -- 11:5 20:7
Khomeini, Ayatollah -- 15:20 17:31
kid-operated "sex ring" -- 17:9
Kiddie Crime Comes of Age (article) -- 8:4
kiddie-plucker -- 8:6
kiddy-porn as competitive icon (happy kids vs. "poor jerk on a cross") -- 17:21
kidnaping --
2:18 5:4 5:9 6:7 8:15 9:5 11:9 11:36 12:4 15:12
15:37 18:12 21:44
Kiel, Germany -- 5:5
Kiell, Norman -- 5:25
Kiepenheuer & Witsch (publisher) -- 11:17
Kildee, Rep Dale -- 2:25 4:28 6:8
Kildee-Murphy legislation -- 7:5
Killacky, Brian -- 20:10
Kim min elskede (1981) (book) -- 10:3
Kim, My Beloved (1989) (book) -- 10:3
Kincora Boys' Hostel, East Belfast, Northern Ireland -- 7:10 20:9
Kinder- und Jugendsexualität in der Krise (Child and Youth Sexuality in Crisis)
King, Gov Edward J. -- 1:7 13:10
King, Stephen -- 21:16
King Amphitryon of Thebes -- 14:26
King Jr, Rev Dr Martin Luther -- 18:22
King Kassib -- 12:32
King Kong (1933) (film) -- 10:17
King of England -- 10:7
King's Cross Station, London -- 19:12
Kings Cross area of Sydney, Australia -- 8:9
Kingston, New York -- 13:14
Kingston, Ontario -- 12:8
Kinsey, Alfred C. -- 3:13 10:9 13:10 18:10 19:21
Kinsey Institute --
3:5 3:27 4:21 10:4 16:25 18:3 21:14
Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction -- 19:30
Kinsey Reports -- 2:21 5:29
Kipling, Rudyard -- 13:22
Kirmani, Awhaduddin -- 6:24
Kirulapone, Sri Lanka -- 8:5
Kit (1983) (book) -- 15:24 17:22
Kiwanis-circuit -- 8:15
Klamer, Alje -- 16:3
Kleenex -- 4:25
Kleinefelter's Syndrome -- 15:13
kleptophilia -- 12:46
klismaphilia -- 12:46
Kloppenberg, Jessie -- 9:13
Kloten, Switzerland -- 12:12
Knabentraume (1980) (book) -- 11:34
Knickerbocker News (newspaper) -- 2:4
knighthood -- 6:11
Knill-Jones, Simon -- 19:3
Koch, Ilsa -- 13:13
Koch, New York Mayor Edward -- 3:29 17:4 21:11
Koch, Peter -- 15:39
Koczka, Charles -- 18:11
Koers, Dr A. -- 20:8
Koln -- 11:17
Komisar, Lucy -- 4:5
Koningswinter, Germany -- 1:6
Kool-Aid -- 15:36
Koopmans, Cnoop -- 21:31
Koran -- 3:4 3:24 10:38 12:34
Korthals Altes, Frits -- 21:9
Kossovo -- 1:19
kous-kous -- 14:21
KPFA-FM (radio) -- 13:6
Kranendonk, Dr L.J. -- 7:15
Krefeld, Germany -- 4:4 5:5 9:10 15:10
Kreis, Der (magazine) -- 11:34
Krentler, Prof Helmut -- 7:11
Krief, Jean-Claude -- 13:5 14:3 15:19 16:9 18:9
kris (ceremonial dagger) -- 9:40
KRO (radio, Netherlands) -- 15:10
Krug, Judith -- 8:8
Ku Klux Klan -- 18:21
Kuiper, Rev Johannes W. 'John' -- 2:4 6:5
Kurtz, Robert -- 9:45
L'Autre Media (periodical) -- 16:8
L'Espoir (periodical) -- 21:6 21:7 21:8
L., Jean-Pierre -- 13:4
labia -- 3:28
Labour (British political party) -- 4:8
Lacey, E.A. -- 14:25
Ladywell Police Station -- 2:30
Ladywell, London -- 14:31
Laird, Melvin -- 4:5
Laird O'Cockpen pub, Collingwood, Australia -- 20:13
Lamason, Michael -- 19:33
Lambda Rising (bookstore) -- 19:26
Lanarkshire, Scotland -- 17:15
Lancashire, England -- 13:9 17:15
Lancing Keymarket -- 19:3
Landsbaum, Mark -- 11:7
Lane, Erskine -- 9:38
Lane, John -- 14:22
Lang, Jack -- 15:19 18:9
Langfeldt, Thore -- 10:29 11:28 13:6 19:6
Langford, John S. -- 11:4
Lanning, Special Agent Kenneth -- 15:7
Lansing State Journal (newspaper) -- 18:8
Lansing, Michigan -- 18:8 20:16
lansquenet -- 13:23
Las Vegas Sun (newspaper) -- 16:7
Lasher, Howard -- 12:3
Lashin, Judge Fathi -- 10:6
Lassman, Jeffrey M. -- 10:17
Last (pseudonym of Josephus Carel Franciscus), Jef -- 1:16
Last of the Wine, The (1956) (book) -- 18:11
latency period (Freud) -- 9:35 10:29 11:29 21:11
Latham, Raymond -- 11:5
Latin America -- 21:44
Laughlin, Fr Thomas B. -- 17:9
Lausanne, Switzerland -- 10:38 11:14 12:12
Laverey, Michael -- 15:39
law, Belgian: Article 372 -- 21:7
law, Belgian: Article 372 bis -- 17:7
law, British: Rule 43 -- 11:11
law, Dutch -- 9:40
law, Dutch: Article 239 -- 21:8
law, Dutch: Article 247 -- 2:17 8:3
law, Dutch: Article 280 -- 2:20
law, French: Article 331 -- 7:4 9:7
law, German: Paragraph 175 -- 7:11 9:23
law, Italian: Article 530 -- 10:11
law, Kentucky (state): KRS 509.080 -- 11:38
law, Philippine: Article 340 -- 7:9
law, United States: Chapter 110, Title 18 -- 20:6 20:36
Lawson, Robert J. -- 16:5
Lazar, Martin -- 6:10
Le Gendre, Bertrand -- 1:23
Le Rosignol, Pierre -- 8:2
Leach, Eugene -- 9:45
League of Rights, Australia -- 20:13
Leeds -- 2:6
left-wing youth leaders -- 11:27
Legal Aid -- 7:10
Legal Services Corporation -- 7:5
Legg, Rodney -- 8:24
Legislative Assembly, Australia -- 10:10
Legislature, Dutch -- 20:8
Legislature, Maine -- 4:31
Leicester -- 14:30
Leiden University -- 20:8
Leis, Simon -- 10:11
Lelyveld, Mieke -- 2:8
Lemmon, Dennis -- 8:18
Lenin, Vladimir I. -- 9:20
Lenox Hills Hospital -- 6:6
Leonard, Robert F. --
4:8 4:28 5:8 5:29 6:9 13:29
Leonard, Q.C., Judge John -- 8:21 9:32 10:12 13:3
Leonia, New Jersey -- 11:12
"leper wing", prison -- 3:18
Lesbian Activities Bureau (LAB) -- 9:8
Lesbian and Gay Associated Engineers and Scientists (LGAES) -- 19:10
Lesbian and Gay Youth Magazine (magazine) -- 21:7 21:11
Lesbian and Gay Youth Movement, Britain -- 21:6
Lesbian/Lesbians --
7:25 8:35 9:8 10:34 13:12 14:7 21:9 21:10
Leslie, Charles -- 5:9
Leslie, Chief Inspector Ray -- 5:15
Leslie-Lohman Gallery, New York City -- 5:9
Lester, Jim -- 20:37
Letters [J.R. Ackerley] (1975) (book) -- 13:22
Letting Go (short story) -- 21:16
Levin, Prof Michael -- 17:31
Levy, Leonard -- 17:19
lewd dancing (in church!) as "indecency with a child" -- 15:8
Lewd Lolita, The (1980) (book) -- 6:4
Lewin, Julie -- 10:3
Lewis, Diane -- 15:36
Lewis, John Michael -- 17:5
Lewis, State Rep Joyce -- 2:6 4:31
Lewis Carroll Collectors Guild -- 20:37
Lexington (Kentucky) Police Department -- 11:37
Lexington, Kentucky -- 11:36 12:11
Leyland, Winston -- 9:37 12:9
Liberal (Dutch political party) -- 2:18
Liberal (German political party) -- 9:23
Liberation (newspaper) -- 1:22 11:7 12:13 14:3
Libertarian Book Club (publisher) -- 20:14
Liberty Bell City (Philadelphia) -- 20:14
Libido (magazine) -- 21:8
Library Journal (journal) -- 10:31
Licht, Alan -- 17:5
Licht (pseudonym of Dr Paul Brandt), Hans -- 16:14
Lifestyles '79 (conference) -- 2:7
Linedecker, Clifford L. -- 10:30 13:29 17:19
Linkages Among Child Victimization: Prostitution and Pornography (conference paper)
Lino, Edison -- 12:5
Lisbon -- 21:44
Little Boys, The (1983) (book) -- 18:9
Little Brown (publisher) -- 10:8
Little House on the Prairie (television program) -- 8:3
Little League -- 7:20 9:6 11:9
Little Rock, Arkansas -- 18:24
Little White Bird, The (1902) (book) -- 5:23
Little, Brown and Company (publisher) -- 11:32
Littlehampton, England -- 19:3
Liverpool -- 21:6
Livingston, Jacqueline --
4:10 5:4 5:9 6:7 9:7 13:8 19:7
Livingston, Sam -- 13:8
Livingston Gallery -- 13:8
Llewelyn Davies, George -- 5:24
Llewelyn Davies, Michael -- 5:23
Llewelyn Davies, Nicholas -- 5:23
Llewelyn Davies boys -- 5:22
Lloyd, Robin --
2:24 3:28 4:26 4:28 5:29 8:10 8:32 9:13 9:35 9:43
10:8 12:6 12:7 13:29 18:21
Locker, Martin --
5:8 6:10 12:6 13:5 13:29 16:5 17:30 18:11
Lohmüller, Otto -- 14:5
Loken, Craig -- 14:9
Lolita (magazine) -- 21:45
Lolita (character) -- 19:8
London --
1:6 1:28 2:4 2:7 2:30 3:6 3:18 4:8 4:9 4:22
5:6 6:4 6:6 6:11 7:10 7:11 8:7 8:8 8:17 9:7
9:10 9:29 10:4 10:33 11:10 11:23 11:38 13:2 13:5 13:6
13:7 13:9 13:31 14:5 14:29 15:6 15:8 15:11 16:4 16:5
16:8 16:24 17:14 17:15 18:4 18:13 19:11 20:3 20:5 21:6
London, Colin -- 3:4
London Evening News (newspaper) -- 5:6
London Gazette (newspaper) -- 6:8
London Weekend TV -- 8:5
Long, Police Lt Charles W. -- 7:9
Long, Stanley -- 9:5
Long Island, New York --
2:26 10:16 13:12 13:13 13:14 15:39
Lopez, Pedro Alonso -- 6:8
Lord Dismiss Us (1967/1968) (book) -- 17:22
Lord of the Flies (1954) (book) -- 6:23
Los Angeles --
2:24 5:7 6:8 6:9 6:18 7:9 8:6 8:25 9:9 11:7
11:8 11:13 12:43 13:3 13:8 13:11 14:5 16:8 16:10 17:5
17:12 17:27 19:10
Los Angeles City Council -- 8:25
Los Angeles Herald Examiner (newspaper) -- 9:13 12:9
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) --
1:22 2:25 3:28 4:27 5:6 5:7 5:27 6:9 6:18 7:4
7:14 8:10 8:16 9:13 9:30 9:43 10:5 10:22 11:8 13:8
14:5 15:8 16:10 17:5 17:13 17:19 17:30 18:19 20:15
Los Angeles Times (newspaper) --
5:4 7:9 8:6 8:8 9:5 9:6 9:9 9:13 11:7 12:11
15:7 16:8 17:5 18:10 18:14 18:19 20:15 20:37
Los Angels [sic] -- 20:14
Louis Harris poll -- 1:7
Louisiana -- 20:37
Loup, Jean -- 3:3 4:10 6:3
Love and Attraction, International Conference on, Swansea, Wales (conference)
1:17 2:6 10:28
Love and Attraction: An International Conference (1979) (book)
2:6 7:16
Love and Pedagogy (article) -- 21:30
love as therapy -- 15:25
Love at Sea (short story) -- 11:18
Love Between Children and Adults (pamphlet) -- 6:6
Loveless Jr, Judge Ernest A. -- 11:5
Lover Boys (magazine) -- 1:22 9:31
Lover's Cock, A (1979) (book) -- 9:38
Lower Saxony, Germany -- 17:6
LTS - trade school, Netherlands -- 12:26
Lübeck -- 15:8 20:27 21:25
Lublin -- 17:31
lubricants, sexual -- 10:10
Lucrece (poetry) -- 19:19
Lucy, Sir Thomas -- 19:20
Lukianos (writer) -- 21:31
Luna (1979), La (film) -- 9:5
Lund, Asger -- 1:13 10:34 13:23
Luneta Park (Rizal Park), Manila -- 14:6 15:11
lust murder -- 12:46
Luther (short story) -- 20:17
Luther, Martin -- 8:21
Lutterworth Press (publisher) -- 16:4
Lutton, Carl -- 2:23
Luxembourg -- 21:8
Lyon, France -- 1:22
Mabilangan, Philip -- 12:4
MABLOG (New Zealand man/boy-love group) -- 13:3
MacDonald, George -- 5:21
mace -- 11:14
macho image -- 10:5
Mackay, John Henry -- 20:14 21:20
Mackay Gesellschaft [Society] -- 20:14 21:23
MacKinder, Dennis Lee -- 18:8
Macmillan London Ltd (publisher) -- 11:26
MacNaughton, Robert -- 14:4
MAD Magazine (magazine) -- 19:5
Madden, Susan B. -- 10:30
Mader, Donald H. -- 1:28
Madison, Wisconsin -- 11:4 18:11 20:36
Madrid -- 21:44
Mafia -- 2:31 9:27 10:5 15:10
magic -- 17:23
Magic Mountain, The (1924) (book) -- 4:25
Maginnis, Robert -- 21:11
Magpie (periodical) --
1:4 6:7 7:11 8:18 10:26 11:10 16:5
Mahajarah [sic] of Chokrapur -- 13:20
Mahanga, Henare Tiki Pikau -- 17:4
Mahers, E. Powys -- 12:32
Maier, Count Michael D. -- 7:19
Maier, Jos -- 20:28
Mail (newspaper) -- 20:3
Maine -- 4:31
Maitland, Leslie -- 15:5
Malaysia -- 1:28
male competition instinct -- 14:13
Male Image Agency -- 17:5
Malik, John -- 3:29
Mama Say (short story) -- 7:17
man-boy -- see also: boy-love
Man Boy Love Journal (periodical) -- 8:16
Man From U.N.C.L.E., The (television program) -- 10:13
man-girl -- see also: girl-man, girl-love
Man They Called a Monster, The (1981) (book) --
9:8 10:32 12:38 13:6 14:3 15:5 16:6
Man to Man (1981) (book) -- 10:31
Man Without Qualities (1930/1953-60) (book) -- 21:22
man working with children raises suspicion -- 7:9 8:3 9:21 10:3 10:6
Manchester -- 21:6
Mandate (periodical) -- 19:10
Manhattan -- 21:11
Manhattan Beach, California -- 20:15
Manhood Ceremony, The (1978) (book) -- 10:30
Manila --
6:5 7:13 9:3 10:9 12:4 12:10 14:6 14:19 15:11 16:4
17:29 18:5 19:5 21:20
Manila Police Vice Squad -- 12:5
Manila Times (newspaper) -- 15:11
Mann, Klaus -- 4:25
Mann, Rev Fr Christopher Stephen -- 17:12 18:8
Mann, Thomas -- 4:25 5:20 16:15 21:22
Mannbarkeitsriten: Zur institutionellen Päderastie bei Papuas und Melanesiern (1980) (book)
