General Index to
International Journal of Greek Love
Vol.1 No.1 (n.d. [1965]) and Vol.1 No.2 (November 1966), two issues only were published
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format for references is ISSUE:PAGE; for example,
Issue 2, page 44 is shown as 2:44
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X-Y-Z
A propos d'Akhenaton (article) -- 1:38
A. Courbe (publisher) -- 2:26
Abania -- 2:54
Abarbanel, Albert -- 2:59
Abdul Hamid (1940) (book) -- 2:27
Aborigines (Australia) -- 2:48
Abraham, K. -- 1:36 1:38
Abu Nuwas, Hasan ibn Hani al-Hakami -- 2:9
actors -- 1:18 1:23 1:24
Admissions of a Director of Admissions (article) -- 2:38
Afghanistan -- 2:5
Africa -- 2:4 2:48
age of consent -- 2:49
age of consent -- see also: consent
agemates, adolescent homosexual feelings for -- 2:49
agrarian fertility cults -- 1:62
Akhnaten, Pharaoh -- 1:31
Akhnaten's eldest son-in-law Ankhkheperure (article) -- 1:38
Albanesische Studien (1853) (book) -- 1:46
Albania -- 1:39
Alcott, Louisa May -- 1:49 1:57
Aldermaston, England -- 1:8
Aldred, C. -- 1:38
Alfie's Tale (story) -- 1:11
Alfred A. Knopf (publisher) -- 2:26
Ali, Mohammed -- 2:33
Ali Pasha -- 2:15
Ali the Lion (1936) (book) -- 2:27
Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste (1837) (book)
Alpert, Richard -- 2:58
altagyptischen Scherbenbilder, Die (Bildostraka) (book) -- 1:38
alter Götterhymnus als Begleittext sur Opertafel, Ein (article) -- 1:37
Amarna in Religion und Kunst (1931) (book) -- 1:38
amasii -- 1:41
Amazonian female soldiers -- 2:9
ambisexual -- 1:17
Amenhotep IV (Echnaton) (article) -- 1:38
America/American (see also: United States) -- 2:9 2:19 2:38 2:39
American Ethnological Press (publisher) -- 2:27
Amin, A. -- 2:26
amor masculus -- 1:40
Amorous Education: A School Story (book chapter; poem) -- 2:31
Amour dans l'Humanite, L' (1886) (book) -- 2:12
Amour en Grèce, L' (1960) (book) -- 1:59
Amsterdam -- 1:23
amulets -- 2:57
anal sex -- 1:32 1:39 1:41 2:16
Anat (deity) -- 1:37
Andrew Block (publisher) -- 1:15
androcur -- see also: depo-provera, drugs
Androgyne, Divine -- 1:5
androgynous nature of adolescent males --
1:5 1:18 1:24 1:41 2:6 2:17
androphilia -- 2:47 2:49 2:50 2:60
Anglia -- 1:13
Anglo-Catholic movement -- 2:42
Annales du service des antiquites de l'Egypte (journal) -- 1:38
Anonymous -- 2:38
anthropology -- 2:49 2:58
anti-sexual -- see also: sexophobia
Antony and Cleopatra (play) -- 1:22
anus -- 2:25
Aphrodite (deity) -- 1:62
apocopated apparatus criticus -- 2:59
Apollo, Temple of -- 1:44
Apology (book) -- 2:44
apotropaic objects -- 2:57
Appendix, An (1929) (book) -- 1:9 1:15
Appleton (publisher) -- 1:57
Arab/Arabs/Arabia/Arabic -- 2:4 2:33
Arabian Nights (book) -- 2:3
Arabic (language) -- 2:3
Arcadie: revue litteraire et scientifique (journal) --
2:54 2:55 2:64
archaeology -- 1:61
Archiv für Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik (journal)
1:39 1:46
Armenians -- 2:8 2:13
Army List -- 2:34
Army, British -- 1:7
Arnauts -- 1:42
Arrighi Cancelleresca (Chancery Italic calligraphy) -- 1:63
Arrowsmith, William -- 2:7
Art and Sex (1962) (article) -- 2:59
Aryans -- 1:43
As You Like It (play) -- 1:18
Asbestos Diary, The (1966) (book) -- 1:69 2:63
Ashbee, Henry Spencer -- 2:28
Asia -- 2:48
Asia Minor -- 2:5 2:6 2:16
Askanischer Verlag (publisher) -- 1:57
Ataturk, Mustafa Kemal -- 2:53
Ataturk: A Biography of Mustafa Kemal, Father of Modern Turkey (1965) (book)
Aten (deity) -- 1:35
Athens -- 2:44
Atkinson, Capt C.T. -- 2:37
attention from boy-lover as flattering to boy -- 2:22
Aubrey, R. -- 2:56
Aulae Turcicae, Othomannicique Imperii Descriptio (1573) (book) -- 2:26
Ausidio, Gabriel -- 2:26
Australia/Australian -- 2:43
Austria/Austrian -- 2:13
Avon (publisher) -- 1:57
Bacchic initiation -- 2:58
baklava -- 2:23
Balkan -- 2:19 2:52
Bambi (1923/1929) (book) -- 2:30
Bantam (publisher) -- 1:57
baraka (psychic impression) -- 2:58
Barb, A.A. -- 1:37
Baroda, India -- 2:4
"Baron Corvo" -- 2:34
bas-relief -- 1:35 2:44
Bashlow, Robert -- 2:54
bastinado -- 2:16
bathing -- 1:11
batschas (boy dancers) -- 2:20
Baudier, Michel -- 2:26
Bayezid I -- 2:14
Beach, Frank A. -- 2:48
Beatlemania -- 2:38
Beaumont, Francis -- 1:19
Beccaria, Cesare -- 2:62
bedfellow -- 1:63
Beecher, Henry Ward -- 2:59
Beirut -- 2:13 2:53
Beitrage zur agyptischen Religion (article) -- 1:37
Beloved Name, The (book chapter) -- 2:31
Bennett, Arnold -- 1:58
Bergler, Dr Edmund -- 1:66
Bergner, Elisabeth -- 1:21
Berlin -- 2:9
bestiality -- 2:8
Bethe, Erich -- 1:44 1:47
Bey -- 2:21 2:24
Beyond the Sublime Porte: The Grand Seraglio of Stambul (1931) (book)
Bible, Revised Standard Version -- 1:17
Bibliographie Freundschaftseros (1964) (book) -- 1:60
Bibliographisches Institut (publisher) -- 1:46
birth control -- see: contraception
Birth of the Gods, The (1926) (book) -- 1:51 1:57
Bishop of London -- 2:42
black magic -- 2:57
Blake, William -- 1:5 2:59
Blakiston (publisher) -- 1:57
Blessed Sacrament -- 2:42
Bloxam, M.C. and Bar, Father John Francis -- 2:40
Bodleian Library, University of Oxford -- 2:37
Bombay -- 2:4 2:52 2:53
Bombay Native Infantry -- 2:3
Bonomi, J. -- 1:38
Book Horizons (publisher) -- 2:60
Book of God's Madness, The (1928) (book) -- 1:8 1:15
Book of the Dead, The (book) -- 1:37
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night (book) -- 2:3
Bordeaux, University of -- 1:61
Boullet, Jean -- 1:61
Boy Actor and the 'Double Disguise' in Shakespeare's Works, The (article)
Boy God -- 1:5
boy-love as religion -- 1:59
boy-love as solution for (some) problems of childhood/adolescence --
1:66 2:53 2:56
boy-love friendship, continuation into boy's adulthood -- 1:65
boy-love ("le vice") -- 2:5 2:13
boy-love[r] -- see also: paedophilia, pedophilia, child-adult
Boy Scouts, Germany -- 1:60
Boy: A Photographic Essay, The (1964) (photo book) -- 2:60
Boyhood Divine -- 1:11
Boys on the Quay (poetry) -- 1:11