Manneken Pis (sculpture) -- 11:17
Manor House, Newton-Abbey -- 20:9
Many Prisoners Jailed for Trivial Reasons (article) -- 11:6
Maori -- 17:4
maquerelles -- 10:9
Marcos, Ferdinand -- 14:6
Mardrus, Dr J.C. -- 12:32
marijuana -- 10:16
Marin, Pierre -- 16:2 18:2
Marino, State Sen Ralph J. -- 12:3 13:12
Marot, Gerard -- 13:23 16:28
Marrakech -- 3:20 14:21
Mars (planet) -- 12:34
Martialis, Marcus Valerius -- 21:32
Martijn (periodical) -- 15:3 15:7 15:10 20:8
Martin, Beth -- 11:8
Martin, Clyde E. -- 3:13
Martin, David -- 14:25
Martin, James J. -- 20:8
Martin, Lloyd --
1:22 2:25 3:28 4:6 4:27 5:6 5:7 5:27 6:9 6:18
6:20 7:4 7:9 7:14 8:9 8:10 8:12 8:14 8:32 8:34
9:10 9:12 9:13 9:30 9:43 10:5 10:13 10:17 10:22 11:7
11:13 11:28 12:6 12:7 12:12 12:41 12:42 13:29 15:7 15:19
15:39 16:10 17:5 17:13 17:19 17:21 17:30 18:21 20:15 20:16
20:38 21:18
Martindale, S.J., Father -- 14:23
Martinson, Floyd M. -- 11:28 12:37 19:6
Marvin the Clown -- 12:6
Marx, Karl -- 9:20 16:5
Marxism/Marxist -- 7:11 16:6 16:8 21:20
Maryland --
4:7 7:5 11:5 15:13 17:10 17:12 18:8 19:10 19:33 20:3
Maslinski, Jim -- 4:5
Masques, Revue des Homosexualités (magazine) -- 9:7
Massachusetts --
1:7 1:19 1:31 2:4 2:22 2:23 3:5 4:6 4:7 6:31
8:11 8:12 10:10 10:17 11:11 12:9 13:10 15:29 17:3 17:4
17:9 17:12 18:5 18:22 19:7 19:9 20:15 21:20
Massachusetts Criminal Justice Training Council -- 9:11
Master of Pausias, The (short story) -- 4:10
Masters, William H. -- 20:31
masturbation --
2:26 3:17 3:30 4:25 6:19 6:20 6:26 7:25 8:13 8:26
10:8 10:29 10:35 12:3 12:47 13:28 14:25 14:28 15:27 16:25
16:30 19:7 19:21 19:35 19:37 20:6 20:8 20:32 21:10 21:32
masturbation clubs -- 11:28
masturbation fantasies -- 12:42
masturbatory conditioning therapy -- 9:36 10:29
Mathias, Barbara -- 11:10
Matin, Le (newspaper) -- 14:3
Matthau, Walter -- 12:6
Matthews, Detective Inspector Roger -- 2:30
Matthow, Marvin -- 6:10 12:6
Matusinka, Jean E. -- 9:10
Matzneff, Gabriel --
2:5 9:7 13:5 15:22 16:9 21:36
Maugham, Robin -- 9:38
MAVO - general preparatory school, Netherlands -- 12:26
Maxwell, Judge T.G. -- 17:5
Mayer, Angus -- 8:18
Mayne, Stephen John -- 19:10 20:13
Maynila (periodical) -- 14:7
McCall, Idaho -- 11:17
McCarthy, Sen Joe -- 18:22
McCausland, Maureen P. -- 19:7 20:20
McClung, Judge Pat -- 8:11
McConaghy, Neil -- 15:5
McConnel, Glenn -- 11:13
McConville, Sean -- 9:36
McCooey, Judge Edwin -- 1:31 2:4 2:22 8:34
McCormack, Thomas -- 14:9
McDonald, Brother Alex -- 17:13
McDowell, Heather -- 18:12
McHarry, Mark -- 16:3 17:19
McKenna, Anne -- 13:12
McKenzie, Barbara -- 14:30
McKenzie, George -- 8:8 13:7
McKinley, William -- 1:28
McKuen, Rod -- 13:3
McLaughlin, Ian -- 10:14 15:15
McLaughlin, John -- 13:14
McLean, Don -- 21:9
McLuhan, Marshall -- 20:25
McMartin Preschool -- 20:15
McMillan, Dugald -- 14:3
McMurtry, Roy -- 4:9 17:9
McNeill, High Court Justice -- 4:4 15:8
Medellin -- 18:18
Medical Journal of Australia (journal) -- 8:9
Medicare (Australia) -- 17:3
Mediterranean -- 9:23 17:31
mega-erotophobiacs -- 9:12
Meilleur, Le (magazine) -- 10:21
Mein Kampf -- 8:12
Melai, Prof Dr A.L. -- 2:18
Melai Commission (Netherlands) -- 2:18 8:3 8:5 20:8
Melbourne --
2:7 10:5 12:3 12:5 13:6 14:9 16:5 18:6 19:10 20:12
Melbourne Age (periodical) -- 20:14
Melbourne Film Festival -- 12:5
Melbourne Gay Teachers and Students Group -- 6:25
Melbourne Gayline -- 13:6
Melbourne Herald (newspaper) -- 18:6
Melzer, Peter -- 18:21
Memoirs of Hadrian (1951) (book) -- 16:14
Memphis, Tennessee -- 4:30 11:24 12:12
Men and Boys: An Anthology (1924/1978) (book) -- 1:28
Men Loving Boys Loving Men (article) -- 4:9 17:9
Mendoza, Adrian -- 4:4
Mendoza, Maureen J. -- 11:30
Mengele, Dr Josef -- 17:20
Menschliches allzu Menschliches (treatise) -- 21:32
Mensuel RG, Le (periodical) -- 21:8
Mentally Disordered Sex Offender (MDSO) -- 5:6 7:9 9:13 10:12
Mentally Disordered Sex Offender Program, Florida -- 15:3
mentoring -- 14:18
Merced, California -- 5:4 6:7 9:5
Mercury (deity) -- 7:19
Mercury (planet) -- 12:34
Mercy, Those American Boys (poetry) -- 18:26
Merlin -- 5:21
Merola, Mario -- 21:13
Merritt, David -- 9:7
Merseyside, England -- 17:15
Messalina, Empress -- 19:4
Messiah -- 3:18
Mesvere, Robert W. -- 4:7 8:34
Metro (newspaper) -- 16:3
Metropolitan Community Church -- 6:6 11:14
México -- 2:22 4:29 12:9
México, D.F. -- 10:31
Meyer, Tom -- 9:38
Miami Herald (newspaper) -- 9:6 15:3
Miami, Florida -- 15:3 18:21 20:16
Michael Joseph (publisher) -- 14:22
Michael, Saint -- 14:24
Michaels, Bill -- 12:2
Michigan --
2:24 4:27 9:25 10:5 10:17 11:4 11:5 18:3 18:8 20:16
Michna, Commander -- 11:15
micro-chip identification -- 8:16
Middle Ages -- 6:19 8:12 16:15 19:20
Middle East -- 6:9 10:6 12:47 17:27
Middlebury, Vermont -- 20:15
Midgely, Tom -- 18:4
Midi Libre (newspaper) -- 12:9
Midi, Paris -- 1:22
Midland Railway, Britain -- 19:14
Midwest Academic Gay Review (journal) -- 10:33
Midwest Gay Academic Journal, The (periodical) -- 2:26
Midwestern America -- 9:8
Mihalko, Daniel -- 18:14 20:37
Millennium Theatre, New York -- 6:11
Miller, Elder George -- 6:5
Millers (Scottish builder) -- 19:9
Millstones (poetry) -- 13:20
Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- 9:3
Mineola, New York -- 11:17
MINILOVE (Orwellian term for fictional "Ministry of Love" in 1984)
Ministry of Justice, Germany -- 17:6
Ministry of Justice, Netherlands -- 2:12 10:39
Ministry of Social Services and Development, Philippines -- 14:7
MINITRUTH (Orwellian term for fictional "Ministry of Truth" in 1984)
Minneapolis -- 10:12 13:10 19:3
Minneapolis Children's Theater -- 19:3
Minnesota -- 10:12 13:10 19:3
Minor Problems (periodical) -- 16:5 19:11
Minos, King of Crete -- 15:28 16:14
Minute (periodical) -- 1:22 7:12 10:18 14:3
Minute Scandal, The (article) -- 10:18
Miskin, Q.C., Sir James -- 9:10 13:7 15:11 16:8
misogynic [sic] -- 20:26
Mison, David -- 19:3
Missouri -- 18:8 20:34 20:37
Missourian, The (newspaper) -- 20:38
Mistin, Q.C., James -- 8:8
mistookies -- 21:29
Mitchell, Pam -- 20:14
Mitterand, François -- 9:7 10:7 10:9 10:21 14:3
Mitzel, John --
5:27 7:5 8:14 8:34 9:37 10:34 11:9 11:28 15:20 15:39
Model-T -- 13:31
Mohammad, Imam Abdul Haq -- 3:4
moins de seize ans, Les (1974) (book) -- 13:5 15:22
Molina, Lourdes -- 9:4
monastery -- 3:19
Monde, Le (newspaper) --
1:22 9:4 10:7 10:24 13:5 14:3 15:22 18:11
Mondenhauer, Jearld [sic] -- 18:10
Money, Dr John --
4:31 10:5 11:5 12:45 15:12 15:13 16:9 17:10 19:33
money corrupts, not sex (Michael Davidson) -- 17:26
Monmouth County, New Jersey -- 15:37
Monomarks Post Office, Britain -- 19:11
monotheism -- 21:42
Montana -- 11:15
Montand, Yves -- 7:4
Monterey Peninsula, California -- 4:8
Montes, Sylvia -- 11:6 12:4
Montherlant, Henri de -- 11:33 15:22 18:11
Montpellier, France -- 13:4
Montreal -- 12:40 15:25 17:10 17:11 20:12
Moody, Roger --
5:15 7:6 8:17 8:19 8:22 10:34 12:3 13:6 16:3
Moore, Chris -- 19:3
Moorhouse, Frank -- 10:7
Moorish -- 8:29 9:38
Moral Majority --
7:5 10:11 10:12 10:39 11:15 11:27 11:28 11:29 13:8 18:12
Morall, Kathy A. -- 19:38
Morals and Youth Police, The Hague, Netherlands -- 15:9
Morgen (poetry) -- 20:14
Morgen, De (newspaper) -- 5:5 16:3
Mormon Church -- 18:13
Moroccan -- 8:4
Morocco --
3:20 14:19 18:18 18:20 19:14 21:44
Moses ibn Ezra -- 8:29 8:31
Moslem -- see: Muslim
Mother Nature -- 13:6
Mount Clemens, Michigan -- 7:31
mountaineering -- 21:44
Mounts, Circuit Judge Marvin -- 15:3
Mrazek, Patricia Beezley -- 10:11
Ms (magazine) -- 14:6
Mt Washington, Ohio -- 10:11
Muggleston, Lodowick -- 17:20
Muhamad of Damascus -- 12:33
Multiciplicites [sic], ou des lieux de vie par milliers (1983) (book)
München/Munich --
2:28 5:30 7:27 9:10 9:21 11:10 11:17 11:31 14:5
Munson, Howard -- 18:8
Munson, Marjorie -- 18:8
Munyard, Terry -- 3:6
murder --
1:31 2:22 3:4 3:5 3:14 4:7 5:8 5:27 6:6 6:8
6:31 7:8 7:14 8:6 8:8 8:15 9:7 9:10 9:31 10:5
10:8 10:13 10:19 10:28 11:15 11:36 12:5 12:8 12:12 12:46
13:4 15:12 15:20 16:10 17:6 17:15 17:19 18:12 18:13 18:14
19:25 19:32 19:33 20:5 20:8 20:10 21:19
murder as cover-up for sexual contact with child -- 18:13 19:33
Murdoch, Iris -- 16:10 19:35
Murdoch, Rupert -- 15:38 20:3
Muria culture -- 11:30
Murphy, Ervin -- 11:9
Murphy, John M. -- 6:8
Murphy, Michael -- 8:37
Murrow, Edward R. -- 18:22
Musaph, Prof Dr M. -- 8:5 20:8
muscle magazines -- 1:16
Musil, Robert -- 21:22
Muslim/Moslem -- 1:7 3:4 8:30 10:25
My Father and Myself (1968/1969) (book) -- 13:20 13:22
My Mother Writes My Obit - Because She Hates Me (article) -- 8:7
mysophilia -- 12:46
Nabokov, Vladimir -- 13:23
Nachttocht (film) -- 11:4
NAFP (Paedophile Workgroup of Norway) -- 2:6 15:10
Naked Lunch (1959) (book) -- 8:35
NAMBLA - North American Man/Boy Love Association --
4:6 6:11 7:12 8:10 8:16 9:12 10:6 10:8 10:16 10:34
11:10 11:11 11:14 11:16 12:9 12:13 12:42 13:8 13:13 13:14
14:7 15:4 15:7 15:12 15:14 15:29 15:33 15:37 16:5 16:10
16:12 17:13 18:5 18:6 18:11 18:18 18:21 19:5 19:7 19:9
NAMBLA Bulletin (periodical) --
10:11 13:3 15:38 21:7 21:14 21:15
NAMBLA Journal (periodical) -- 16:3 19:5
NAMBLA News (periodical) -- 10:17
Nannies -- 6:19
Naples -- 5:5
Napoleon the Third (character) -- 13:21
Narberth, Pennsylvania -- 7:31
narcissism -- 8:14
Narcissus (mythological character) -- 5:21 12:45
narratophilia -- 12:46
Nash, Harold -- 3:4
Nassau Country [sic] Corrections Center, New York -- 11:17
Nassau County, New York -- 10:16 13:13 13:14
National Assembly, France -- 4:4 7:4 9:7
National Association of District Attorneys -- 5:29
National Association of Social Workers -- 14:7
National Association of Youth Clubs (Britain) -- 6:4
National Campaign for Law and Order (Britain) -- 17:15
National Catholic Reporter (periodical) -- 17:11
National Center for the Prevention and Control of Rape, United States -- 9:11
National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, United States -- 18:13
National Christian Radio (NCRV), Netherlands -- 11:5
National Civic Council, Australia -- 20:13
National Coalition for Children's Justice -- 4:29
National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse, United States -- 13:3
National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexual Men, Queensland University, Australia
National Conference of Lesbians and Homosexuals, Canberra, Australia, 8th Annual
National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, fifth annual, 1980 -- 9:3
National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL)(Britain) -- 5:17 8:23
National District Attorneys Association -- 4:8 4:28
National Dutch Radio -- 9:8
National Dutch Television -- 6:5 11:4
National Enquirer (periodical) -- 7:12
National Front (British political party) -- 3:4 3:18 17:16
National Geographic (magazine) -- 13:10
National Institute for Social Work (Britain) -- 9:33
National News Council, United States -- 12:11
National Socialist (German political party) -- 9:18
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Britain) -- 6:8
National Union of Students Lesbian and Gay, Britain -- 21:6
National Youth Emancipation Workgroup (Netherlands) -- 9:8
NATO -- 8:22
natural selection mechanism (social ecology) as determinant of which men are boy-lovers
naturalist magazines -- 1:16
nature as intelligent force (social ecology) -- 5:26 19:17 19:37 20:31
Naughton, Francis J. -- 11:3
Navy, British -- 9:11
Nazi Party, American -- 18:21
Nazi/Nazis/Nazi Germany --
1:4 2:23 3:4 7:4 7:27 8:17 9:18 10:9 10:12 10:21
10:33 16:11 17:20 17:30 18:10 18:22 21:20
NBC (television) --
8:3 12:6 16:8 20:4 20:7 20:10 20:20 20:36 20:38 21:45
NCRV - National Christian Radio, Netherlands -- 11:5
Neapolitans -- 14:22
Near Fatal Attraction (1977) (book) -- 6:23
Neasworth House, Roysdon, Leicester -- 14:30
Nebraska -- 18:4
Nebraska School for the Deaf -- 18:4
Nebulizer (weapon), The -- 11:14
necrophilia -- 12:46
Nederlands Tijdschrift Geneeskunde (journal) -- 8:5
Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de psychologie (journal) -- 5:14
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Sexuele Hervorming (NVSH) --
1:16 1:23 2:8 2:15 3:25 7:15 12:36 15:6 15:9 19:8
Negombo -- 9:27 10:6
Nelson, Joan A. -- 11:31 19:6
Nelson, Trevor -- 7:7
Neo-Gothic -- 16:15
neo-Mengelists -- 17:20
neo-Nazi -- 21:44
Nepal -- 15:13
Netherlands (see also: Dutch, Holland) --
1:15 1:18 1:20 1:23 2:7 2:8 2:14 2:15 2:21 3:13
3:25 4:6 5:6 6:4 6:5 6:31 7:12 8:3 8:4 8:5
9:8 10:8 11:3 11:4 11:9 11:12 11:13 11:35 12:26 12:35
12:36 12:38 12:39 12:40 15:3 15:6 15:7 15:9 15:11 15:26
16:6 17:3 17:24 18:8 18:26 19:7 19:8 20:3 20:6 20:26
21:8 21:9
Netherlands Association for Sexual Reform (NVSH) -- 2:8
Netherlands Institute of Social Sexological Research (NISSO) --
1:16 3:25 4:6 5:14
Netherlands Society for Sexual Reform (NVSH) --
1:16 1:23 2:15 3:25 7:15 12:36 15:6 15:9 19:8 20:7
Neuborne, Burt -- 19:5
Nevada -- 9:33 18:14
Never the Same Again (1956) (book) -- 17:22
Neverending Story (1984), The (film) -- 21:23
New England -- 6:10 10:28 11:14 16:10
New Gay News (periodical) -- 18:7
New Guinea -- 7:7
New Hampshire -- 10:5 10:17 13:11 16:10
New Haven, Connecticut -- 3:19
New Jersey --
2:5 4:7 4:8 10:11 10:17 11:12 13:11 13:14 15:30 15:37
18:7 18:10 18:13 19:9 21:13
New Mexico -- 17:9
New Orleans -- 4:29 20:37
New Saint Marks Baths, New York -- 17:25
New Society (periodical) -- 8:23
New South Wales -- 10:7
New Standard (newspaper) -- 9:29
New Testament -- 19:4
New York --
2:6 2:22 2:26 3:4 4:5 4:7 4:8 5:4 5:8 6:6
6:8 6:11 7:7 7:8 7:10 7:13 8:3 8:15 8:19 8:31
9:6 9:12 9:35 10:5 10:6 10:9 10:11 10:16 10:30 10:31
11:9 11:17 12:3 12:6 12:8 12:11 12:43 13:5 13:6 13:8
13:12 13:14 14:3 14:8 14:9 14:24 15:6 15:8 15:12 15:14
15:29 15:38 15:39 16:3 16:4 16:8 16:9 17:4 17:11 17:13
18:7 18:11 18:14 19:5 19:6 19:7 20:14 20:37 21:23
New York Community Council of Lesbian and Gay Organizations -- 17:13
New York Daily News (newspaper) --
3:4 6:11 13:11 13:16 17:9 17:13 18:4 18:8 18:10 18:14
19:6 20:16
New York Magazine (magazine) -- 4:5 6:7
New York Native (newspaper) --
13:14 13:16 15:12 17:13 18:8 19:4 20:14
New York News (newspaper) -- 8:4
New York Police Department (NYPD) -- 5:9 15:12 17:11 20:15 21:11
New York Post (newspaper) --
3:5 3:29 4:9 5:9 7:6 11:9 12:4 15:13 16:4 16:27
New York State -- 1:7
New York State Legislature -- 15:12
New York State Psychiatric Institute -- 12:8
New York Times (newspaper) --
1:7 3:5 4:5 4:8 6:7 6:9 7:8 9:3 9:6 10:9
11:6 11:9 11:13 12:8 13:8 13:10 13:12 15:5 16:7 16:9
16:10 17:3 17:11 18:3 18:4 18:8 18:9 18:12 18:13 20:14
20:15 20:16 20:38
New York v Ferber -- 16:3
New Yorker, The (magazine) -- 10:31
New Zealand --
8:37 10:5 11:10 12:5 13:3 16:6 17:4 17:5 18:12
Newark -- 13:14
Newark Star Ledger (newspaper) -- 13:14
Newbury, England -- 19:6
Newcastle -- 12:6
Newcastle Evening Chronicle (newspaper) -- 7:8
Newcastle Herald (newspaper) -- 20:13
Newcastle University -- 15:5
Newcastle, Australia -- 17:3
Newcastle, England -- 7:8
Newgate Prison -- 17:20
Newhall, David -- 9:6
Newport Beach, California -- 12:13
Newport Pagnall, England -- 8:22
News American (newspaper) -- 19:33
News of the World (newspaper) --
1:5 1:6 1:28 2:7 7:7 7:12 7:26 8:6 8:10 8:17
9:5 9:27 13:6 13:9 17:16
Newsday (magazine) -- 13:16
Newsweek (magazine) --
12:6 13:6 13:8 15:7 15:36 17:31 18:12 18:18 19:6 19:10
Newton Center, Massachusetts -- 9:12
Niagara Falls Review (newspaper) -- 15:8
Niagara Falls, New York -- 15:8
Nice and the Good, The (1968) (book) -- 19:35
Nice-Matin (newspaper) -- 10:8
Nice, France -- 10:7
Nichols, Den[nison] W. -- 4:6 5:7 8:26 10:33 17:29
Nielsen, Lasse -- 5:4
Nietzsche, Friedrich -- 21:22 21:32
nieuwe perspectief (1977), Een (doctoral dissertation) -- 5:14
Nieuws van de Dag (newspaper) -- 8:6
Night Trip (film) -- 11:4
Nijmegen -- 1:18 2:21 4:6 10:8 15:26
NIKS (magazine) -- 1:17 6:18 15:7
Nile river -- 16:14
Nimes, France -- 13:4
1984 (1949) (book) -- 17:16 20:38
19th Century -- 1:28 6:19 11:23
Ninos de las Americas (organization) -- 12:11
NISSO - Netherlands Institute of Social Sexological Research --
1:16 3:25 4:6 5:14
Nixon, Richard -- 2:24
Nobel, Rep Elaine -- 8:35
Nobel Prize -- 8:37 16:30
Nobile, Philip -- 10:9
Noffs, Rev Ted -- 8:9
Nogales, Arizona -- 18:15
Noir sur Blanc (television program) -- 17:11 20:12
non-Christian humanist -- 4:8
non-human creatures as objects of boy's affection -- 18:21
non-sexual "paedophilia" as positive -- 15:9
non-sexual boy-love -- 11:38 21:4
non-sexual child abuse -- 13:26 18:13
Norfolk suits -- 1:29
Norman, John D. -- 4:29
Norse, Harold -- 9:39
Norsk Forbundet av 1948 (DNF-48)(homophile organization, Norway), Det -- 15:10
North Africa -- 1:20 2:27 13:23
North America -- 5:4 9:39
North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) --
4:6 6:11 7:12 8:10 8:16 9:12 10:6 10:8 10:16 10:34
11:10 11:11 11:14 11:16 12:9 12:13 12:42 13:8 13:13 13:14
14:7 15:4 15:7 15:12 15:14 15:29 15:33 15:37 16:5 16:10
16:12 17:13 18:5 18:6 18:11 18:18 18:21 19:5 19:7 19:9
North Carolina -- 8:6 20:10
North Pole -- 2:11
North Sea -- 9:26
North Sea oil -- 7:10
Northern Ireland -- 7:10 20:9
Northern Territory -- 10:10
Norway -- 2:6 11:30 13:3 15:10
Norwegian -- 10:29 20:6
Norwegian Press Council -- 15:10
Norwich, England -- 7:7
Norwich, Ontario -- 2:15
Notting Hill, London -- 8:22
Nouvel Observateur, Le (magazine) -- 1:22 14:3
Nouvelles Litteraires, Le (periodical) -- 14:3
NPP (organization) -- 4:6
Nuba (people in Southern Sudan) -- 20:33
nuclear family -- 21:38
nuclear plants, destruction of -- 21:44
nudism --
4:28 5:25 9:21 9:22 11:34 13:16 15:6 19:2 20:33 21:8
Nugent, Emu -- 13:12
Nurnberg, Germany -- 6:20 9:11 16:6
Nurse Ratchett -- 8:12
Nutty Nurse --
8:12 9:3 9:11 11:12 11:14 12:7 15:7 17:8 19:6 19:7
Nutty Nurse Two (article) -- 20:20
NVSH - Netherlands Society for Sexual Reform --
1:16 1:23 2:8 2:15 3:25 7:15 12:36 15:6 15:9 19:8
Nykanen, Mark -- 20:4 20:7 20:10 20:38
O-42 coffee house -- 10:9
Oakland, California -- 5:5 16:5
O'Brien, Michael -- 19:4
Obscene Publications Act (Britain) -- 8:20
Obscene Publications Squad, Scotland Yard -- 15:6
Observer (newspaper) -- 6:4 19:3 20:5
Obzij (magazine) -- 8:6
O'Carroll, Tom --
2:6 2:7 2:23 3:6 7:21 8:17 8:34 9:7 9:32 10:13
10:16 10:26 10:28 11:10 11:28 13:3 14:25 16:6 17:15 17:19
O'Connor, Jacqueline -- 16:8
Odense, Denmark -- 8:7
Odessa, Texas -- 15:8
O'Donnell, Lawrence -- 8:34
O'Donnell, Lt John -- 16:8
Odyssey House --
3:27 4:5 5:9 6:6 6:9 8:5 9:7 10:5 11:9 11:14
12:40 13:7 16:10 18:3
Oedipus complex -- 9:35 12:44
Oelstrom, James E. -- 20:37
Office of Intellectual Freedom, American Library Association -- 8:8
Office of Medical Conduct, New York -- 11:9
Office of Midtown Enforcement, New York City Mayor's Office -- 16:4
Office of Planning and Evaluation, White House, United States -- 18:8
Offseta (periodical) -- 15:11
Ohio --
6:9 6:10 9:8 10:10 10:11 18:14 20:34
oiphein (οιφειν, from οιφω = copulate, Greek; spelling in text, probably incorrect,
is οιψειν)
Old Bailey --
3:6 4:9 5:15 7:10 7:22 8:8 8:18 9:10 10:12 11:10
13:7 15:11 16:8 21:15
Old Testament -- 8:29
Old Time Religion -- 13:31
Oliver Twist (film) -- 13:14
Olympus -- 7:21 14:24 17:24
Omaha, Nebraska -- 18:4
On Child Labour in the Third World (article) -- 18:18
On One Night Stands (article) -- 8:36
On Prostitution (article) -- 17:26
Onan (Biblical character) -- 12:45
Once and Future King, The (1958) (book) -- 5:21
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975) (film) -- 8:12
opera buffa -- 8:22
Opp, Jeffrey -- 13:7 15:5
oral sex --
4:9 6:8 8:14 9:33 10:8 13:13 20:6 20:15 21:10 21:21
Orchard Lodge, Annerley -- 11:39
Oregon -- 17:9 21:46
Oregonian (newspaper) -- 17:9
Orfanello, Francis Xavier -- 8:34
orgasm -- 8:26
Orgasms of Light (1977) (book) -- 9:37
orgy -- 15:26
orifice protection legislation (!) -- 16:10
orphanage -- 14:4 15:3 15:13
Orpheus at Redtop Farm (poetry) -- 7:20
Orr, Bob -- 7:6
Orson Welles and Gay Community News joint film festival -- 21:9
Ortil, Hajo -- 7:21 9:18 10:20 17:13 19:2
Ortil's nudist group "Hanseatic Pirates" -- 9:21 19:2
Osborne, Clarence Henry -- 10:32 12:38 14:3
Oslo, Norway -- 2:6 15:10
Ostler, William -- see: Hostler, William
Otahuhu District, Auckland -- 17:4
Otero, Cornelius -- 6:10
Ottawa, Canada -- 17:11
Our Paper (newspaper) -- 17:13
Out (periodical) -- 17:5
Outrage (periodical) -- 18:6 19:11 20:13
Outwood, Surrey -- 17:25
Over pedofielen en 'kinderlokkers' (1975) (book) -- 3:25
Overstreet, Rebecca -- 11:37
Overveen, Netherlands -- 2:21
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) -- 21:32
Ovid's Orpheus/Metamorphoseon (poetry) -- 21:24
Oxford University -- 15:27
Oxford, England -- 2:6 9:11 10:11
Oxfordshire -- 8:24
Oxley, Charles -- 13:9 17:15 19:9
P.N. (artist) -- 13:2 14:2
Paanch Kahi orphanage, Nepal -- 15:13
Pacific 4-6-0 (short story) -- 19:12
Pacific peoples -- 16:12
Pacifica Hotel -- 2:7
PACT -- 16:10
Paddington Station, London -- 19:13
Pädophilie - Von der Liebe mit Kindern (1979) (book) --
1:17 1:18 1:29 7:16
Padre Eterno (God) -- 14:23
"paed-bash research" -- 19:10 20:20
paedagogical eros -- see pedagogical eros
Paedo Alert News -- 13:2
Paedofilgruppen -- 17:13
Paedomorphs I (1978) (book) -- 6:23
Paedophile (film) -- 1:6
paedophile aesthetic -- 17:22
paedophile feelings in parents and other adults --
4:25 6:9 8:14 8:33 10:37 11:8 13:9 13:27 17:21 18:27
19:24 19:34
Paedophile Foundations (article) -- 2:21
Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) --
1:4 1:6 2:6 2:7 2:23 2:25 2:31 3:6 4:9 5:5
5:15 6:7 7:10 7:11 7:21 8:16 8:17 9:6 9:7 9:27
9:32 9:37 10:16 10:26 10:28 11:10 12:13 13:9 14:5 15:6
16:5 16:11 16:24 17:14 18:4 18:6 19:6 19:9 19:11 20:3
paedophile instinct and sexual desire, conjunction of -- 19:18
paedophile liberation -- 12:11
Paedophile Liberation in Holland (article) -- 1:15
Paedophile Liberation in Holland, Part II (article) -- 2:15
Paedophile Questionnaire (Wilson and Cox, 1983) -- 16:25
Paedophile Support Group (PSG), Australia -- 20:13
Paedophile Workgroup --
1:18 1:23 2:8 2:15 2:18 3:25 7:15 15:6 15:9
Paedophile Workgroup of Norway (NAFP), National -- 2:6 15:10
Paedophile's Progress: A View From Below, The (article) -- 9:37
Paedophile: Some Aspects of Personality, The (article) -- 7:15
paedophiles associating with other paedophiles - perverted or normal?