Bradbury, Dr Andrew -- 2:53
Bradley, Marion Zimmer -- 1:48
Brahmin -- 2:8
Brandt, Dr Paul -- 1:59
Brazil -- 2:9 2:52
Brief Notes on the Modes of Intoxication, &c. (military report) -- 2:4
Briffault, Herma -- 1:57
Britain/British (see also: England) -- 1:5 2:36
British Colonies -- 2:36
British military -- 2:41
British Museum -- 1:37
Britons -- 2:58
brothel -- 2:25 2:32 2:52
Brunner-Traut, E. -- 1:38
Brunoz (pseudonym of Dr Edward Brongersma), Dr O. -- 2:54 2:60
Bucke, Richard Maurice -- 1:16
Budge, E.A.W. -- 1:37
Buisson (publisher) -- 2:26
Bulletin of the History of Medicine (journal) -- 1:38
Burton, Sir Richard Francis -- 2:3
Burton Club -- 2:3
Burton's "Terminal Essay" (article) -- 2:3
Busbecq, Ogier Chiselin de -- 2:26
al-Bushiri (pseudonym of Sir Richard F. Burton), Mirza Abdullah -- 2:4
Byron, Lord -- 2:15 2:36
Byzantine Empire -- 2:13
C. Cramoisy (publisher) -- 2:26
C.A. Hartleben (publisher) -- 2:26
C.G. Harrap (publisher) -- 2:27
Cacongo (West Africa) -- 2:9
Cahier complementaire a la Revue d'Egyptologie (journal) -- 1:38
Cairo -- 2:52
Calamites -- 2:40
California -- 1:48 2:51
calligraphy -- 2:34
calligraphy, Elizabethan -- 1:63
calligraphy, Italian -- 1:63
Cambridge University -- 1:7 1:63 1:64
Cambridge University Press (publisher) -- 2:26
Canada -- 2:53
Cape Cod, Massachusetts -- 2:51
Carmina Priapeia of Petronius Arbiter (book chapter; poem) -- 2:31
Carpenter, Edward -- 1:66
Casa de' figliuoli di Aldo (publisher) -- 2:26
Cassell (publisher) -- 2:37
castrati -- 2:58
castration -- 2:15
Catalogue of the Egyptian antiquities in the museum of Hartwell House (1858)
catamites -- 2:14 2:15
Catcher in the Rye, The (1951) (book) -- 2:61
catechismo turco e l'omosessualita (1922), Il (article) -- 2:27
Catena Librorum Tacendorum (1885) (book) -- 2:28
Catholic/Catholic Church (see also: Roman Catholic) -- 1:40 2:5
Celine, Louis-Ferdinand -- 1:69 2:63
Century Magazine (magazine) -- 1:57
Cesati Mazio, Alessandro -- 2:44
Chalcocondyles, Laonicus -- 2:26
Chaldaea -- 2:5
Chambers, Whittaker -- 1:57
Chameleon, The (magazine) -- 2:40
Chancellor of the Exchequer -- 1:64
Chancery Italic calligraphy -- 1:63
Chapman, George -- 1:27
Charing Cross Road, London -- 2:30
Charterhouse Register 1872-1900 (1904) (book) -- 2:37
Charterhouse School -- 2:33
Chatto & Windus (publisher) -- 2:26
Chaucer, Geoffrey -- 1:29
Checklists of Lesbian Literature (monographs) -- 1:58
Chelebi, Evliya -- 2:27
Chesneau, E. -- 2:12
Chester Beatty Papyri, No.1, The (1931) (book) -- 1:37
child-adult -- see also: paedophilia, pedophilia, boy-love[r]
child-adult contact as beneficial -- 1:65
child-adult contact as described by the child -- 1:63
child-adult contact as guardian of the "spark of adolescence" -- 1:5
Child Manuela, The (1933) (book) -- 1:52 1:57
child molesters -- 2:56
Child of Dawn, or The Book of the Manchild, The (1948) (book)
1:13 1:16
child tax -- 2:15 2:19
child's initiative for intimate contact -- 1:7 2:39
Childhood in the Moslem World (1915) (book) -- 2:27
Children in the Middle Ages (1877) (book) -- 2:27
Children of Many Lands (1958) (book) -- 2:61
Children of the World (1959) (book) -- 2:61
children protected, kept "innocent" too long -- 2:45
children's liberation -- see also: children's rights
children's rights -- see also: children's liberation
China -- 2:5 2:17
Chinese -- 2:8
Chocolates for Breakfast (1956) (book) -- 1:56 1:57
Christ -- see also: Jesus
Christ Church, Oxford -- 1:37
Christ's School, Gloucester -- 1:63
Christian/Christianity -- 1:39 2:19 2:49 2:58
Christowe, Stoyan -- 2:26
Chubb, Ralph Nicholas -- 1:5 2:54 2:55
Chubb, Ralph, flyer letterpressed by [illustration] -- 1:12
Chubb, Ralph, prospectus printed by [illustration] -- 1:14
Church of England -- 2:40
Church of St Mary, the Virgin, New York -- 2:42
Circassians -- 2:16
civil-rights movements -- 2:53
Claudine a l'ecole (1903) (book) -- 1:50 1:57
Claudine at School (1957) (book) -- 1:50 1:57
Clayton, John -- 1:51
Clayton (pseudonym), John -- 1:57
Cleland, John -- 2:28
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you (song) -- 2:38
Cloud and the Voice (A Fragment), The (book) -- 1:15
COC (Dutch homophile organization) -- 2:60
Cocteau, Jean -- 1:61
Coeur de Lion, Richard -- 2:59
coitus -- 2:25
coitus a tergo -- 1:37
coitus analis/coitus oralis -- 1:41
coitus inter crura -- 1:44
coitus inter femora -- 1:41
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle -- 1:50 1:57
Collection of Voyages and Travels, A (1745) (book) -- 2:27
Colman, George -- 2:16
Commentarii delle cose de' Turchi (1541) (book) -- 2:26
Confraternity of Unity -- 2:42
Conquistadores -- 2:9
consent -- see also: age of consent
consent, ability of child to -- 2:50
Constantinople -- 1:39 2:14
Constantinople -- see also: Istanbul
conte de Neferkare et du general Sisene, Le (article) -- 1:37
Contendings of Horus and Seth, The (book) -- 1:37
Contendings of Horus and Seth, The (myth) -- 1:31
Cornwall -- 1:55
Corpus Christi, 1917 (religious observance) -- 2:42
Corydon (1924) (book) -- 2:47
Cosmic Consciousness (1901) (book) -- 1:16
Coustelier (publisher) -- 2:26
couvade -- 1:44
crasis -- 2:6
Crest (publisher) -- 1:58
Crete -- 1:44 1:51
Crockford's Clerical Directory (1927) (book) -- 2:40
Cromwell, Oliver -- 1:18
cross-generational -- see: intergenerational
Crowell (publisher) -- 1:58
Crown (publisher) -- 1:58 1:59
cults of the Goddess -- 2:6 2:58
cults, agrarian fertility -- 1:62
Curridge, Berkshire -- 1:7
Customs and Excise (Australia) -- 2:43
Cymbeline (play) -- 1:19
Cyrano de Bergerac (play) -- 1:20
Dahomey -- 2:9
Daily News (newspaper) -- 1:64
dancers/dancing -- 2:15 2:20
Daniel, Marc -- 2:54
Dark Lady -- 1:25
Darwin -- 2:5
Davey, Richard -- 2:14 2:26
David (Michelangelo) (sculpture) -- 1:61
Davies, W. Robertson -- 1:23
Dawson, W.R. -- 1:37
Day of the Crescent (1920) (book) -- 2:26
de Buck, A. -- 1:37
de Pogey-Castries, L.R. -- 2:12
de Rochemonteix, Marquis -- 1:37
de Sade, Marquis Donatien Alphonse -- 2:15
De Turcarum moribus Epitome (1553) (book) -- 2:26
de Vigenaire, Blaise -- 2:26
Deakin, Terence J. -- 1:31
declarations d'innocence, Les (Livre des morts, ch. 125) (journal)
Dei delitti e delle pene (1764) (book) -- 2:62
Denny, Norman -- 2:27
depo-provera -- see also: androcur, drugs
Der Kreis/Le Cercle (newspaper) -- 2:43
Dernschwam, Hans -- 2:26
Description of the Grand Signor's Seraglio, A (1650) (book) -- 2:27
Dew in April (1935) (book) -- 1:51 1:57
dialects, Indian -- 2:4
Diamond (Dimond?), Asa Bushnell -- 1:64
Diary of a 16-Year-Old French Girl (1957) (book) -- 1:57
Dionysos/Dionysius (deity) -- 1:62
Dipa Verlag (publisher) -- 1:60
Divine Androgyne -- 1:5
Don Leon (1866) (book) -- 2:16
Dondey-Dupre (publisher) -- 2:12
Doran (publisher) -- 1:58
Dordevic, Bartolomej -- 2:13 2:26
Dorian concept of boy-love -- 1:59
Dorian love -- 1:43
Dorian Tribe -- 1:41 1:43
dorische Knabenliebe: Ihre Ethik und ihre Idee, Die (1907/1983/1988) (pamphlet)
"double-disguise" (in Elizabethan plays) -- 1:18
Douglas, Lord Alfred -- 2:40
Downhale, [School]Master Gregory -- 1:63
Drake, Jonathan -- 2:13 2:53
Dream-Book (article) -- 1:37
drug use -- 2:58
drugs -- see also: androcur, depo-provera
Drum-Taps (1865) (book) -- 1:11
Drummond (pseudonym), Oliver -- 1:5 2:54 2:55
Duddington, Natalia A. -- 1:57
Dukahz, Casimir -- 1:69 2:63
Duncker & Humblot [sic] (publisher) -- 2:26
Durrell, Lawrence -- 1:69 2:63
Dutch (see also: Holland, Netherlands) -- 2:60
E. de Boccard (publisher) -- 2:26
E.J. Brill (publisher) -- 2:27
E.P. Dutton (publisher) -- 2:47
East India Company -- 2:4
Edfu, Ptolemaic Temple of -- 1:32
education -- see: pedagogy
Edward II, King -- 2:59
Effendi, Nazim -- 2:23
Eglinton, J.Z. --
1:4 1:17 1:23 1:24 1:62 1:66 2:5 2:40 2:43 2:49
Egypt -- 1:31 2:5 2:6
Egypt of the Pharaohs (1961) (book) -- 1:38
Egyptian Coffin Texts, The (journal) -- 1:37
Egyptology -- 1:38
Eire -- 2:43
Eisenhower, Dwight David -- 2:44
ejaculation -- 1:45
Elizabethan -- 1:63
Elizabethan stage -- 1:4 1:18
Ellesmere, Lord Chancellor -- 1:63
Ellis, Albert -- 2:50 2:59
Ellis, Havelock -- 1:66 2:32
Elsie and the Child (1924) (book) -- 1:58
Elsie Dinsmore (1868) (book) -- 1:49 1:57
Ely Theological College -- 2:40
emancipation -- see: liberation
Emir of Bokhara -- 2:20
En Pension (1954) (book) -- 2:29
Encyclopaedia Britannica (book) -- 2:44
Encyclopedia of Sexual Behavior (1962) (book) -- 2:59
England/English (see also: Britain) --
1:7 1:64 2:10 2:12 2:28 2:37 2:40 2:52
Epiphany play -- 1:22
erection -- 1:45
Erman, A. -- 1:37
Eros Kalos: Essay on Erotic Elements in Greek Art (1962) (book)
1:61 2:57
Erotin (Alphonse Momas), L' -- 2:29
Ersch, Johann Samuel -- 2:12
ethnography -- 1:40
Eton collar -- 2:31
eucharist -- 1:40
eunuchs -- 2:4 2:20
European -- 2:17
Eversley, Baron George John Shaw Lefevre -- 2:26
Evidence for Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt (article) -- 1:31
evil eye (malocchio) -- 2:57
Exeter College, Oxford -- 1:31 2:40
Fable of Love and War, A (1925) (book) -- 1:7 1:15
faggot and stake (torture) -- 2:9
faience fragments -- 1:35
Falmouth (Massachusetts?) -- 2:37
Family of Man (1955) (book) -- 2:61
Fanny Hill (1748) (book) -- 2:28
fantasy as aid to mutual masturbation -- 1:45
Farrar (publisher) -- 1:57
Farringdons, The (1900) (book) -- 1:50 1:57
Faviell, Frances -- 1:55 1:57
Fawcett/Crest Books (publisher) -- 1:57
"Fear makes a boy into a woman, love makes him into a
man" (Turkish saying)
female impersonators -- 2:51
female paedophiles -- 1:48
Feminine Equivalents of Greek Love in Modern Fiction (article) -- 1:48
feminization of boys -- 2:15
Ferguson, Margaret -- 1:55 1:57
Ferrieres-Sauveboeuf, Louis-François de -- 2:26
fertility cults, agrarian -- 1:62
Field, Nat -- 1:24
finjans -- 2:23
Finley, Martha -- 1:49 1:57
Fire (1917), The (serialized story) -- 1:52 1:57
First Folio (Shakespeare) -- 1:25
First Sip of Wine, The (1960) (book) -- 1:58
Flaceliere, Robert -- 1:59
flagellation -- 2:58
Flames of Sunrise: A Book of the Manchild Concerning the Redeption of
Albion (1954) (book)
1:13 1:16
Fleming H. Revell (publisher) -- 2:27
Fletcher, John -- 1:19
Floreat Etona: or, Where Waterloo Was Won (book chapter; story) -- 2:32
Florida -- 2:44 2:51
Flynt, Josiah -- 2:32
Ford, Clellan S. -- 2:48
Foreign Service -- 2:38
Fort Lauderdale, Florida -- 2:44
Foster, Jeannette Howard -- 1:57
14th Century -- 2:13
Fowler, Ellen T. -- 1:50 1:57
Fox, C. Masson -- 2:37
France -- 2:3 2:5 2:64
French -- 2:16 2:55 2:60
Freud, Sigmund -- 1:50 1:66
fruit defendu, Le (article) -- 1:37
Furnace: An Autobiography in which is set forth the Secret Diversions of
a Paiderast, The (book chapter; poem)
Further notes on phallism in ancient Egypt (article) -- 1:37
G.P. Putnam (publisher) -- 1:57
Gabriel, Albert -- 2:26
Galata -- 2:20
Galdi, Vicenzo -- 2:30
Gallimard (publisher) -- 2:26
Ganymede -- 2:16 2:28 2:44
Ganymede/Rosalind (character) -- 1:18
Garde (pseudonym of Edgar Leoni), Noel I. -- 2:51 2:58
Gardiner, A.H. -- 1:37
Garrett, Zena -- 1:58
Gebhard, Dr Paul -- 2:48
Geg (Moslem Albanian) -- 1:40
geisha-like training -- 2:15
genitalia -- 1:35
German/Germans/Germany (see also: West German) -- 1:39 1:40
Germanic folk custom -- 2:49
Geschichte des Osmanischen Reiches (1827-35) (book) -- 2:26
Geschichten hellenischer Stamme und Stadte (1844) (book) -- 1:46
Gestalt Therapy (1951) (book) -- 2:38
Geuffroy, Antoine -- 2:26
Ghalioungui, P. -- 1:38
Gide, Andre -- 2:47
Giovio, Paolo -- 2:26
girl-woman relationships -- 1:48
Glossarium eroticum linguae Latinae (1826/1908) (book) -- 2:12
Gloucester -- 1:63
Glueck, Sheldon and Eleanor -- 2:49
Goddess cults -- 2:6 2:58
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von -- 2:51 2:59
Golden City With Idylls and Allegories, The (1961, posthumous) (book)
1:13 1:16
Gomorrah -- see: Sodom and Gomorrah