9:32 11:14 12:35 12:42 15:7 21:5
paedophiles, female -- see female paedophiles
paedophiles, psychological characteristics of --
7:9 7:15 7:16 9:12 9:33 10:28 11:6 16:24 20:8 21:19
Paedophilia (article) -- 11:6
Paedophilia - Insight and Outlook (article) -- 1:6
Paedophilia - Love With Children (1979) (book) -- 1:17 1:18 1:29
Paedophilia - What it Means to the Child (article) -- 3:13
paedophilia as a "normal component of the sexual drive" -- 3:13
paedophilia as a type of marriage -- 11:7
paedophilia as natural selection -- 19:17
paedophilia, sexual attraction of, to anti-paedophile crusaders -- 2:25 12:41
Paedophilia, Symposium, Melbourne University, 1984 -- 19:11
Paedophilia: A Factual Report (1985) (book) -- 21:10 21:19
Paedophilia: The Consequences for the Child (conference paper) -- 1:17 7:16
Paedophilia: The Radical Case (1980) (book) --
7:22 8:34 11:28 14:25 17:21
Paedosexual Contacts and Paedophile Relations (1979) (book) --
4:6 5:14
pagan -- 14:23
Page Boy Scandal, U.S. Congress, 1982 -- 15:4 17:3
Page, U.S. Congressional -- 13:8
Pagsanjan --
6:5 9:4 10:9 14:6 15:11 16:3 18:5
paidoon eros (παιδοων ερως=the behavior and phenomenon of boy-love, Greek)
pais (παις=boy/adolescent youth, Greek) -- 15:28
PAL - Paedophile Action for Liberation -- 8:16
palace of 'divine children' -- 15:28
Palais de Justice -- 15:20
Palestine -- 17:31
Palma de Mallorca, Spain -- 12:3
Palmer, Edward -- 18:12
Palmerston Assessment Centre, Belfast -- 20:9
PAN (Copenhagen) (magazine) -- 16:6 17:13
Pan (deity) -- 21:23
PAN Books, Ltd. (London) -- 13:2
Panorama (periodical) -- 9:3
Panthology (book series) -- 17:22 18:10
Panthology One (1981) (book) --
10:34 11:35 12:39 13:23 19:26 21:24
Panthology Three (1984) (book) -- 18:26
Panthology Two (1982) (book) -- 13:2 15:6 17:23
Papa Gringo -- 12:10
Papists -- 17:20
Papua, New Guinea -- 7:7
Parade (magazine) -- 10:3 10:12 14:8
Paradise -- 12:34
§ 175!: Homosexualität in Sitte und Recht -- see: Homosexualität in Sitte
und Recht, Die (1907)
Paramus, New Jersey -- 13:14 21:13
paraphilia -- 12:45 13:31
Pardoe y Nino, Pol -- 12:5
Parents Magazine (magazine) -- 12:13
Paris --
1:22 2:5 2:6 4:4 5:27 7:4 7:12 9:4 9:5 9:7
10:6 10:7 10:18 10:21 10:23 11:6 11:10 11:15 12:4 12:13
13:3 14:3 15:22 16:7 16:9 16:28 18:9 18:11 19:5 19:6
Paris March [sic] (periodical) -- 14:3
Parish, Larry -- 4:30
Parisien Libere, Le (periodical) -- 14:3
Parkinson, Tail Gunner -- 8:23
Parliament, Australia -- 17:13
Parliament, Britain -- 3:27 8:21 13:9 14:5 20:5
Parliament, Luxembourg -- 21:8
Parliament, Netherlands -- 2:20 3:25 8:17 11:5
Parliament, New Zealand -- 17:5
Parliament, Northern Territory, Australia -- 9:4
Parliament, Norway -- 2:6
Parliament, Switzerland -- 17:8
Parnassus mountains -- 14:26
Parnell, Barbara -- 5:4
Parnell, Dennis -- 5:4
Parnell, Kenneth E. --
5:4 6:7 8:15 9:5 11:9 12:4
Parool, Het (periodical) -- 6:4 19:8 20:8
Parratt, John -- 8:20
Parris, David John -- 8:8 9:11 13:7
Partner (magazine) -- 8:5
Patz, Etan -- 5:9 15:12 15:37
Patzer, Harald -- 21:32
Paul, Saint -- 8:12 11:7 12:47
Pauline Christian sex constraints -- 19:10
Pavlos (short story) -- 12:14
Pax Centurion (periodical) -- 2:4
Peace News (journal) -- 5:17
Pecksniffian autocrat -- 17:15
pedagogical eros -- 6:22 21:30 21:31
pedagogical eros -- see also teacher-student relations
pedagogy (education) and boy-love --
7:28 9:22 10:20 13:4 14:9 15:23 19:34 21:31 21:43
Pedo-Pak (pamphlet) -- 20:38
Pedofilie (1975) (book) -- 1:18
Pedoseksuele kontakten en pedofiele relaties (1979) (book) --
4:6 5:14
pee-pee -- 8:14
peghouse -- 17:27
Pekinese [sic] -- 13:20
Pekunka, Diane -- 17:11
Pell, Judge -- 20:34
Pelopennesis [sic], Greece -- 19:27
Peluso, Richard -- 4:6 8:11 8:35 10:8
Penal Code, France -- 9:7 13:3
Penal Code, Netherlands -- 15:3
Penal Code, Switzerland -- 9:3 17:8
Penge Congregational Church, London -- 17:16
Penguin Books (publisher) -- 13:22
penis --
4:24 5:18 6:8 6:28 7:29 8:26 9:7 9:9 10:28 10:33
11:32 17:4 20:31 21:31 21:42
Penna, Sandro -- 9:38
Pennsylvania --
2:25 4:7 4:9 11:16 14:7 15:37 20:8 20:14
Pensacola, Florida -- 20:37
Pentecostal Church -- 3:4
Penthouse (magazine) -- 17:31
Penumbra (author) -- 21:26
People (magazine) -- 13:3
Pergamon Press (publisher) -- 2:6 10:11
Permanent Committee on Justice, Dutch Senate -- 3:25 8:17
Persecuted Minority (1960/1989) (book) -- 8:4
Persia/Persians -- 6:24 9:38 12:32 16:14
Persian Boy, The (1972) (book) -- 8:31 18:11
Perspectives on Paedophilia (1981) (book) -- 9:37 10:28 11:28
Perth -- 10:5 10:7
perversion as individual adaptation -- 21:41
Petain -- 7:4
Peter Owen (publisher) -- 7:22 16:24
Peter Pan (play) -- 5:20
Peter Pan Syndrome -- 5:22
Peter Principle -- 8:15
Peters, John -- 5:9 6:10
Peters, Scott -- 6:12
Peterson, M.D., Kent W. -- 12:11
Petit Gredin, Le (periodical) -- 10:6
Petits Garcons, Les (1983) (book) -- 18:9
Petits Modeles, Les (photo book) -- 21:24
Petronius Arbiter -- 21:32
Peyrefitte, Roger --
2:27 9:7 11:33 15:22 17:27 18:11
Phaidon -- 17:29
phallocratic ascendancy -- 7:25
phallometry -- 10:28
Phallos (1969) (book) -- 15:27
Philadelphia -- 2:25 14:7 20:8 20:14
Philadelphia Daily News (newspaper) -- 20:9
Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper) -- 20:9
Philadelphia Police Department -- 20:8
philia (φιλια=love, Greek) -- 12:46
Philippines --
6:5 7:9 8:5 9:3 10:9 11:7 12:4 14:6 14:7 15:11
16:3 18:5 18:6 19:5 21:6 21:20
Philippines Daily Express (newspaper) -- 10:9
Phillips, Robin -- 19:21
philosopher -- 15:22
phimosis -- 6:19
Phoenicians -- 1:25
phony news story, invented by anti-paedophile crusaders --
5:9 13:5 14:3 15:7 15:12 15:19 15:37 17:11 17:14 18:6
20:3 20:5 20:8 20:13 21:44
photo processing, "confidential" -- 7:4 17:12 18:8 20:9 20:37
physique magazines -- 5:27
Piazza San Marco -- 10:14
Picano, Felice -- 14:24 15:6
Piccadilly Circus, London -- 3:20 21:6
Piccolo (magazine) -- 9:31 20:5
pictophilia -- 12:46
PIE - Paedophile Information Exchange --
1:4 1:6 2:6 2:7 2:23 2:25 2:31 3:6 4:9 5:5
5:15 6:7 7:10 7:11 7:21 8:16 8:17 9:6 9:7 9:27
9:32 9:37 10:16 10:26 10:28 11:10 12:13 13:9 14:5 15:6
16:5 16:11 16:24 17:14 18:4 18:6 19:6 19:9 19:11 20:3
PIE Affair, The (article) -- 8:17
PIE News Bulletin (periodical) -- 3:6
PIE Two (article) -- 17:14
piercing -- 16:29
Pigalle, Paris -- 16:7
Pikbube (magazine) -- 11:34
Pilger, Joan -- 13:5
Pilkington, Willie -- 8:6
Pillard, Dr Richard -- 19:22
Pincio Hill, Rome -- 16:14
Pink Ink (periodical) -- 18:10
Pirates, Hanseatic (Association for Canoeing, Hajo Ortil's nudist group)
9:21 19:2
Pisani, State Senator Joseph -- 9:7 15:12
Pittsburgh -- 4:9
Pittsfield (Massachusetts) prison -- 15:34
Pixote (1980) (film) -- 12:5
Plain Dealer (newspaper) -- 6:8 6:9 7:6 11:15 17:9
Plainview, New York -- 6:10
Plaka, Athens -- 19:26
Plato -- 7:28 17:29
Platonic -- 8:29
Platt, Mr and Mrs -- 10:11
Plaue, Walter M. -- 20:37
Playboy (magazine) -- 12:34
Playland (1977) (book) -- 2:24 3:28 4:26 9:43
Playworld (department store) -- 15:3
Ploscowe, Morris -- 21:33
Plummer, Carole -- 10:12
Plummer, Dr Kenneth -- 7:25 9:37 10:30
Plymouth County Jail and House of Correction, New Jersey -- 15:32
Plymouth County, Massachusetts -- 19:9
PNA (newspaper) -- 7:9
poetry --
1:28 6:24 7:19 8:29 9:37 9:39 11:34 14:27 15:7 15:31
16:14 16:30 16:31 17:20 17:21
Pogromers and the Pogromized (article) -- 17:30
pogroms -- 17:31
Poissy, France -- 13:24 16:28
Pojkart --
5:30 7:27 9:42 11:31 13:24 14:5 17:28 20:27 21:25
Poland -- 9:18
Polanski, Roman -- 8:5 8:6
police --
1:5 1:17 1:22 2:4 2:15 2:16 2:25 2:26 2:30 2:31
3:19 3:28 4:6 4:14 4:27 5:4 5:5 5:6 5:7 5:9
5:14 5:15 5:27 5:28 6:4 6:9 6:18 6:31 7:4 7:12
7:15 7:22 8:3 8:4 8:7 8:9 8:12 8:15 8:16 8:17
9:4 9:7 9:13 9:22 9:25 9:30 9:40 9:45 10:22 10:26
10:31 10:32 10:35 11:14 11:15 11:16 11:17 11:36 11:37 11:38
12:9 12:35 12:42 13:4 13:6 13:8 13:12 14:3 14:30 15:6
15:11 15:12 15:13 15:14 15:19 15:21 15:22 15:29 15:39 16:5
16:10 17:5 17:6 17:9 17:11 17:13 17:14 17:19 17:30 18:4
18:5 18:8 18:18 18:20 19:9 19:32 19:33 20:3 20:5 20:8
20:15 20:23 20:34 20:38 21:8 21:11 21:45
police activity minimal in consenting man-boy contacts -- 8:9
Police and Community Welfare (Australia) -- 10:5
Police Complaints Board, London -- 15:8
Police Magazine (magazine) -- 11:13 15:14 18:11
police use of illegal tactics -- 5:16 9:31
police, bribery -- 20:10
Polish -- 18:22
Polk Street kids (San Francisco prostitutes) -- 20:15
polygamy -- 17:8
polymorphous perverse (Freud) -- 10:35 12:45
polytheism -- 17:31
Pomeroy, Wardell B. -- 3:13 13:10 16:9
Pompa - A Book of Hours (short story) -- 21:23
Pompes funebres (1953) (book) -- 16:31
Pope -- 7:4
Pope Clement -- 19:14
Pope Innocent III -- 17:20
Popery -- 13:31
Poplar, Montana -- 11:15
pornography --
1:4 1:6 1:7 1:22 2:5 2:21 2:24 2:25 2:31 3:4
3:5 3:25 3:27 3:28 4:5 4:6 4:8 4:26 5:8 5:9
5:15 5:18 5:27 6:4 6:7 6:8 6:9 6:18 6:31 7:8
7:10 7:11 7:13 7:25 8:8 8:9 8:12 8:20 9:3 9:6
9:11 9:13 9:43 10:6 10:9 10:10 10:16 10:17 10:33 11:3
11:16 11:17 11:34 11:36 12:3 12:6 12:7 12:9 12:11 12:13
12:42 13:5 13:8 13:9 13:10 13:11 13:12 13:24 13:29 14:9
15:6 15:7 15:11 15:12 15:14 15:19 15:22 15:30 15:33 15:37
16:3 16:4 16:7 16:9 17:5 17:10 17:13 17:15 17:19 17:21
18:6 18:7 18:10 18:11 18:12 18:14 19:5 19:6 19:8 19:10
20:3 20:4 20:6 20:7 20:8 20:11 20:20 20:21 20:22 20:33
20:35 20:37 21:4 21:6 21:11 21:14
pornography "road show" (Lloyd Martin) -- 17:5
pornography and child sex, inflated estimates of --
1:6 2:25 3:28 4:26 5:5 5:9 6:8 8:9 8:10 8:15
9:6 9:13 9:43 10:8 11:14 12:3 12:7 12:12 12:43 13:11
13:13 14:8 14:9 15:7 16:7 16:10 18:10 18:12 18:19 19:10
pornography as cause of "anti-social" behavior -- 2:25
Pornography Unit, Administrative Vice Division, LAPD -- 4:27
pornography, animal -- 5:28
Port Stanley, Falkland Islands -- 12:6
Port Washington, New York -- 6:23
Portland, Maine -- 4:31
Portland, Oregon -- 17:9
Portman, Brett -- 15:29 19:9
Portugal -- 17:3 21:44
Portuguese -- 1:25 14:25
possession of pornography, mere -- 9:7 20:15 20:35
Possible (periodical) -- 13:4 15:19
Post, The (newspaper) -- 17:3
Postal Inspection Service Law Enforcement Report, 1981, United States -- 11:4
Postal Service, United States --
3:4 5:8 6:9 6:31 7:10 9:45 11:3 12:6 12:10 13:5
16:5 17:30 18:11 18:14 20:34 20:37 21:46
Postma, Koos -- 6:5
Powell, Anthony -- 11:23
Powell, Graham E. -- 9:36
power differential between child and adult --
2:28 3:26 6:11 6:21 7:24 8:33 9:9 9:37 10:5 10:32
10:35 14:7 14:21 15:7 16:27 17:15 17:29 18:18 19:21 20:9
20:22 21:5 21:10 21:35
Powers, Patricia -- 19:7 20:20
PPR (Dutch political party) -- 2:20 11:5
Prancing Nigger (1924) (book) -- 11:24
Prescott, Dr James W. -- 5:7
President's Commission on Obscenity and Pornography -- 2:25
President, Ideal United States -- 17:21
Press Council, The -- 9:29
Presse, La (periodical) -- 17:12
Presses Universitaires de France (publisher) -- 11:14
Pretty Baby (1978) (film) -- 9:6
Price, David Tudor -- 8:19
Prieres pour des paradis meilleurs (1984) (book) -- 19:5
Prime, Geoffrey Arthur -- 14:5 15:6
Prince Charles -- 10:7
Prince George's County Detention Center, Baltimore -- 20:4