Goodman, Paul -- 2:51
Gordon, General 'Chinese' -- 2:59
Gospel of Thomas -- 1:17
Government Printing Office, United States -- 2:40
Graeco-Roman period -- 1:35
Graves, Robert -- 2:58 2:59
Great Goddess -- 2:58
Great Mother (Crete), Cult of the -- 1:51
Greaves, John -- 2:27
Grecian Eros -- 1:11
Greece/Greek/Greeks --
1:3 1:62 2:5 2:13 2:18 2:43 2:45 2:52 2:53
Greek Love (1964) (book) --
1:3 1:16 1:29 1:59 1:62 1:66 2:40 2:43 2:49 2:52
2:57 2:60 2:62
Greek Love in a School Context: Testimony By an Exact Contemporary of
Shakespeare (article)
Greek love, definition of "true" -- 2:22
Greek lover as bisexual -- 2:53
Greek Orthodox -- 1:43
Greek Passion, The (1953) (book) -- 2:22
Greenberg (publisher) -- 1:57
Griffith, F. Ll. -- 1:38
Griffiths, J.G. -- 1:34 1:37
Grosset & Dunlap (publisher) -- 1:57
Grüber, Johann Gottfried -- 2:12
Guer, Jean-Antoine -- 2:26
Gujarati (language) -- 2:4
Gunther, John -- 2:20
gynaecomastia (gynecomastia) -- 1:36
gynandroid -- 2:48
H. Barsdorf (publisher) -- 2:27
H. Daragon (publisher) -- 2:26
Hadden, Alexander -- 2:15 2:26
Hahn, Johann Georg von -- 1:40
Hailsham, Viscount -- 2:52
Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel -- 2:59
Hamburg -- 2:43
Hamlet (play) -- 1:26
Hammer-Purgstall, Joseph von -- 2:26
Hammond, Toby -- 2:28
Hampton Court -- 2:28
Harcourt Brace (publisher) -- 2:18
harem -- 2:21
Harem, The (1936) (book) -- 2:27
harm -- see also: child-adult sex
harm caused by authorities and public exposure -- 2:53
Harpenden, Hertfordshire -- 1:7
Harris, Dr John R. -- 1:37
Harvard University Press (publisher) -- 2:26
Hatshepsut, Queen -- 1:31
He Who Must Die (1957) (film) -- 2:23
Health (Australia), [Ministry of] -- 2:43
Heavenly Cupid, or The True Paradise of Loves, The (1934) (book)
1:9 1:15
Heavenly Cupid, The (1934), by Ralph Chubb, illustrations from (drawing)
Hellas -- 2:58
Hellenes -- 1:43
Hellenic culture -- 1:36
Henry, George W. -- 1:66
Henry V (play) -- 1:20
Herakleion, museum of -- 1:62
hermaphrodite -- 1:21
Hermopolis 1929-39 (1959) (book) -- 1:38
Hermopolis, Egypt -- 1:35
Herve, Francis -- 2:26
hetairai (εταιρι=concubines, prostitutes; Greek)
heterosexuals performing homosexual acts -- 1:46
Hickok, Wild Bill -- 2:59
Hieratic papyri from Kahun and Gurob (1908) (book) -- 1:38
Hieratic papyri in the British Museum (journal) -- 1:37
hieroglyphic -- 1:33
hieros gamos (sacred consummation) -- 2:58
Hindu -- 2:8
Hirschfeld, Dr Magnus -- 1:37 2:41 2:49 2:59 2:62
Histoire de l'amour grec dans l'antiquite (1930) (book) -- 2:12
Histoire generalle des Turcs (1662) (book) -- 2:26
Histoire generalle du serrail, et de la cour du Grand Seigneur, Empereur
des Turcs (1624) (book)
History of Mehmed the Conqueror (1954) (book) -- 2:26
History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire, The (1701) (book)
Hitler, Adolf -- 1:57 1:60
hm (=coward, effeminate; Egyptian) -- 1:33
Hodgson, Rev J.T. -- 2:37
Hodgsonites -- 2:33
Holland (see also: Dutch, Netherlands) -- 1:18 2:60
Hollywood -- 2:61
Homophile Studies [ONE Institute Quarterly] (journal) -- 2:53
homosexual "cause" as a substitute for religion -- 2:51
homosexual stage in development -- 2:47
Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes, Die (1914) (book)
1:37 2:49 2:59 2:62
Homosexualität im Oriente, Die (article) -- 1:46
Homosexualität in Konstantinopel, Die (article) -- 1:46
Homosexualität in Sitte und Recht, Die (1907) (book) -- 1:46
Homosexuality Among Tramps (article) -- 2:32
Homosexuality in the Near East (article) -- 2:26
Hong Kong -- 2:53
Horn Book: Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography, The (1964) (book)
Hornblower, G.D. -- 1:37
Horus (deity) -- 1:31
Hostler/William Ostler, William (Willie) -- 1:24
House in the Mulberry Tree (1959) (book) -- 1:58
Hubbard, Gilbert Ernest -- 2:26
Hubertusburg, Saxony, East Germany -- 1:39
Hull, Helen R. -- 1:52 1:57
hustling/hustlers -- 2:48 2:51
hustling/hustlers -- see also: prostitution
Hutchinson (publisher) -- 2:27
Hyacinthus (mythological character) -- 2:30
hyperpituitary eunuchoidism -- 1:36
I. Cleave (publisher) -- 2:27
Iberian Peninsula -- 2:5
Illahun, Egypt -- 1:34
Illusionist, The (1952) (book) -- 1:54 1:57
Illyrians -- 1:43
Imago (journal) -- 1:38
In Praise of Shame (poetry) -- 2:40
In the Days of the Janissaries: Old Turkish Life as Depicted in
the "Travel-Book" of Evliya Chelebi (1951) (book)
Incas -- 2:9
India -- 2:4 2:8 2:34
Indian Head Elementary School -- 2:44
Indo-China -- 2:5
Indo-Europeans -- 1:43
initiative for intimate contact, child's -- 1:7 2:39
Inside Asia (1939) (book) -- 2:20
intellectual suicide -- 2:45
interfemoral coitus -- 1:39
International Journal of Psychoanalysis (journal) -- 1:38
Intersexes, The (1908) (book) -- 2:59
invidia (anti-life black magic; =envy; Latin) -- 2:57
Ioannina -- 2:15
Iran -- 2:8
Iraq -- 2:8
Isidore Liseux (publisher) -- 2:29
Isis (deity) -- 1:34
Island: A Study in Solitude, The (book chapter; story) -- 2:31
Istanbul -- 2:17 2:53
Istanbul -- see also: Constantinople
Istrati, Panait -- 2:23 2:26 2:52
Italian -- 1:63
Italy -- 2:3 2:5 2:9 2:18 2:57
ithyphallic -- 1:32
Ivy League -- 2:38
J. Jarvis (publisher) -- 2:27
J. Winebrenner (publisher) -- 2:27
J.M. Dent (publisher) -- 1:23 1:57
Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen (journal) --
1:47 2:54 2:59
jail -- see also: prison
Janissaries -- 1:43
Japan -- 2:5 2:17 2:45
Japanese -- 1:44
Jassy (1945) (book) -- 1:58
Jean de Tournes (publisher) -- 2:26
Jesus, Boy -- 1:11
Jesus Christ (see also: Christ) -- 1:17
jettatura (use of the 'evil eye', or 'malocchio') -- 2:57
Johansson, Dr Warren -- 1:28 1:47 2:50
John Lane (publisher) -- 2:27
John Martin and John Ridley (publisher) -- 2:27
John the Apostle -- 1:11
Johnson, Lyndon -- 2:44
Jonathan Cape (publisher) -- 2:27
Jonathan to Gide: The Homosexual in History (1964/1969) (book)
2:50 2:58
Jonson, Ben -- 1:19 1:24
Josef Max (publisher) -- 1:46
Josefine Mutzenbacher oder die Geschichte einer Wienerischer Dirne (1906) (book)
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (journal) -- 1:37 1:38
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes (journal) -- 1:37
Joyce, James -- 1:69 2:63
Joynson-Hicks, Home Secretary, Sir William -- 2:42
Judaism -- 2:49
Ka'aba -- 2:4
Kaempfer, Engelbert -- 2:8
Kaiserlichkönigliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei (publisher) -- 1:46
Kala-Verlag (publisher) -- 2:43
Kanter, Nathan -- 1:64
Karachi -- 2:4
Kashmir -- 2:5
Kastoria, Albania -- 1:41
Kazantzakis, Nikos -- 2:22
Kees, H. -- 1:37
Kegan Paul (publisher) -- 2:26 2:37
Kemi (journal) -- 1:37
Kendall & Sharpe (publisher) -- 1:57
Keraki people, New Guinea -- 2:48
Kid: The Strange Story of a Bugger-Boy (book chapter; story) -- 2:32
kidnaping -- 2:23
Kilburn, E.E. -- 2:42
King Edward II -- 2:59
King Lear (play) -- 1:26
King Neferkare -- 1:33
King's Company (theatre) -- 1:25
Kings Park, Long Island, New York -- 2:43
Kinross, Baron John Patrick Douglas Balfour -- 2:26
Kinsey, Alfred C. -- 2:48
Kinsey Institute -- 2:48
Kinsey Report [Male] (1948) (book) -- 2:48
Kinsey Scale (heterosexuality-homosexuality rating) -- 2:50
Kirkwood, James -- 2:61
Kitab Alf Laylah wa-Laylah (book) -- 2:3
Klein, M. -- 2:26
Knight, George Wilson -- 2:26
Knight of the Burning Pestle, The (play) -- 1:20
Knopf (publisher) -- 1:58
König Echnaton und die Amarna-Zeit (1951) (book) -- 1:38
Koran -- 2:7
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von -- 1:66
Kritoboulos, Michael -- 2:26
Kurds -- 2:8
Kyra Kyralina (1924) (book) -- 2:23 2:26 2:52
Laddie: An Episode (story) -- 2:32
Lange, K. -- 1:38
Lapis Angularis -- 1:13
Lassie Come Home (1943) (film) -- 1:60
Later Career of John Francis Bloxam, The (article) -- 2:40
Latin -- 1:62 2:7 2:42 2:45
law, German: Paragraph 175 -- 1:60
Leary, Dr Timothy -- 2:58
Lebanon -- 2:13 2:53
Lefebure, E[ugene]. -- 1:37
Lefebvre, G. -- 1:37
Legman, Gershon -- 1:30 1:60 2:59
Leicester Square -- 2:35
Leonardo da Vinci -- 1:51
LeRouge, Gustave -- 2:20 2:26
Lesbian/Lesbians -- 1:36 1:48 2:9
libido -- 1:42
Librairie Hachette (publisher) -- 1:59
Licht (pseudonym of Dr Paul Brandt), Hans -- 1:59
Life and Letters (1881) (book) -- 2:26
Life and Times of Akhnaton (1922) (book) -- 1:38
Life Force -- 2:57
Life in Shakespeare's England (1911) (book) -- 1:64
Lindner, Dr Robert -- 2:38
Lion of Yanina (1941) (book) -- 2:26
Lisbon -- 2:53
Literature Censorship Board (Australia) -- 2:43
lithography -- 1:9
"Little Blue Book" series -- 2:59
Little Brown (publisher) -- 2:61
Little League -- 2:43
Little Women (1868) (book) -- 1:49 1:57
Lloyd Warner, W. -- 2:49
Lofts, Norah -- 1:58
London --
1:7 2:28 2:30 2:40 2:41 2:44
London Library -- 2:34
Lord Byron's Marriage: The Evidence of Asterisks (1957) (book) -- 2:26
Lord High Treasurer of England -- 1:64
Lord Keeper of the Great Seal -- 1:64
Louis Marcus Verlagsbuchhandlung (publisher) -- 1:37
Love and Death (1949) (book) -- 2:59
Love in Ancient Greece (1960/1962) (book) -- 1:59
Loves Labours Lost (play) -- 1:28
Loving and the Daring, The (1953) (book) -- 1:57
Lucifer -- 1:11
Lyle Stuart (publisher) -- 1:61 2:57
Lynd, Robert S. and Helen Merrell -- 2:49
Macfadden-Bartell (publisher) -- 1:59
Macmillan (publisher) -- 1:58
Mädchen in Uniform (1931) (film) -- 1:52 1:57
magic -- 2:58
magnetism (occult concept) -- 2:58
Mallet-Joris, Françoise -- 1:54 1:57
Mamelukes -- 1:43
Man (journal) -- 1:37
man-boy -- see also: boy-love
Man-Child -- 1:13
man-girl -- see also: girl-man, girl-love
Manchild -- 1:13
Manhood (1924) (book) -- 1:7 1:15
Mantegazza, Paolo -- 2:12
Marathi (language) -- 2:4
Marcade, Jean -- 1:61 2:57
Margetts, E.L. -- 1:38
Mariotti, Dr Ettore -- 2:54
Marlowe, Christopher -- 1:26
Marocco [sic] -- 2:5
Marquis de Sade -- 2:15
masculine character of Hatshepsut, Queen of Egypt, The (article) -- 1:38
Mason, Michigan -- 2:48
Mass (Church ritual) -- 2:42
master-mistress -- 1:28
masturbation -- 1:45 2:32
Mattachine Review (magazine) -- 2:50
Mayne (pseudonym of Edward Irenaeus Prime-Stevenson), Xavier -- 2:59
Maystre, Ch. -- 1:37
McCarthy, Mary -- 2:18 2:53
Meaning of Meaning, The (1936) (book) -- 2:37
Measurements of the Young Male Body (book chapter) -- 2:31
"meat racks" (gay cruising areas) -- 2:51
Mecca -- 2:4
medical study of Akhnaten, A (article) -- 1:38
Al-Medinah -- 2:4
Mediterranean -- 2:5 2:45
Medizin, Aberglaube und Geschlechtsleben in der Turkei (1903) (book)
Mehmed II, Sultan -- 2:14
Mehmed IV, Sultan -- 2:16 2:20
Meier, M.H.E. -- 2:5
Mekka in the Latter Part of the 19th Century (1931) (book) -- 2:27
Memoires historiques, politiques, et geographiques des voyages faits en Turquie, en Perse
et en Arabie (1790) (book)
Memoirs (1785) (book) -- 2:27
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill) (book) -- 2:28
Men of Boys Town (1941) (film) -- 1:60
Merchant of Venice, The (play) -- 1:19 1:28
Merezhkovskii, Dmitri -- 1:51 1:57
Merriman, Roger Bigelow -- 2:26
Merry Wives of Windsor, The (play) -- 1:28
mesomorphy (in body builders) -- 2:51
Mesopotamia -- 2:5 2:34
Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force -- 2:34
mevlevi (whirling dervish, Mevlana sect) -- 1:41
México -- 2:53
México, D.F. -- 2:53
Michaelis, Hermann -- 1:46
Michelangelesque -- 1:26
Michelangelo -- 1:61
Michigan -- 2:48
Middle Ages -- 1:51
Middle East -- 2:8
Middle Kingdom (Egypt) -- 1:34
Midsummer Night's Dream, A (play) -- 1:22 1:24
Midway Through Life (poetry) -- 1:11
Military Cross and Bar -- 2:41
Miller, Arthur (?) -- 1:69 2:63
Miller, Barnette -- 2:26
Min (deity) -- 1:32
Mirdites (Catholic Albanians) -- 1:40
Modern Age (publisher) -- 2:26
Moeurs et usages des Turcs (1746-47) (book) -- 2:26
Mohammedans -- 1:42
Momas, Alphonse -- 2:29
Monahan, J.H. -- 2:27
Monatshefte für praktische Dermatologie (journal) -- 1:38
Mongolian -- 2:48
monotheism -- 1:35