Princess Zoubaroff, The (1920) (book) -- 11:24
Princeton, New Jersey -- 18:10 18:13
Prishtina, Macedonia (Yugoslavia) -- 1:19
prison --
1:7 1:17 1:19 1:22 1:23 1:31 2:6 2:20 2:22 2:23
2:24 2:26 3:5 3:18 4:4 4:6 6:4 7:5 7:9 7:13
7:24 8:5 8:11 8:21 8:22 8:26 8:35 9:5 9:13 9:22
9:33 9:44 10:3 10:6 10:10 10:11 10:18 10:21 10:24 10:26
10:28 10:35 11:4 11:5 11:10 11:11 11:13 11:16 11:36 11:38
12:4 12:6 12:11 12:41 12:44 12:47 13:4 13:7 13:11 13:13
13:16 13:31 15:7 15:8 15:19 15:28 15:33 16:5 16:7 16:8
17:20 17:25 18:22 18:26 19:9 19:19 19:28 19:33 20:4 20:16
20:23 20:28 20:36 21:21 21:23 21:29 21:43
prison -- see also: jail
Prisoners of War, The (play) -- 13:20
Private Eye (magazine) -- 8:22
Private Violence (article) -- 17:8
Prizren, Macedonia (Yugoslavia) -- 1:19
pro-pubescent boy instinct -- 14:13
Problem of Homosexuality in Modern Society, The (1963) (book) -- 17:28
probo/probatin (=elective brother, Albanian) -- 1:19
procreation as secondary function of the penis -- 15:27
procreation as the purpose of sex -- 15:26
Progres de Lyon, Le (newspaper) -- 10:8
Promovision International (film distributor) -- 16:7
property, children as -- 7:8 18:27
prophet cult -- 17:31
Propontis -- 14:27
prostate massage -- 6:29
prostitution --
1:22 1:27 2:5 2:24 2:25 3:5 3:22 3:28 4:27 5:6
5:25 6:5 6:18 6:22 6:31 7:26 8:5 8:9 8:12 9:6
9:10 9:11 9:13 9:27 9:35 9:43 10:5 10:6 10:9 10:12
10:24 10:30 11:5 11:7 11:9 11:14 12:3 12:4 12:5 12:7
12:9 13:5 13:12 13:29 14:5 14:6 14:8 14:19 15:6 15:8
15:10 15:33 16:4 16:7 16:29 17:5 17:6 17:11 17:12 17:13
17:25 17:26 18:10 18:18 19:6 19:39 20:10 20:15 20:37 21:4
21:20 21:44
prostitution -- see also: hustling/hustlers
Prostitution-Porno Ring Broken (article) -- 17:5
Protect All Children Today (PACT) -- 15:12
Protect America's Children -- 5:8
Protecting Children from Sexophobics (article) -- 19:21
protecting children makes them less responsible adults -- 21:10
Protection of Childhood Act (Britain) -- 3:27
Protection of Children Act (Britain) -- 6:11 8:17 9:5
Protection of Children Against Sexual Exploitation Act, 1977 (United States)
protection of the child/adolescent from destruction by competitive adult males (zoological hypothesis),
function of boy-love
protective custody (PC) -- 15:32
Prothero, Barry -- 8:23
Providence, Rhode Island -- 11:14
Prussia -- 9:18
Prussian Ministry -- 6:20
pseudo-science --
10:11 12:7 12:12 15:7 16:9 18:10 19:7 19:10 20:7 20:20
Psicologia y sus Aplicaciones, La (1949) (book) -- 1:18
PSP (Dutch political party) -- 2:20
PSVG (organization) -- 2:20
Psychiatric-Juridicial Society, Netherlands -- 2:19
Psychiatrist Looks at Pornography, A (article) -- 4:30
psychic research -- 16:10
psycho-propaganda -- 18:5
Psychological Observation Clinic -- 1:23
psychology -- 14:18
Psychosexueller Infantilismus (1922) (book) -- 3:13
puberty -- 4:24 14:13
puberty occurring earlier (secular trend) -- 14:15
pubic hair as test of model's age -- 4:8
Public Prosecution, Director of, Britain -- 17:14
Public Prosecutor, Belgium -- 17:8
Public Radio, United States -- 18:3 19:30
Public Schools (Britain) -- 16:4
Publishers Weekly (periodical) -- 7:7
puer aeternus -- 16:15
Puerto Rican -- 15:29 17:24
Puerto Rican Association for Community Affairs -- 20:15
Punch (magazine) -- 7:8 18:3
Puppenjunge, Der (1926) (book) -- 20:14 21:20
Puppies (1979) (book) -- 9:39
Puritans/Puritanism --
1:7 7:6 7:22 11:27 15:7 19:9 20:26
Puymbroeck, Thea -- 20:8
Quann, Edgar -- 3:4
Quantico, Virginia, FBI Academy -- 9:11 15:7
Quebec -- 17:11 20:12
Queen Alkmene of Thebes -- 14:26
Queen Beatrix -- 5:6
Queen Elizabeth I -- 19:19
Queen Elizabeth II -- 6:11
Queen Victoria -- 21:6
Queens, New York -- 18:14
Queensland University, Australia -- 9:8 16:6 20:13
Queensland, Australia -- 14:3
"queer-basch research" -- 19:10
Quimby, Brian -- 15:39
quimepadale (=hairless, Albanian) -- 1:19
Quotidien de Paris, Le (periodical) -- 14:3 18:9
Quran -- see also: Koran
R.W. (photographer) -- 11:2
Rader, Datson -- 14:8
Rae, Daphne -- 16:4
Railroadland (short story) -- 21:23
Raimondo, Sgt Anthony -- 17:19
Rainhill, Merseyside -- 13:9
Rainsford, Chief Justice -- 17:20
Rakoff, Michael -- 18:14
Raleigh, North Carolina -- 8:6
Ralet, Olivier -- 6:3
Randall, Kelly -- 20:14
Rape of the Third World (editorial) -- 9:3
Rapids Hotel, Pagsanjan -- 6:5
Rapline (radio program) -- 19:30
rapports sexuels -- 12:13
raptophilia -- 12:46
Rawlinson, George -- 4:4
Reader's Digest (periodical) -- 19:39
Reading Gaol (Jail) -- 3:5
Reading, England -- 19:6
Reagan, Ronald --
5:7 9:3 10:13 10:33 11:12 13:11 15:32 16:9 17:3 17:6
17:8 18:8 18:10 18:12 18:13 18:21 18:25 19:5 19:29 20:7
Reality Inc. -- 21:13
Recherches (magazine) -- 2:5
Reclassering (Dutch government agency) -- 1:24
recollections by adult of boyhood relationship with man -- see: child-adult contact
as described by the child
Recorder of London -- 13:7
Recreation Department, Brattleboro, Vermont -- 17:9
rectal hemorrhage as cause of death among runaway boys -- 14:8
rectoscopy -- 15:21
red Huddersfield herring -- 8:21
redheads, sex with -- 9:34
Reeves, Dr Thomas 'Tom' --
4:6 7:10 8:10 8:12 10:17 11:11 12:9
reform school -- 21:21
Reformed Church of America -- 6:5
registration of sex offenders -- 17:20
Regnery, Alfred -- 18:10
rehearsal for life, childhood and adolescence as -- 21:33
Reid, Forrest -- 5:20
Reinacher, Jurgen -- 6:21
Reinisch, Dr June Machover -- 18:3 19:30
Reisman, Dr Judith A. -- 18:10
Reiss Jr, Albert J. -- 17:28
Relf, Robert -- 3:18
religion as social control --
7:25 10:5 10:31 16:11 17:19 21:20
Religion Without Revelation (1957) (book) -- 16:11
religious charities -- 12:4
Renaissance -- 19:17
Renault, Mary -- 18:11
Rene Guyon Society -- 8:15 12:12 15:7
Reno, Kelly -- 5:9
Report from Sweden (article) -- 4:22
Reporter, The (journal) -- 15:5
repression of paedophilia related to violence by paedophiles -- 6:19
repression, sexual, as harmful -- 8:23 20:32
repressive tolerance -- 11:29
Republican (U.S. political party) -- 13:12
Reschke, Ulrich 'Ulli' -- 9:11 16:6
Research Facts (U.S. postal sting) -- 18:14 20:34
research subjects, manipulation of -- 20:24
Response Patterns in Children and Adolescents Exploited Through Sex Rings and Pornography
Responsible Society (organization) -- 8:23 18:13
retrospective reports -- see: child-adult contact as described by the child
Retzlaff, Barbara -- 6:19
Reuters -- 6:8
Revere scandal --
1:7 2:4 3:5 4:7 7:5 7:10 8:11 8:34 10:8 16:10
Revere, Massachusetts -- 3:5 4:7
Review of Sexology of Montreal (journal) -- 17:11
Revolutionary Letters (1969) (book) -- 15:31
Revue du Cerfi (bookseller) -- 2:5
Reyes, Edmundo M. -- 14:6
RG (periodical) -- 20:12
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie (journal) -- 21:31
Rhine river -- 4:18
Rhode Island -- 11:14
Rhode Island Gay-Lesbian Youth (RIGLY) -- 11:14
Rhodesia -- 2:22
Richards, Gerald -- 9:44
Richards, Paul -- 3:3
Richards, Valerie -- 18:13
Richey, Hursty -- 6:23
Riefenstahl, Leni -- 20:33
Righton, Peter -- 9:33
rights of children -- see: children's liberation, children's rights
Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (State University of Utrecht) --
2:21 8:3 12:18 12:40 16:6 18:10
Riley, Nathan -- 11:9
Rimbaud, Arthur -- 9:38
rings, sex-prostitution-pornography --
1:6 2:4 2:24 3:5 7:5 7:10 8:11 8:14 8:34 9:11
10:8 10:17 10:18 10:21 12:7 12:9 12:42 13:12 14:8 15:8
15:19 15:33 15:38 16:10 17:5 17:9 17:11 19:7 19:9 20:8
20:20 20:21 21:44
Rio de Janeiro -- 12:5 16:4
Rising Nepal, The (newspaper) -- 15:13
Ritter, Father Bruce -- 9:35 17:11 20:15
ritual abuse -- see also: Satan, Satanic cults
River of Life Tabernacle Church, Poplar, Montana -- 11:15
Riverside, California -- 15:11 17:13
Rizal Park, Manila -- see: Luneta Park
Robbins, Alan -- 8:6
Robbins, Harold -- 8:8
Robert Laffont (publisher) -- 18:11
Robert Samuel Gallery, New York City -- 5:4
Roberts, Michele -- 7:25
Robertson, Geoffrey -- 7:10
Robertson, Glen -- 14:29
Robertson, Lorraine -- 14:31
Robins, C. -- 21:37
Rock-a-Billy -- 12:11
Rockefeller, Nelson -- 4:5 6:6
Rockford College (Illinois) Institute -- 4:30
Rockford Papers, The (pamphlet) -- 4:30
Rockspider (magazine) -- 18:6 21:10
Rockspider affair -- 18:6 19:10 20:12 21:10
Rocky Mountains -- 11:15
Rodgers, Det/Sgt Tom -- 8:15 11:14 12:41 12:42
Rodriguez, Ishmael -- 19:9
Rogers, Dr Adrian -- 18:13
Rogers, Paul T. -- 17:24 19:25 20:8
Rojas, Hilario Aguire -- 4:10
Rolfe 'Baron Corvo', Frederick William -- 5:24 14:22 16:15
Rolling Stone (periodical) -- 15:13
Roman Catholic (see also: Catholic) -- 6:26 15:10 15:26 16:15 19:17
Roman Centurion -- 17:20
Rome/Roman --
1:28 2:4 2:23 4:30 8:12 10:11 11:25 14:22 14:26 16:14
16:29 19:4 19:17 20:32
Romeo and Juliet (play) -- 10:23
Roosevelt, Teddy -- 1:28
Rose Garden, White House -- 19:5
Rosengardskollegiet -- 8:7
Roskill, Lord Justice -- 2:6
Rossman, Parker -- 2:24 3:19 7:22 10:31 21:31
Rotary Club (Philippines) -- 6:5
Roth, Senator William -- 20:7
Rotterdam --
1:16 1:18 1:23 2:6 2:7 2:15 3:15 4:8 8:4
Rousseau, Jean Jacques -- 6:20
Roy (1979) (book) -- 17:27
royal honors -- 6:11
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Gay Collective -- 12:3
Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC), Northern Ireland -- 20:9
Roysdon, Leicester -- 14:30
Rubens, Peter Paul -- 11:17
Ruberti, John -- 20:34
Ruitenbeek, Dr Hendrik M. -- 17:28
Rundbrief (newsletter) -- 4:4 6:21
Rush, Florence -- 7:8 8:32 18:10
Russell, Jack -- 19:9
Russia/Russian -- 9:18 13:12 16:24
Russian spy -- 15:6
Ruwolt, Jon -- 10:32
Ryan, Detective -- 5:9
S.O.B. (1981) (film) -- 10:13
sack children -- 15:13
Sacramento, California -- 8:6 10:12 16:8
sacrophagus [sic], Roman -- 14:26
sado-masochism (S&M) --
2:15 4:8 7:10 8:13 8:14 12:46 13:5 13:31 20:6 21:19
Sagan, Carl -- 12:40
Sagitta (pseudonym of John Henry Mackay) -- 21:21
St Augustine -- 17:19 17:26
St Christopher -- 5:21
St George, Christopher -- 7:3 18:2
St Joseph Institute for the Treatment and Control of Child Abuse, West
Hartford, Connecticut
St Kilda, Sydney, Australia -- 17:13
St Louis, Missouri -- 18:8 20:34
St Martin's Church -- 6:4
St Martin's Press (publisher) -- 1:7 7:27 13:9 14:9
St Michael -- 14:24
Saint-Ouen -- 1:22
St Ouen affair -- 10:18 11:10
St Pancras Station, London -- 19:12
St Paul -- 8:12 11:7 12:47
St Peter's Basilica, Rome -- 14:26
Salem witch trials -- 1:7
Salem, Massachusetts -- 1:7 19:9
Salt Lake City, Utah -- 18:13
Salzmann, Michel --
14:3 15:19 16:5 16:9 16:28 17:30 18:9
Salzmann Three: The Coral Affair (article) -- 15:19
Samaritans -- 21:5
Sambia people -- 7:7
Samuel Gallery, New York City -- 5:9
San Carlos Hotel, Manila -- 10:9 14:6
San Diego --
2:25 5:7 7:21 12:43 13:10 14:8
San Diego, California -- 20:14
San Francisco --
2:25 5:5 6:9 6:31 7:4 9:13 9:37 10:31 11:9 12:9
13:6 13:12 16:4 18:21 19:5 19:9 20:15
San Francisco Chronicle (newspaper) --
5:4 6:8 8:11 9:5 11:10 12:9 13:8 13:12 15:14 16:4
16:5 16:7 16:9 16:10 17:3
San Francisco Examiner (newspaper) --
5:6 6:8 9:5 11:10 12:9 12:12 13:13 15:8 17:3 18:9
San Francisco Sentinel (newspaper) -- 5:8 13:12 15:12 17:3