Montet, P. -- 1:37
Moore, Pamela -- 1:56 1:57
Moral Rearmament -- 1:22
Morat [Murad IV], Sultan -- 2:20
Morocco -- 2:5 2:52
Morrow (publisher) -- 2:26
Moslem -- see: Muslim
mosque -- 1:32
Mount Ditke Cult of the Great Mother (Crete) -- 1:51
Mount Pleasants of Rome (euphemism for buttocks) -- 2:29
Mount Tabor (1639) (book) -- 1:63
Much Ado About Nothing (play) -- 1:28
Müller, Karl Otfried -- 1:41 1:46
Murad IV -- 2:20
murder -- 2:18 2:23 2:53
murder (attempted) -- 1:55
Muslim Sind (Pakistan) -- 2:4
Muslim/Moslem --
1:39 2:3 2:4 2:7 2:18 2:33 2:45
Mustafa, Sultan -- 2:19
mysticism -- 1:5
Näcke, Paul -- 1:39 1:46 1:47
al-Nafzawi, Shaykh -- 2:5
Nagel (publisher) -- 1:61 2:57
nancy-boy -- 1:28
Napier, Sir Charles James -- 2:4
Naples -- 2:31 2:54
Naples Museum, Secret Cabinet of -- 2:57
Napoleon Bonaparte -- 2:59
Narcissus (mythological character) -- 2:30
Nash, J.V. -- 2:59
National Game -- 2:47
National Library of Greece -- 2:43
Navigations, Peregrinations and Voyages, Made into Turkey (1745), The (article)
Nazi/Nazis/Nazi Germany -- 2:54
Neferkare, King -- 1:33
Neferkheperure (=Akhnaten) -- 1:35
Nefertiti, Queen -- 1:31
Negro rights -- 2:53
Negro, American -- 2:19
Nel Bagno: A Neapolitan Tale (book chapter; story) -- 2:31
Nelson, Ronald C. -- 2:60
neo-liberalism -- 2:49
Neofilia, La (1952) (book) -- 2:54
Netherlands (see also: Dutch, Holland) -- 1:23 2:49 2:54
New England -- 2:38
New Guinea -- 2:48
New Kingdom (Egypt) -- 1:35
New Relation of the Inner-Part of the Grand Seignor's Seraglio (1678) (article)
New Voyages and Travels (1820) (book) -- 2:27
New World -- 2:5
New York -- 1:64 2:40 2:42 2:43 2:60
New York Academy of Medicine -- 1:60
New York City -- 2:3 2:51 2:54
New York Public Library -- 2:59
New York Times (newspaper) -- 2:43 2:45
New York Times Magazine (magazine) -- 2:46
New Zealand -- 2:43
Newberry, P.E. -- 1:38
Newman, Cardinal -- 2:59
Nichols, Den[nison] W. -- 2:48
Nicolay, Nicolas de -- 2:27
19th Century -- 1:40 1:48 2:45
nkk (=homosexual; Egyptian) -- 1:33
North Africa -- 2:7
North Atlantic -- 2:45
Not Yet (1957) (book) -- 1:58
Notaras -- 2:14
Notes on the Population of Sind, &c. (military report) -- 2:4
Nox Amoris: A Fragment (book chapter; story) -- 2:31
occult -- 2:58
Oedipus and Akhnaton (1960) (book) -- 1:38
Œuvres diverses (journal) -- 1:37
Of Love Forbidden (1951) (book) -- 1:57
Ogden, C.K. -- 2:34 2:37
Ohrid, Albania -- 1:40
Old Man and the Sea (1958), The (film) -- 1:60
Olegna, R. -- 2:27
Oliver Layton Press (publisher) --
1:3 1:66 1:69 2:1 2:60 2:62 2:63
Olivier, Lawrence -- 1:20
Ollendorff (publisher) -- 1:57
Olympia Press (publisher) -- 2:28
Olympus -- 2:16
On Homosexuality in Albania (article) -- 1:39
One (magazine) -- 2:50
opium -- 2:23
oral sex -- 1:39 1:41
orgasm -- 1:45
Orgie a Rio (book) -- 2:29
Orient -- 2:49
Oriental -- 1:39 2:59
Oriental view of boy-love -- 1:59
orphan -- 2:32
orthopsychology -- 2:62
Osiris (deity) -- 1:33
Osmanlis -- 1:42
Ostler, William -- see: Hostler, William
ostracon -- 1:35
Othello (play) -- 1:26
Ottoman Dynasty, The (1916) (book) -- 2:26
Ottoman Empire -- 2:53
Ottoman Turks -- 1:43
Oxford English Dictionary (OED) -- 1:28
Oxford University -- 1:31
Oxford University Press (publisher) -- 2:26
Oxford, England -- 2:37 2:40
"pacts of brotherhood" -- 1:43
Padisah -- 1:43
paedagogical eros -- see pedagogical eros
paedophiles, female -- see female paedophiles
paedophiles, psychological characteristics of -- 2:56
Page, Thomas E. 'Tommy' -- 2:33
Paidikion (book) -- 2:30
Paidikion: a Paiderastic Manuscript (article) -- 2:28
Paidology (book chapter) -- 2:32
pais (παις=boy/adolescent youth, Greek) -- 1:44
Pakistan -- 2:4
Pallis, Alexander Anastasius -- 2:27
papas -- 1:40
papyri -- 1:31
§ 175!: Homosexualität in Sitte und Recht -- see: Homosexualität in Sitte
und Recht, Die (1907)
Parent-Teacher Association -- 2:43
Paris -- 2:9 2:54 2:64
Parliament, Britain -- 2:42
Pasha, Grand Vizier Silihdar Mehmed -- 2:19
Pattison, Jane Gale -- 1:58
Payne, John -- 2:12
pedagogical eros -- see also teacher-student relations
pedagogy (education) -- 2:19
Pedophilie: L'Amour des garcons, La (1964) (book) -- 2:54 2:60
peg-house -- 2:15 2:21 2:32
Pelican Books (publisher) -- 1:64
Pembroke Hall, Cambridge -- 1:63
penal code -- 2:49
penis -- 1:29 1:34 2:25
Penzer, Norman Mosley -- 2:27
Perfumed Garden (book) -- 2:5
Periclean Greeks -- 2:18
Persian (language) -- 2:4
Pertusier, Charles -- 2:27
Peru -- 2:9
Peters, Susan -- 1:57
Petronius Arbiter -- 2:7 2:34
Pfeiffer, G. Simon Friedrich -- 2:16 2:27
Phallism as cult of rebirth -- 2:57
phallus -- 1:33
Pharaoh Akhnaten -- 1:31
Pharaonic Egypt -- 1:31
Philaster (1609) (play) -- 1:19
Phillips, J. -- 2:27
Phoenix Bookshop (bookseller) -- 2:37
photography -- 2:60
physique magazines, teenagers in -- 2:48
physique photos -- 2:48
Piazza San Domenico -- 2:31
Picasso, Pablo -- 1:11
Picturesque Promenades in and near Constantinople (1820) (article) -- 2:27
Pierrugues, Pierre -- 2:12
Pilgrimage to Al-Medinah and Meccah (1855) (book) -- 2:4
Pillet, M. -- 1:38
pis aller bread -- 2:50
Plains Indians -- 2:48
Plato -- 1:40 1:59 1:62 2:44
Platonic love -- 1:42 2:20
Plomer, William Charles Franklyn -- 2:27
poetry -- 1:8 1:24
police -- 2:21 2:44
Politisch-anthropologische Revue (journal) -- 1:47
polygamous disposition -- 1:42
Pompeii -- 2:57
Pope Paul III Farnese -- 2:44
Popular Library (publisher) -- 1:57
pornography -- 1:61
Portugal -- 2:52
Posener, G. -- 1:37
post-Columbian (the Americas) -- 2:9
Pouqueville, François-Charles-Hugues-Laurent -- 2:27
pre-Columbian (the Americas) -- 2:9
pregnancy -- 2:50
Preliminary notes upon the problem of Akhenaten (article) -- 1:38
Priapus (deity) -- 2:57
Priest and the Acolyte, The (short story) -- 2:40
Prime-Stevenson, Edward Irenaeus -- 2:59
Prince Charming -- 2:51
Princeton University Press (publisher) -- 2:26
prison -- 2:23 2:48
prison -- see also: jail