San Jose Mercury-News (newspaper) -- 10:3 11:10 18:9
San Jose, California -- 20:37
San Luis Obispo, California -- 19:28 20:11
San Salvador, El Salvador -- 14:19
Sandel (1968) (book) -- 7:21 8:31 17:22
Sandfort, Dr Theo G.M. --
2:21 3:25 4:6 5:10 8:3 9:8 10:8 11:3 11:13 12:18
12:35 12:47 15:7 15:10 15:11 16:6 17:15 18:8 18:10 19:6
Santa Clara County, California -- 17:12
Santa Claus -- 2:11
Santal (1921) (book) -- 11:24
Santorini Island (Thera), Greece -- 15:27 15:28 16:30 20:33
sarghi -- 16:14
Satan -- 14:24
Satanic cults -- see also: ritual abuse
Saturn (planet) -- 12:34
Saul of Tarsus -- 12:47
Saul's Book (1983) (book) -- 17:24 19:25 20:8
sauna -- 4:23
Saunders case -- 7:6
Save Our Children campaign, U.S. -- 18:21
Save Our Sons (SOS) -- 5:8
Savin Hill, Boston -- 12:10
Scandal in the Communist Party: The Militants Have Been Recruiting Children (article)
Scandinavia --
1:4 4:24 8:28 9:7 9:23 13:11
Scarborough, Ontario -- 9:38
Scarisbrick Hall, Lancashire, England -- 13:9 17:15
Schaal voor Interpersoonlijke Waarden (1973) (book) -- 7:16
Scherer, Prof Rene -- 2:5 13:5 13:24 15:22
Schmults, Deputy Attorney General Edward C. -- 18:8
Schnee Mountains -- 9:18
Schnugg, Uwe -- 2:28
Scholte, Dr Henrik -- 15:28
School of Medecine [sic], University of Auckland -- 18:13
School on a Boat -- 3:26
schools, British -- 16:26
Schuler, Dr J. -- 1:23
Schult, Peter -- 2:28
Schultz, Margaret -- 7:31
Schwartz, Christophe -- 12:9
Schwarzer, Alice -- 5:6 6:19 8:6
Schweizerisches Institut für Sexualiforschung (publisher) -- 2:5
Science News (journal) -- 15:14
scoptophilia -- 12:46
Scotland -- 7:6 8:5 11:15 17:15 17:20
Scotland Yard --
1:6 2:7 7:26 10:16 15:6 21:6
Scots College, Rome -- 14:22
Scotsman, The (periodical) -- 7:25
Scottish -- 21:20
Scottish Homosexual Rights Group -- 7:6
Scottish Law Commission -- 11:15
scoutmaster -- 4:10
scouts/scouting -- see also: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts
Sea Horse Press (publisher) -- 14:24 15:6
Seal, Chris -- 14:30
Seattle, Washington -- 10:30 19:5
Secretary of State for the Family, France -- 15:19
Secrets of the PIE Men (article) -- 13:9
secular trend (puberty occurring earlier) -- 14:15
Sedley, Sir Charles -- 8:18
Seitz, Amy Sue -- 9:10 10:13
Sek (periodical) -- 10:38
seksuele aspekt van pedofiele relaties: Ervaringen van jongens, Het (1982) (book)
Seksuologie (1980) (book) -- 15:26
Self-Confrontation Method (research technique) -- 5:10 8:3
semen -- 8:26
Semenerio, New York State Assembly Member Anthony -- 15:12
Senate Select Committee on Crime, New York State -- 13:12
Senate, Belgium -- 17:8
Senate, California -- 9:13
Senate, France -- 4:4 7:4
Senate, Netherlands -- 2:17 3:25
Senate, New Jersey -- 2:5
Sentimental Tommy: The Story of His Boyhood (1896) (book) -- 5:24
Sentinelles (organization) -- 10:38
separation of Church and State -- 17:21
Sergeant Jimmy -- 12:5
Service d'Education et de Consultation sur l'Homosexualité (SECH) -- 17:10
Services [sic], Department of, Illinois -- 4:29
Sesame Street (television show) -- 18:11
17th Century -- 13:31 17:20
Sex and the Law (1951) (book) -- 21:33
sex as religious experience -- 15:26
sex education --
6:26 8:8 8:26 8:36 9:11 10:7 10:29 11:29 12:3 13:27
16:9 16:30 19:21 20:16
Sex en straf (1970) (book) -- 3:25
sex guilt in Western society -- 19:4
Sex in the Family (1981) (book section) -- 11:30
Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) -- 4:5
Sex met Kinderen (1972) (book) -- 1:17 1:18 3:25
sex must serve a purpose (anti-hedonist view) -- 16:3
Sex Offender Program, Connecticut -- 9:11 15:8 17:20
sex offenders, registration of -- 17:20
Sex Offenders: An Analysis of Types (1965) (book) -- 16:7 19:30
Sex on Parole (article) -- 7:10
Sex Ring Fizzles (article) -- 15:38
Sex With Children (1972) (book) -- 1:17 1:18
sex with siblings -- 11:30
Sex, Schools and Society (1973) (book) -- 13:10
sexism -- 3:5
sexophobia -- 4:5 9:44 10:37 15:13 19:21
sexploitation -- 3:28
Sexual Abuse Issues and Perspectives (conference) -- 5:5
Sexual Abuse of Children, The (1982) (pamphlet) -- 14:9
Sexual Abuse Prevention Program, Hennepin Center for the Arts, Minneapolis
Sexual and Commercial Exploitation of Children: Legislative Responses and Treatment Challenges (article)
Sexual Aspect of Paedophile Relations: The Experience of Twenty-Five Boys, The (1982)
8:3 12:18 12:35 13:31 15:7 15:12 16:6 18:8 18:10
Sexual Assault of Children and Adolescents (1978) (book) -- 9:11
Sexual Behavior Clinic of the New York State Psychiatric Institute at Columbia-Presbyterian
Medical Center in Manhattan
sexual behavior of boys, research study -- 6:26
sexual desire and paedophile instinct, conjunction of -- 19:18
Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys (1976) (book) --
2:24 3:19 7:22 10:31 21:31
Sexual Exploitation of Children (article) -- 11:13
Sexual Exploitation of Children (report) -- 4:26 9:43
Sexual Exploitation of Children -- A Problem of Unknown Magnitude (report)
Sexual Exploitation of Children: A Report to the Illinois General Assembly by
the Illinois Legislative Investigating Committee (report)
Sexual Freedom and Venereal Disease (1971) (book) -- 7:22
sexual orientation set before puberty -- 3:5 10:4
sexual pleasure possible at any age -- 16:29
Sexual Preference: Its Development in Men and Women (1981) (book)
10:4 16:25
sexual repression as harmful -- 8:23 20:32
sexual stimulation of children by nannies, mothers, &c. -- 6:19
Sexualität, Gewalt und psychische Folgen: Eine Längsschnittuntersuchung bei Opfern sexueller Gewalt und
sexuellen Normverletzungen anhand von angezeigten Sexualkontakten (1983) (book)
Sexuality, Violence and Psychological After-Effects: A Longitudinal Study of Cases of Sexual
Assault Which Were Reported to the Police (1983) (book)
Sexually Abused Children and Their Families (1981) (book) -- 10:11
Sexually Dangerous Person (SDP) -- 4:7 10:8
Sexually Exploited Child (SEC) Unit, LAPD --
2:25 4:27 5:27 6:18 8:10 9:30 10:5 10:22 11:8 15:8
17:5 20:15
Sexualpädagogik (journal) -- 6:21
Sexuology [sic] and Violence (conference) -- 1:6
Sforza-Cesarini, Duchess -- 14:22
Sgroi, Dr Suzanne -- 10:3
Shakespeare, Detective Constable -- 14:30
Shakespeare, Hamnet -- 19:18
Shakespeare, William -- 17:21 19:16
shame in European/American boys -- 20:31
Shapiro, Bruce -- 10:10
Shaw, Jeffrey -- 12:6
Shelden, Frank -- 21:3
Sheldon, Sydney -- 8:8
Shelley, Percy Bysse -- 9:37
Sheraton Center, New York -- 4:5
Sherman, Jon -- 10:17
Sherman Student Union, Boston University -- 9:11
Shields, Brooke -- 9:5
Shields, Stuart -- 8:20
Shipboard School -- 21:35
shirtless photos as "child molesting" -- 15:11 17:13
Shively, Charles -- 18:6 19:7
Shortill, Brother B. -- 8:8
Show Me! (1974/1975) (book) -- 1:7 13:9 14:9
shrink-think -- 18:13
Shroder [sic], Ricky -- 19:33
Sicily -- 7:14 7:29
SIECUS - Sex Information and Education Council of the United States -- 4:5
Sieg, Rodney -- 14:5
Siegel, Charles -- 21:11
Sigala, Claude -- 13:4 15:19 16:5 16:28
Sigala, Marie -- 15:21
Signe de Piste (publisher) -- 12:40 15:25
Sigusch, Prof V. -- 7:11
Silent Majority -- 10:25
Silent Shame, The (television documentary) --
20:4 20:7 20:11 20:20 20:36 21:45
Silliman, Donna -- 11:37 12:11
Silvanus -- 16:14
Silver Pipe Cafe, The (short story) -- 17:22
Silver Spoons (television show) -- 19:33
Silverstein, Dr Charles -- 10:8 10:31
Silvester, Rev Leonard W. -- 20:15
Simi Valley, California -- 10:17
Simon & Schuster (publisher) -- 10:30
Simpson, A.W. Brian -- 20:5
Singhalese/Sinhalese -- 1:25 15:6 17:14
SIW and SIV Tests (psychological assessment tools) -- 7:15
16th Century -- 13:23
16th Century Europe -- 17:22
60 Minutes (television program) -- 3:27 4:29
Size Queen (1981) (book) -- 9:39
Skellern, Stephen -- 8:21
skin cancer -- 11:5
Skip (photographer) -- 10:2
Skoplje, Macedonia -- 1:19
SLAM - Stronger Legislation Against Molesters --
9:10 9:13 10:13 11:28 12:12 13:7 13:8
slavery -- 16:29 17:27 21:32
Sleeping Partner (short story) -- 15:15
Sleigh Boy (short story) -- 1:8 2:22
Slocum, Edward M. -- 1:28
smell as sexual stimulation (mysophilia) -- 12:46
smiling, boys in pornography shown -- 8:14
Smith, Doug -- 11:37
Smith, Mr and Mrs -- 11:37
Smith, Sgt Donald -- 13:8
Smith, Sidney -- 5:8 9:39 10:6
Smith, Steven Adrian 'Steve' -- 13:9 17:15 20:3
Smith, Timothy d'Arch -- 1:28
Smith, William French -- 17:8
Snapper, M.D., Clifford A. -- 18:3
Sneed (reporter), Miss -- 4:28
Snow, C.P. -- 20:5
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) (film) -- 10:17
snuff films -- 16:10
Social Affairs, Minister of, Philippines -- 11:6
Social Democratic (German political party) -- 9:22
social ecology (natural selection mechanism as determinant of which men are boy-lovers)
social ecology (nature as intelligent force) -- 5:26 19:17 19:37 20:31
Social Integration of Queers and Peers, The (article) -- 17:28
Social Security Administration, United States -- 11:15
Social Service Department, Britain -- 14:29
Social Services and Welfare, Manila -- 12:4
Social Services Department, Quebec -- 17:11
Social Services Department, Tompkins County, New York -- 4:10
Social Services, West Sussex, England -- 19:3
Social Study of Pederasty: In Search of a Literature Base (1982), The
Social Welfare Department, New Zealand -- 18:12
Social Work Today (periodical) -- 7:10 11:15 20:9
social workers --
7:10 9:33 11:15 14:4 14:7 20:9
Socialist (French political party) -- 9:7 15:19 18:9
Socialist-Labour (Dutch political party) -- 2:18
Socialist Municipal Magistrate of Culture -- 4:8
Socialist Workers (Australian political party) -- 16:5
Society for the Study of Alternative Lifestyles -- 2:7
Sociological Institute, State University of Utrecht -- 12:18 12:40
sociology -- 7:22 7:27 9:35
Socrates -- 7:21 7:28 17:29
Sodom and Gomorrah -- 12:45 13:31
SOH (Swiss homosexual organization) -- 10:38
Soho (London district) -- 9:29
SoHo (Manhattan) -- 15:38
Soho News (newspaper) -- 10:10
Some Some Boys (1969) (book) -- 3:26 17:26
Somers, Connecticut -- 10:3 15:8
Somers, Connecticut State Prison -- 18:23
Somewhere-Out-There-In-The-Midwest Blues, The (poetry) -- 21:24
somnophilia -- 12:46
Sonenschein, David -- 15:11 17:21 20:14 20:38 21:14
Song of Songs, The (poetry) -- 8:29
Sotadic zone/North-South differences in incidence of boy-love -- 14:16
souk (market) -- 14:20
South Africa -- 10:37 18:11
South America -- 9:24 18:18
South Bronx -- 15:29
South China Morning Post (newspaper) -- 20:12
South Farmingdale, New York -- 10:17
South Kensington -- 5:6
Southeast Asia -- 11:7
Soviet -- 12:46 14:5 18:22
Soviet Russia -- 10:16 10:37
Soviet Union -- 9:23
Spagyria Puerorum: Seven Emblems (poetry) -- 7:19
Spain --
2:5 2:11 4:10 5:5 8:29 12:3 12:9 13:23 14:25 20:3
Spanish (language) -- 10:31
Spanish golden era -- 8:31
spanking -- 3:4 16:26
Sparta -- 7:29 15:27 20:33
Spartacus (publisher) --
7:12 7:30 9:3 9:29 9:39 10:34 10:38 11:5 11:10 11:29
11:35 12:36 12:38 12:39 13:2 14:19 18:24 19:5 19:7 20:3
21:3 21:24
Spartacus Gay Guide (travel guide) --
2:31 6:5 8:5 10:8 10:9 10:39 11:10 15:4 21:3
Spear, Roger E. -- 4:7