Problem of Homosexuality in Modern Society, The (1963) (book) -- 2:47
professional Minority Apologists -- 2:51
prolonging the age of sexual innocence -- 2:46
prostitution -- 1:59 2:15 2:51
prostitution -- see also: hustling/hustlers
Prostitution in Konstantinopel, Die (1914) (book) -- 2:26
prytaneum -- 2:44
pseudo-objectivity -- 1:66
psychedelic experience -- 2:58
Psychedelic Experience, The (1964) (book) -- 2:58
Psychoanalytic Quarterly (journal) -- 1:38
Psychological Abstracts (journal) -- 1:4
psychology -- 2:6
Ptolemaic Temple of Edfu -- 1:32
puberty, early, in intermingled cultures -- 2:6
Puerto Rico -- 2:53
Punjab -- 2:5
Puritans/Puritanism -- 1:64
Putnam (publisher) -- 1:58
Pyramid Texts -- 1:32
Queen Hatshepsut -- 1:31
Queen Nefertiti -- 1:31
Queen's Own Royal West Kent Regiment, The (1924) (book) -- 2:37
Quest, The (1922) (book) -- 1:58
Quest for Corvo: An Experiment in Biography, The (1934) (book) -- 2:37
Quran -- see also: Koran
R.B. Stebman (publisher) -- 2:37
Rabelais, François -- 1:69 2:63
Rabelaisian jest -- 2:9
Raf/Rafi (angel) -- 1:13
Rahimbu -- 2:33
Railway Transport Officer -- 2:34
Ralph Chubb brochure, illustration from (drawing) -- 1:6
Ralph Chubb, by Stanley Spencer [illustration] -- 1:6
Ralph Nicholas Chubb: Prophet and Paiderast (article) -- 1:5
Random House (publisher) -- 1:58 2:37
Rape of Lucrece (poetry) -- 1:30
Rassegna di studi sessuali (journal) -- 2:16 2:27
Ratzel, Friedrich -- 1:42 1:46
receptaculum animae (semen) -- 1:44
recollections by adult of boyhood relationship with man -- see: child-adult contact
as described by the child
Red Balloon (1956), The (film) -- 1:60
reformatory -- 2:52
Rehder, Jessie -- 1:58
Reich, Hanns -- 2:61
Reider (publisher) -- 2:26
Reiss Jr, Albert J. -- 2:51
religion -- 1:31 1:39 1:61 2:58
Religion egyptienne, La (1949) (book) -- 1:37
Remembrance Way (1956) (book) -- 1:58
Rempart des Beguines, Le (1951) (book) -- 1:54 1:57
Renaissance -- 2:18 2:44 2:53
research samples inadequate when only offenders or victims are included
Residence in Greece and Turkey, A (1837) (book) -- 2:26
Restoration -- 1:18
retrospective reports -- see: child-adult contact as described by the child
Revue d'Egyptologie (journal) -- 1:37
Rheinisches Museum für Philologie (journal) -- 1:47
Richard Phillips (publisher) -- 2:27
Richards, I.A. -- 2:37
Riggs, Charles T. -- 2:26
rights of children -- see: children's liberation, children's rights
Rinehart (publisher) -- 1:57
ritual abuse -- see also: Satan, Satanic cults
Rizal Park, Manila -- see: Luneta Park
Robert Littlebury and Moses Pitt (publisher) -- 2:27
Robinson, Dicky -- 1:25
Rochester, England -- 2:41
Rockwell's Nazis -- 2:54
Roeder, G. -- 1:38
Roi ivre de Dieu, Le (1951) (book) -- 1:38
Rolfe 'Baron Corvo', Frederick William -- 2:34
Rolland, Romain -- 2:23
Roma Amor (1961) (book) -- 2:57
Roman Catholic (see also: Catholic) -- 2:42
Roman Empire -- 2:13
Romans et contes egyptiens (1949) (book) -- 1:37
Rome/Roman -- 2:7 2:13 2:30 2:57
Romeo and Juliet (play) -- 1:26
Rops, D. -- 1:38
Rotterdam -- 2:60
roue -- 1:46
rough trade (hustlers) -- 2:51
Roumanian -- 2:52
Routledge & Kegan Paul (publisher) -- 2:26
Routledge (publisher) -- 2:37
Royal Military College, Sandhurst -- 2:34
Royal West Kent regiment -- 2:34
Ruitenbeek, Dr Hendrik M. -- 2:47
Rumanian [sic] -- 2:23
Rupp, I. Daniel -- 2:27
Russia/Russian -- 1:40 1:51 2:17
Rustem -- 2:19
rustication -- 2:3
Rycaut, Paul -- 2:19 2:27
Sacred band of Thebans -- 1:44
sacred consummation -- 2:58
Sacrifice of Youth, The (1924) (book) -- 1:7 1:15
St Agnes, Kennington Park, London -- 2:41
St Albans -- 1:7
St Andrew, Worthing, London -- 2:41
St Cyprian, Marylebone, London -- 2:41
St Lazarus of the Butterflies Convent -- 1:51
St Martin (pseudonym of Martin Swithinbank), Georges -- 2:60
St Mary, Graham Street, London -- 2:41
St Paul, Knightsbridge, London -- 2:41
St Saviour, Hoxton, London -- 2:41
Salten, Felix -- 2:29
Samurai -- 2:9
San Francisco -- 1:48
Sandison, A.T. -- 1:38
Santorini Island (Thera), Greece -- 1:41
Saqqara magical papyrus -- 1:38
Satanic cults -- see also: ritual abuse
Satyricon (book) -- 1:69 2:7 2:63
Scented Garden: Anthropology of the Sex Life in the Levant, The (1934)
Schafer, H. -- 1:38
schools -- 2:19
Scorpion, The (1932) (book) -- 1:53 1:57
Scott, Agnes N. -- 1:57
scouts/scouting -- see also: Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts
Searight, Arthur Kenneth -- 2:34
Sebastian Henricpetri (publisher) -- 2:26
Secret Country, or Tales of Vision, The (1939) (book) -- 1:9 1:16
Selections from the Records of the Government of India (1855) (book)
Selwyn College, Cambridge -- 1:7
semen -- 1:34 1:44
Seraglio -- 2:20
Servatius (pseudonym of Dr Frits Bernard), Victor -- 2:60
Sesso e liberta (journal) -- 2:26
Seth (deity) -- 1:31
Seth or Anubis? (article) -- 1:37
Seven in a Barn (book) -- 2:29
sex as precursor to love -- 2:25
Sex Variant Women in Literature (1956) (book) -- 1:57
sexual assault -- 1:42
Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) (book) -- 2:48
Sexual Inversion (1898) (book) -- 2:32
Shakespeare, William -- 1:18 1:24 2:52
Shakespeare's Boy Actors (1939) (book) -- 1:23
Shakespeare's Boyfriend and Sonnet XX (article) -- 1:24
Shakespeare's Sonnets and Their Relationship With His Double-Disguise Plays (monograph)
Shaw, Richard Gregory -- 1:64
Shaykhah (Tale of the Reverend Woman) -- 2:10
Sheffield, England -- 2:12
sherd -- 1:35
Shkoder, Albania -- 1:41
Shqipetars -- 1:40
Sicily -- 2:31 2:37 2:53
Sign of the Ram (1945) (book) -- 1:55 1:57
Sign of the Ram (1949) (film) -- 1:57
Signet (publisher) -- 1:58 2:61
Silent Woman, The (1609) (play) -- 1:19
Simla: The Tale of a Secret Society (book chapter; story) -- 2:32
Simpkin, Marshall (publisher) -- 2:37
Sindi (language) -- 2:4
Sisene, General -- 1:33
sissies, result of tenderness from father -- 2:24
Sitzungsberichte der königlich preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (journal)