Special Friendships (1945/1958) (book) -- 11:33 17:22
special friendships in boarding school -- 21:32
Special Investigation Unit (SIU), Hudson County, New Jersey -- 15:31
Specter, Joan -- 20:14
Spence, Keith -- 4:22
sperm as carrier of a man's soul, spirit, individuality (Greek) -- 21:31
sperm as transmission of virtue and manhood to boy (Greek) -- 21:31
Spiegel, Der (magazine) -- 6:20
spinal consumption -- 6:20
Spiritual Murder -- Thoughts on the Term -- 17:19
Spofford (New York-area juvenile facility) -- 21:12
Spontan (journal) -- 6:20
Springfield Morning Union (newspaper) -- 9:12
Sri Lanka --
1:25 6:7 7:12 8:5 9:27 10:6 10:8 10:26 10:39 11:5
11:10 14:19 15:6 16:7 16:10 17:6 17:14
SS (Nazi Germany) -- 9:19
Staatliche Museum, Berlin -- 16:15
Stack, Elaine J. -- 13:13 13:14
Staffordshire Evening Sentinel (newspaper) -- 12:6
Stamford, John D. -- 9:4 11:10 20:3 21:3
Stanford University -- 7:7 16:7
Stanford, California -- 16:7
staphylodromia (race where runners wear raisins[!]) -- 15:28
Star, The (newspaper) -- 13:12
Star Trek (television show) -- 20:18
State and Federal Laws and Investigation of Child Pornography (conference paper)
State Department, United States -- 1:20
State University of Utrecht -- see: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
Stayner, Steven --
5:4 6:7 8:14 9:5 11:9 12:4
Steele, Judge Walter E. -- 10:8
Steen, Richard -- 11:34 13:23 14:2
Stekel, Wilhelm -- 3:13
Stewart, Angus -- 7:21
STIEKUM (Belgian paedophile organization) -- 16:3
Stilbestrol (drug) -- 3:18
sting operation --
6:10 7:10 9:44 12:6 13:5 16:4 18:14 20:34 20:37 21:46
Stirner, Max -- 20:14 21:22
Stockholm -- 3:4 4:6 10:4 11:16 20:6
Stocks, David Stanley -- 2:5
Stokes, Rep Louis -- 15:5
Stolen Children (article) -- 18:12
Stonewall -- 13:31 15:13
Stop the Witchunt [sic] Committee, New York -- 15:12
storge (στοργη=disinterested love, Greek)
Stories Toto Told Me (1898) (book) -- 14:23
Straight Cut Ditch (1979) (book) -- 6:23
Strait, Guy -- 2:25 5:7 5:27 9:45 12:13
Strasbourg, France -- 8:18 15:4
Stratford-on-Avon -- 19:19
Strato [Straton] of Sardis -- 9:38 16:31
Strauss, Mr -- 20:5
Strauss, Richard -- 20:14
Streetboy Dreams (1983) (book) -- 15:6 19:25
Streisand, Barbra -- 13:11
Strickland, Janet -- 12:5
Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story (1958) (book) -- 18:22
Stronger Legislation Against Molesters (SLAM), Concerned Citizens for
9:10 9:13 10:13 11:28 12:12 13:7 13:8
Studds, Rep Gerry E. -- 17:3
student-teacher -- see: pedagogy/pedagogical, teacher-student
Students, Teachers and Sex - A Volatile Mix (article) -- 14:9
Studiegroep Pedofilie -- 4:5 13:5
Studies Counselor -- 9:18
Stumke, Hans -- 6:19
Sturgis, Howard -- 5:20
Stuttgart -- 9:22
Sudan, Africa -- 20:33
Sudra caste -- 13:21
Suetonius -- 18:20
Suffield, Connecticut -- 10:3
Suffolk County, Massachusetts -- 10:8
Suffolk County, New York -- 17:8
Sufi poetry -- 16:14
Sufi Quatrains -- 6:24
Sugars, Bill -- 9:10
suicide --
1:5 1:23 1:24 2:30 3:29 4:28 5:24 7:7 7:23 7:31
8:7 8:15 8:34 9:8 9:25 9:44 10:12 10:32 11:4 11:10
11:34 11:38 12:44 13:15 13:28 15:35 15:36 17:4 19:25 21:20
Sultan -- 12:32
Summit, Dr Roland C. -- 8:12 15:7 19:6
Sun (newspaper) -- 16:8 16:25 17:16 18:7
Sun God, ancient Greek -- 15:27
Sun-Herald (newspaper) -- 8:9
Sun Living (periodical) -- 17:5
Sun Spirit: A Visionary Phantasy, The (1931) (book) -- 15:27
Sunbelt Christianity -- 19:29
Sunday Express (newspaper) -- 3:5
Sunday Observer (magazine) -- 6:20
Sunday People (newspaper) -- 8:18
Sunday Times, The (London) (newspaper) -- 9:36
Sunland (photographer) -- 15:2
Sunley, John Edward -- 16:10
Sunnyside, Washington -- 2:15
Super Boy (magazine) -- 20:4
Superior Court, Massachusetts -- 4:7
suppression of research/scholarship --
5:28 13:10 15:22 16:6 16:9 16:24 17:15 18:10 19:7 20:13
20:14 20:25 21:14
Surrey -- 17:25
Surrogate, The (article) -- 17:17
Survey of Interpersonal Values (1960) (book) -- 7:16
survival of the fittest -- 19:17
Swansea, Wales -- 1:17 2:6 10:28
Sweden --
1:20 3:4 4:6 4:8 4:22 6:31 8:36 10:4 11:16 13:11
Swedish -- 11:16
Sweetheart, Scotland Yard porn clean-up code name, 1985 -- 21:6
Swets & Zeitlinger (publisher) -- 5:14
Swiss -- 7:12 10:7 20:28
Swiss Federal Council -- 17:8
Swithinbank, Martin --
9:26 10:16 11:12 13:8 13:12 13:13 15:30
Switzerland --
1:15 2:5 8:4 9:3 10:38 11:11 11:14 11:34 12:4 12:12
13:8 15:4 16:7 17:7 17:8 17:31 19:35 21:8
SYBOL (Australian Paedophile group) -- 9:12 18:6
Sydney Film Festival -- 12:5
Sydney Public Schools -- 1:6
Sydney Star (newspaper) -- 20:14
Sydney, AUstralia --
1:6 2:6 3:28 5:28 7:14 8:9 9:12 10:7 11:6 12:5
16:7 17:13
Symonds, Carolyn L. -- 11:30
Symposium (book) -- 7:28
tabaraki (=boy between 5 and 15, Albanian) -- 1:19
taboo --
3:13 8:37 13:10 15:6 15:10 16:11
taboo on nudity, Sri Lanka -- 1:26
taboo, ultimate -- 21:4 21:19
Tackett, Judge -- 11:38
Tageszeitung (newspaper) -- 10:8
Taipei, Taiwan -- 6:23
tajins -- 14:21
Tale of Ahmet, the Treasurer's Son (short story) -- 13:23
Tale of Two Cultures, A (article) -- 9:27
Talisman (photographer) -- 13:2
talking to boys prosecuted as "indecency" -- 8:22
Talmudic scholars -- 8:29
Tamang, Ram Bahadur -- 15:13
Tamil -- 1:26 17:6
Tampa, Florida -- 1:29 9:11
Tanner system (testicular measurement and classification) -- 8:11
Task Force Hookers -- 14:6 15:11
Taxi zum Klo (1981) (film) -- 16:7
Taxpaying Parents Against Kiddie Smut -- 9:11
Taylor, Bayard -- 16:30
Taylor, Brian -- 9:32 10:28 11:28
Taylor, Capt Robert -- 11:8
Taylor, N.T. -- 16:6
Taylor, Ralph -- 2:30
teacher-student -- see also: pedagogy/pedagogical
tear gas -- 11:14
Techter, David -- 20:37
Tehran -- 1:7 6:24
Teitelbaum, Rabbi Melvin -- 20:14
Telegraaf, De (newspaper) -- 2:18 7:14 17:4 19:8 20:8
telephone scatophilia -- 12:46
Telluride Foundation -- 19:7
Temoignage Chretien (periodical) -- 15:22
temple prostitutes, India -- 17:29
Ten Hopen, Brian -- 9:8
Tender Cousins (1980) (film) -- 9:5
Tennant, Darrell -- 5:15
Tennesee Boys Farm -- 12:12
Tennessee -- 2:24 4:30 8:34 11:24 12:34
Tennessee Waltz, The (song) -- 21:17
Terre des Hommes --
8:5 9:4 9:29 10:7 10:9 10:38 11:7 12:10 12:12 13:5
14:7 14:20 15:6 15:13 17:7 17:29 17:30 18:19 19:5
Terre des Hommes (article) -- 10:38
Testament - Cairo 1898 (1972) (book) -- 9:38
Tevini, Thierry -- 9:5
Texas --
4:7 8:11 15:3 15:8 15:11 16:4 18:13 18:16 20:14 20:16
20:37 20:38 21:14
"textural analysis" of P.A.N. magazine -- 16:7
TF1 (television network) -- 11:7
Thailand -- 12:12 13:5 16:10
thambili -- 9:28
Thatcher, Margaret --
4:8 6:7 8:23 10:33 16:9 17:14 19:9 19:11 21:6
Thebes -- 14:26
theft from boy-love suspect by police officer -- 10:17
Theiodamus -- 14:27
Theokritos -- 14:27
Thera (Santorini Island, Greece) -- 15:27 15:28 16:30 20:33
Thierry (photographer) -- 5:3
Third Reich -- 10:37
Third World --
9:3 10:38 11:9 11:10 11:27 12:4 12:5 14:19 15:7 16:3
18:18 18:19 19:5 19:20
Third World Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1981 -- 10:5
13th Century -- 17:20
Thirty Years' War -- 4:30
Thoma, William L. -- 20:34
Thomas, Henry -- 14:4
Thomas, Mark -- 21:16
Thompson, Michael -- 8:25 11:12
Thorley, Judge -- 2:4
Thornburgh, Dick -- 4:9
Thorne, Alison -- 18:7 20:13
Thorne, Lt -- 18:7
Thorstad, David -- 10:6 15:39
Thousand and One Nights [Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night]
12:32 16:22
Three Interviews (article) -- 12:18
Three P's: Police, Press, Politicians -- 1:4 2:4
Three Poems (poetry) -- 7:19
Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There (1871) (book)
Thunder Bay, Ontario -- 2:23
Tiberius, Emperor -- 18:20
Tielman, Dr Rob -- 2:21 16:6
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie (journal) -- 8:6
Tijdschrift voor Seksuologie (journal) -- 8:5
Tillet, Gregory -- 11:6
Tillier, Jacques -- 10:18 14:3
Tim: A Story of Eton (1891) (book) -- 5:22
Time (magazine) --
5:29 6:8 6:20 9:36 12:11 13:6 14:5 15:5 15:7 15:8
15:13 15:36 16:12 17:8 17:21 18:9 18:12 18:18 18:25 19:9
Times, The (London) (newspaper) -- 9:36 19:4 20:5
Times Journal (newspaper) -- 9:4 18:5
Times Square -- 9:36 12:3 15:29 16:4 17:24
Tinka and Other Dirty Stories for Children (1981) (book) -- 10:7
Tinka en andere viese verhallen voor kinderen (1981) (book) -- 10:7
Tissamaharama -- 10:6
To an Unknown God (1977) (film) -- 2:5
Tokyo -- 13:22
Tolsma, Dr F.J. -- 3:13
Tomasek, Wolfgang -- 2:21
Tompkins County, New York -- 5:9
Tompkins County, New York, Department of Social Services -- 4:10
Toner, Pauline -- 17:13
Topsy -- 8:8
Torah -- 10:38
Torey, Frank --
11:5 11:10 13:2 19:5 19:30 19:34 21:3
Toronto -- 2:6 2:15 4:9 17:9 18:10
Toronto Sun (newspaper) -- 4:9
torture --
2:22 9:10 10:8 10:35 11:36 12:41 12:44 13:7 15:5 15:36
16:6 16:10 17:15 17:20 17:31 18:7 19:9 20:4
torture (playful) -- 16:31
Tory (British political party) -- 19:9
"Toto" Stories -- 14:22
Tottman, David -- 10:12
touching, need for, in children -- 19:37
Toward a Perspective for Boy-Lovers (1976) (book) -- 5:7 17:29
Towards a Dialogue (pamphlet) -- 9:12
Tower College, Merseyside, England -- 13:9 17:15
Tower of London -- 19:19
Townsend, Sharon -- 11:36 12:11
Townsend, MP, Cyril --
1:6 2:4 2:24 9:5 9:7 9:35
transvestite/transvestism -- 11:12
Trashing the Party of the Nutty Nurse (article) -- 8:12
Travel, Rev John -- 17:16
Travell, Richard -- 17:16
Traverse City Record-Eagle (newspaper) -- 2:24 4:28 9:44
Treason Against God: A History of the Offense of Blasphemy (1981) (book)
Trenton, New Jersey -- 13:11
Trinidad, M. -- 18:5
Tristan und Isolde (opera) -- 17:22
troilism -- 12:46
troops, American -- 9:21
Trottoirs de Manille, Les (television documentary) -- 11:6 12:4
Trucker and the Teens, The (1984) (book) -- 19:29 20:11 21:29
Truitt, Inspector -- 20:34
Truth (periodical) -- 17:5 17:13 18:7 19:10 19:11
Tsang, Daniel 'Dan' -- 10:33 11:29 16:6 21:10
Tucker, James -- 7:9
Tucker, Scott -- 20:14
Tufts University -- 2:6 10:28
Tunisia -- 1:27
Tunisian -- 11:24
Tuohy, Felicity -- 8:37
Turkey -- 2:5 9:24
Turkish -- 8:4
Turn of the Screw, The (1898) (book) -- 5:21
Turne, Harry --
5:30 9:42 11:31 13:24 17:28 20:27 21:25
Turner, Bob -- 13:6
12th Century -- 8:29
20th Century -- 1:28 12:45 17:21
Two Other Paedophile Arrangements: One which worked . . . and one
that didn't (article)
Two poems of Moses Ibn Ezra (poetry) -- 8:29
Tylenol -- 15:35
Ubing, Scholte -- 10:39
Ugly Boy-Lover, The (article) -- 6:5
Ugly Paedophile - II, The (article) -- 7:12
Ujlaky, John -- 18:8
Ukiah, California -- 5:4
Ulm, Germany -- 5:25
Ultima Hora (periodical) -- 12:3
Understanding Paedophilia (pamphlet) -- 3:6
UNESCO -- 11:9
UNICEF -- 11:7 14:21
United Arab Emirates -- 10:6
United Nations -- 11:5 11:7 11:9 15:6 16:7
United Pentacostal [sic] Church, Odessa, Texas -- 15:8
United Press International (UPI)(news service) -- 15:8 18:19
United States --
2:17 2:23 2:27 9:23 9:33 10:12 10:39 11:7 12:42 13:4
13:29 14:8 16:6
United States -- see also: America[n]
United States Code, Chapter 110, Title 18 -- 20:6 20:36
United States v Thoma -- 20:34
University of Amsterdam -- 1:18
University of Berlin -- 11:34
University of California -- 2:7
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) -- 2:25
University of Cambridge -- 10:30
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center -- 10:11
University of Nijmegen -- 1:18 2:21
University of Paris -- 13:5
University of South Florida, Tampa -- 1:29
University of Southern California -- 5:30 6:9 7:9
University of Swansea -- 2:6
University of Tennessee -- 1:28
Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company -- 12:46 18:3 20:16
Upper Marlboro, Maryland -- 11:5
Uppsala -- 4:6
Uranian Roses (1977) (book) -- 9:38
Urban and Rural Systems Associates, San Francisco -- 12:9 20:15
urination -- 8:13
urolagnic -- 20:26
urophilia -- 12:46
USA Today (newspaper) -- 16:10 19:5
Utah -- 10:5 18:13
Utrecht, Netherlands --
2:14 2:15 2:21 3:25 8:3 8:5 12:18 12:40 15:11 16:6
18:8 18:10 20:8
Utrecht, State University -- see: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
vagina -- 21:42
Vainglory (1915) (book) -- 11:23
Valence, France -- 18:14
Valencia, Teodoro F. -- 10:9
Valentine, John -- 9:39
Valentine's Day -- 21:6
Valmouth (1919) (book) -- 11:23
valuation theory -- 12:36
Value Areas and Their Development: Theory and Method of Self-Confrontation (1976) (book)
van Brunt, Elder George -- 6:5
van den Boezem, Nick -- 11:4
van den Bossche, Luc -- 17:7
van der Kwast, Professor -- 2:19
van der Velde, Sytze -- 11:13
van Eeckhout, Piet -- 4:8
van Eeten, Peter -- 1:17
van Graafeiland, Judge Ellsworth A. -- 1:7
van Houten, Stephan -- 21:25
van Naerssen, Dr Alex 'Lex' -- 8:6
Van Nuys, California -- 8:6 13:5
van Oort, Hans -- 2:14
van Santhorst, Arent -- 1:15
van Ussel, Jozef Maria Willem 'Jos' -- 6:21
Vanggaard, Thorkil -- 15:27
Vanguardia, La (newspaper) -- 4:10
VARA (Dutch television service) -- 11:4 15:9
Varieties of Sexual Experience: Psychosexuality in Literature (1976) (book)
Vaughn, Robert -- 10:13
Velasquez, Robert -- 15:29
venereal disease -- 8:15
Veness, Detective Chief Inspector David -- 5:6
Venetian Water-Colour (short story) -- 10:14
Venice -- 5:24 10:14 14:23
Venice, California -- 12:43
Venlo, Netherlands -- 11:3
Ventura County, California -- 9:10
Venus (planet) -- 12:34
Venus and Adonis (poetry) -- 19:19
Veran, Georges C. -- 9:4 10:9 16:3
Verdi, Giuseppe -- 8:22
Verfemte Geschlecht: Dokumentation über Knabenliebe, Das (1970) (book)
Vergara, Tacie -- 14:7
Verlag Andreas Achenbach (publisher) -- 1:17
Verlag rosa Winkel (publisher) -- 21:31
Verlaine, Paul -- 9:38
Vermilye, Father -- 4:30
Vermilye's Boys' Farm, Father -- 2:24 8:34
Vermont -- 13:14 17:9 20:15
Vernon, Elizabeth -- 19:20
Vervolgde minderheid (1960) (book) -- 1:16 8:4 9:10
Vianello, Ermenegildo (Zildo) -- 14:23
Viborg, Denmark -- 8:7
Vicary, Dr William -- 7:9 9:10
Vice Squad -- 11:17
vice squad, France -- 15:19
Vice Versa (1976) (book) -- 3:26 7:18 13:23 20:26
Vichy regime -- 7:4
victimization managers -- 17:21
Victoria, Queen -- 21:6
Victoria, Australia -- 12:3 13:31
Victorian --
1:15 1:28 12:33 18:4 19:3 20:33
Victorian-Edwardian psychology -- 9:35
Vidal, Gore -- 1:7 4:7 8:35 13:6 18:22
Vienna -- 8:36 9:18 17:13
Viennese -- 12:44 12:46 20:25
Viennese Nudist Association -- 9:18
View from Germany, The (article) -- 6:19
Viewers' and Listeners' Association (Britain) -- 17:15
Viggiano, Joseph -- 10:11
Vigil Bureau Against Child Prostitution (private organization, Philippines)
village peace-keepers -- 14:6
Village Voice (newspaper) -- 2:6 4:10 7:10 7:26
Village Voice (periodical) -- 18:10
Villages Vacances Loisirs -- 18:9
Ville dont le prince est un enfant ~Le, Le (1951) (1951) (play) -- 11:33
Ville Emard, Montreal -- 12:40
Villerot, Gilbert -- 1:22 2:5 5:19
Vincent's Club, Oxford -- 9:11
violacion (=rape, Spanish) -- 21:45
Virgilian Eclogue -- 21:23
Virgin Mary -- 12:45
Virginia -- 8:8 20:37
Visconti, Luchino -- 16:15 19:20
Visser, Anneke C.S. -- 11:12 15:9
Vito (New York police officer, last name unknown) -- 21:11
Vitry-sur-Seine, France -- 18:9
Vlaardingen -- 2:17
voca (=boy between 10 and 14, Albanian) -- 1:19
Vogt, Judge Francis -- 13:16
Volkskrant, De (newspaper) -- 2:16 10:8 19:7
von Raab, William -- 19:5
Voyage House, Inc. -- 14:7
voyeurism -- 12:46
VPRO Publiekservice (Dutch television) -- 9:9
Vrij Nederland (periodical) -- 2:17 10:38 20:7
Vroom, Peter -- 10:38
Vuillaume, Jean-Manual [sic] -- 21:24
Vulnerable Children (1968) (book) -- 3:30
W.H.", "Mr -- 19:16
Waagtheater -- 2:8
Wade, David -- 8:20
Wagner, Augustus -- 4:7
Waldeck, Germany -- 13:8
Wales -- 1:17 2:6 13:3
Wall Street Journal (newspaper) -- 5:8
Walpole, Hugh -- 5:20 5:21
Walpole Prison, Massachusetts -- 15:36 18:22 19:9
Ward, John -- 10:12
Ward, John P. -- 2:22
Wareham Courrier [sic] (newspaper) -- 15:37
Wareham, Massachusetts -- 15:29 19:9
Warhol, Andy -- 14:3
Warsaw ghetto -- 4:30 8:12 17:31
Warschaure, Harry -- 8:18
Washington (state) -- 2:15 10:30 19:5
Washington Post (newspaper) -- 7:6 8:10 20:11 20:38
Washington School of Psychiatry -- 12:7
Washington, D.C. --
3:4 4:6 4:26 4:31 5:8 7:5 8:8 8:9 8:34 9:5
9:11 9:43 10:3 11:3 11:14 11:15 13:7 13:8 13:9 13:12
13:29 13:31 15:4 15:7 16:9 17:3 17:8 18:8 18:11 18:13
18:23 19:5 19:26 20:6
Wasserman, Joanne -- 5:9
Wat doe jij met mijn kind? (1982) (book) -- 11:13
Watkins, Alan -- 8:24
Waugh, Evelyn -- 11:23
Waugh, Willie -- 7:6
Way it is in Morocco, The (article) -- 3:20
Wayne State University -- 4:28
Wayside Chapel -- 8:9
WBAI (radio station) -- 5:8
WCCO (television) -- 13:10
We Forum (newspaper) -- 9:4
We Have a Secret (1982) (book) -- 12:12 15:39 16:10
Webster, Judge Ian -- 20:16
Weekend (newspaper) -- 9:27
Weekend Australian (periodical) -- 9:8
Weeks, Donald -- 14:22
Weidenfeld & Nicolson (publisher) -- 11:26
Weiner, Eugene -- 20:37
Weinger, Arthur -- 14:5
Weischer, Bernd Manuel -- 6:24
Weitzman, Q.C., Peter -- 12:6
Werner Jake (publisher?) -- 16:28
West, Dr Donald J. -- 6:8 10:30 12:41 15:4
West Berlin -- 11:10 11:34
West End -- 2:8
West German/West Germany (see also: German) --
1:7 1:20 2:6 4:4 5:5 5:6 6:20 7:11 9:10 9:11
9:21 12:4 13:8 14:5 15:4 15:8 15:10 16:28 17:6 17:13
19:6 19:7 20:11 20:27 21:23 21:25 21:33 21:44
West Midland Police Department -- 6:4
West New York, New Jersey -- 13:11
Western Australia -- 10:7
Western Europe -- 5:25
Western world -- 20:33
Weston, Bill -- 21:46
What Are You Doing With My Child? (1982) (book) -- 11:13
What if I Say No? (1981) (book) -- 16:10 20:16
What is Pedophilia Anyway? (pamphlet) -- 15:11
What's Wrong With Sex Between Adults and Children? Ethics and the Problem
of Sexual Abuse (1979) (article)
Where the Young Ones Are (pamphlet) -- 2:25 3:28
Whist (game) -- 10:16
Whitaker, Carl -- 11:17
White, Dan -- 6:31
White, Edmund -- 5:4 18:24 21:8
White, Justice Byron R. -- 13:9
White, T.H. -- 5:21
White, Timmy -- 5:4 6:7 8:14 9:5 11:10
White Shadow, The (television program) -- 8:26
Whitehead, Alfred North -- 18:21
Whitehorn, Katherine -- 19:3
Whitehouse, Mary --
1:4 1:6 1:26 2:4 2:24 2:31 3:6 3:27 5:28 6:11
8:5 8:18 8:23 9:5 9:7 9:35 17:15 19:11
Whitelaw, Home Secretary William -- 4:8 6:4 8:21
Whithall, Dr John -- 8:9
Whitman, Walt -- 5:9 5:23 9:39
Whole Gay Catalog, 1964, The (book) -- 19:26
Why Boy-Love? (article) -- 14:13
Why Holland? (article) -- 1:4
Wickens, Christopher -- 13:7
Wier, Richard B. -- 4:30
Wierks, Rev Bruce -- 6:5
Wiesbaden -- 17:6
Wilde, Oscar -- 3:5 5:27 8:23 8:37
Wilhelm Goldman Verlag (publisher) -- 11:17
Wilhelmina Children's Hospital -- 8:3
Wiliams, Donald -- 13:15
Wilkins, Brian -- 15:29
Wilkinson [sic], Brian -- 15:30
William Morrow (publisher) -- 10:30 10:31
Williams, Leroy -- 13:8 15:5
Williams, Prof Bernard -- 4:8
Williams, Troy -- 7:8
Williamson House, Belfast -- 20:9
Willis, Victor -- 7:8
Willowdale, Ontario -- 10:11
Wilmcote, England -- 19:19
Wilmington, Delaware -- 11:3
Wilson, Catherine Stubblefield -- 13:8 19:10 20:37
Wilson, Dr Paul --
9:8 10:32 12:38 13:6 14:3 15:5 16:6
Wilson, Glenn D. -- 2:6 16:24 17:6
Wilson, Peter Lamborn -- 6:24
Wilson, Prof Brian -- 20:13
Wilting (Amsterdam policeman), Mr -- 20:7
Wilton Place (publisher) -- 13:5
Wincanton, Somerset -- 8:24
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim -- 16:15
WINS (radio/TV station) -- 10:17
Winton, Judge Crane -- 13:10 19:3
wiretapping -- 19:6 20:6 20:16
Wisconsin -- 11:4 18:11 20:36
Witch Hunt News (periodical) -- 21:9
witchcraft -- 13:31
Witt, Donald Warren -- 9:45
Witte, Dr B.S. -- 1:16
witte duif achter grauwe tralies, Een (1982) (book) -- 15:7
Wizard of Oz (character) -- 12:47
Wolters, W. -- 8:3
Woltz, Randy -- 11:18
woman-boy -- see: boy-woman, boy-love
woman-girl -- see: girl-woman, girl-love
Women Against Rape (WAP) -- 10:10
women as anti-paedophile crusaders -- 19:38 20:20
Women's Issues Task Force of Pennsylvania, National Association of Social Workers
women's liberation -- 1:26 10:31
Wonder Boy (magazine) -- 20:4
Wonderland (periodical) -- 20:37
Wood, Steven -- 3:20 10:34 18:26 20:29
Wooden, Kenneth -- 4:29
Woodruff, Robert M. -- 20:38
Woods Hole, Massachusetts -- 4:6 4:27 5:7 5:27
Word is Out Publishers -- 5:17
Workers Vanguard (newspaper) -- 8:6
Workgroup for Youth Emancipation -- 15:7
Workgroup in Morals and Philosophy, Ghentse Rijksuniversiteit -- 16:3
Workgroup on Youth Emancipation and Paedophilia, Venlo, Netherlands -- 11:3
Working Party on Child Sexual Abuse, Department for Community Welfare, Australia
World Apart, A (1983) (book) -- 16:4
World Congress of Sexuality, Sixth, Baltimore, 1983 -- 16:9 17:10
World Trading Center, Baltimore -- 4:6
World Vision -- 18:6
World War I -- 11:23
World War II -- 1:15 9:21 15:6 18:22
World, the Flesh and Myself, The (1962) (book) -- 7:21 17:21 21:32
Wormwood Scrubs -- 8:22 11:11
Worth, Illinois -- 7:10
Would You Like a Piece of Candy? (article) -- 2:8
Would You Like a Piece of Candy? (play) -- 2:8 4:8 5:5
Wren, Meriwether -- 18:26
Wright, Barry -- 19:38 20:29
Wright, Marilyn -- 4:28 9:44
Wriothesley, Henry -- 19:19
WWSH (radio station) -- 20:14
WXYZ (radio station) -- 6:7
Wymer, Rev Dwight -- 9:7
Wymondham, Norfolk -- 7:7
Wyneken, Gustav -- 21:33
Yaffe, Maurice -- 9:36
Yakima, Washington -- 2:15
Yale University -- 2:26 3:19
Yarsinsky, Edward -- 18:22
Year of the Child -- 2:5 2:23
Yellow Book (journal) -- 14:22
Yemen -- 8:30
Yert, Dan -- 6:9
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association -- 3:19
Yorkshire -- 5:15
You are Not Alone (1978) (film) -- 5:4
Young, Ian -- 9:38
Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) -- 3:19
Young Republicans, San Francisco -- 5:7
Young, Gay and Proud (1980) (book) -- 2:7 6:25
Yourcenar, Marguerite -- 16:14
Youth Advisory Council (Holland) -- 8:6
Youth of Judas, The (book) -- 1:16
youth prisons -- 12:4
Youth Sex Ring Broken (article) -- 15:8
Youth Workers Congress, Bexleyheath -- 1:6
Yugoslavia -- 1:19
Zalewski, Tony -- 17:16
Zambia -- 11:10
zatsiki -- 12:14
Zbranek, Zeke -- 18:13
Zeh, John -- 10:10
Zeus (deity) -- 7:21 14:24 14:26 16:14 17:25
Zia-ul-Hak, General Muhammad -- 17:31
Zoetermeer, Netherlands -- 1:24
Zola, Emile -- 14:25 15:22
zoological hypothesis why men love boys -- 14:13
zoophilia -- 12:46
Zurich -- 2:5 21:8
Zwerus, Gerard -- 2:15 7:21 9:8
Zwerus, Hans -- 2:19 15:9