Siwa, oasis of -- 2:52
Siwan people, Africa -- 2:48
Six Voyages, The (1678) (book) -- 2:27
sixty-nine -- 1:62
Skorpion, Der (1930) (book) -- 1:53 1:57
Slade School of Art -- 1:7
slavery -- 2:13 2:16 2:19 2:24
Slavs -- 1:44
Smenkhkare -- 1:31
Smithers, Leonard -- 2:12
Snouck Hurgronje, Christiaan -- 2:27
Social Integration of Queers and Peers, The (article) -- 2:51
Social Problems (journal) -- 2:51
Sociological Abstracts (journal) -- 1:4
sociology -- 2:5 2:49 2:62
Socrates -- 1:40 1:62 2:44
Sodom and Gomorrah -- 1:4 2:7
Sona: An Auxiliary Neutral Language (1935) (book) -- 2:34
Song of My Soul (poetry) -- 1:9
Songs of Mankind (1930) (book) -- 1:8 1:15
Songs Pastoral and Paradisal (1935) (book) -- 1:16
Sonnet XX (poetry) -- 1:21 1:24
Sonnets (poetry) -- 1:25
Sonnets of Shakespeare -- 1:24
Sotadic Zone -- 2:5
South Africa -- 2:43
South American Indians -- 2:48
South Sea Islands -- 2:5
Southwark, England -- 2:41
Spain -- 2:52 2:53
Spanish (people) -- 2:9
Spencer, Stanley -- 1:6
sperm as carrier of a man's soul, spirit, individuality (Greek) -- 1:44
Sphinx (journal) -- 1:37
stage -- 1:18
stages of sexual enjoyment -- 2:25
State University of Utrecht -- see: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
Stekel, Wilhelm -- 1:66
Stendhal (publisher) -- 2:12
Stern, Bernhard -- 2:17 2:27
Stocks, John E. -- 2:4
Stonefield, Howard -- 2:3
Stones of Florence, The (1959) (book) -- 2:18 2:53
Strachey, J. -- 1:36 1:38
student-teacher -- see: pedagogy/pedagogical, teacher-student
Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1897-1928) (book series) -- 2:37
sublimation -- 2:38
Suffolk County, New York -- 2:44
Sufi/Sufist/Sufism -- 1:41
suicide -- 1:54 2:31
Suleiman -- 2:19
Suleiman the Magnificent, 1520-1566 (1944) (book) -- 2:26
Sultan -- 2:14
Sultan and His Subjects, The (1907) (book) -- 2:26
Sultan Mehmed II -- 2:14
Sultan Mehmed IV -- 2:16 2:20
Sultan Morat [Murad IV] -- 2:20
Sultan Mustafa -- 2:19
Sultans -- 2:52
sun-disk (Egyptian) -- 1:35
Sun Spirit: A Visionary Phantasy, The (1931) (book) -- 1:9 1:15
Swiss -- 2:43
Switzerland -- 2:38
Symons, A.J.A. -- 2:34 2:37
Symposium (book) -- 1:40
T. Fisher Unwin (publisher) -- 2:26
taboo -- 2:10 2:37 2:49 2:53
Tagebuch einer Reise nach Konstantinopel und Kleinasien 1553/55 (1923) (book)
Tale of Queen Budur (story) -- 2:9
Tale of the Reverend Woman (Shaykhah) (story) -- 2:10
Tangier -- 2:53
Tanis -- 1:33
Taormina, Sicily -- 2:31 2:37
Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste -- 2:27
tax child -- 2:19 2:22 2:52
teacher-eros -- 2:51
teacher-student -- see also: pedagogy/pedagogical
teacher-student relations -- 2:39
teachers -- 2:53
Tel el-Amarna -- 1:35
Teleny (1893) (book) -- 2:29
television -- 2:48
Tempest, The (play) -- 1:22 1:26
Temple d'Edfou, Le (journal) -- 1:37
Ten Little Bugger Boys (book chapter; poem) -- 2:31
tenderness produces sissies (Western idea) -- 2:24
tenderness produces the most virile men (Turkish idea) -- 2:24
"Terminal Essay" (appendix to Burton's translation of Arabian Nights) -- 2:3
Thalia (1957) (book) -- 1:55 1:57
Thames -- 1:20
theatre -- 1:18
Thebans -- 1:44
Thebes -- 1:35
Thera (Santorini Island, Greece) -- 1:41
There Must Be a Pony! (1960/1971) (book) -- 2:61
"thing" (Old English slang for penis) -- 1:29
3rd Century B.C.E. -- 1:37 2:45
Third Dispensation (Third Sex) -- 1:11
third sex (homosexuality) -- 2:62
Thirty Three Joys of Paiderasty and their Symbols, The (book chapter) -- 2:31
This Time Next Week (1964) (book) -- 2:45
Thomas, Leslie -- 2:45
Thomas Osborne (publisher) -- 2:27
Thomas, Gospel of -- 1:17
Thorpe, Thomas -- 1:24
Thoth (deity) -- 1:32
Thousand and One Nights [Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night]
Thracians -- 1:43
Thronfolger und König Smench-ka-Re (article) -- 1:38
Tibetan Book of the Dead -- 2:58
Times, The (London) (newspaper) -- 1:11
tomb of Akhenaten at Thebes, The (article) -- 1:38
Toolen, Thomas -- 1:64
Toree, Orlof -- 2:8
Torres, Tereska -- 1:58
torture -- 2:9 2:15
torture chamber -- 2:22
Tosks (Greek Orthodox Albanians) -- 1:40
Tott, François de -- 2:27
Toynbee, Arnold J. -- 2:46
Traders in Children (1870) (book) -- 2:27
Traffic to the East: The Children's Crusade and After (1874) (book)
transvestite/transvestism -- 2:48
trapeze -- 2:30
Travels through the Morea, Albania, and Several Other Parts of the Ottoman
Empire, to Constantinople (1806) (book)
travesty (male playing female role, e.g. in Shakespeare) -- 1:19 1:24
Treasure Trove: Early Tales and Romances With Poems (1958) (book)
1:13 1:16
tribute boy -- 2:19 2:52
Trinity College, Oxford -- 2:3
Troilus and Cressida (play) -- 1:22
Turin (Italy?) -- 1:38
Turkestan -- 2:5
Turkey -- 1:39 2:13 2:52
Turkish Empire from 1288 to 1914, The (1923) (book) -- 2:26
Turquie: Mariage, adultere, prostitution, anthologie amoureuse, La (1912) (book)
Twelfth Night (play) -- 1:19
20th Century -- 1:21 2:45
Two Gentlemen of Verona (play) -- 1:19
Two Loves (poetry) -- 2:40
Two Pathan Love Songs To His Boy (book chapter) -- 2:31
Uaenre (=Akhnaten) -- 1:35
Über die dorische Knabenliebe (article) -- 1:47
Über Homosexualität in Albanien (article) -- 1:47
Ulrichs, Karl-Heinrich -- 1:66 2:6 2:62
unisexual -- 1:17
United States -- 2:40 2:42
United States -- see also: America[n]
University of Bordeaux -- 1:61
"Unspeakable Turk" -- 2:8
Urdu (language) -- 2:4
Utrecht, State University -- see: Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
van Emde Boas, Dr Conrad -- 1:18
Vandier, Jacques -- 1:37
Vantage (publisher) -- 1:57
Varia (article) -- 1:37
Velikovsky, I. -- 1:38
Venice Letters -- 2:34
Venus and Adonis (poetry) -- 1:30
Verlag Hermann Dames (publisher) -- 1:46
Vespers -- 2:42
Vice" in Turkey, "Le (article) -- 2:13
Vice" ("le vice"=boy-love), "The -- 2:5 2:13
Victorian -- 1:48 2:22
vie de Haroun-al-Raschid, La (1930) (book) -- 2:26
Vizio Inglese" (the English vice), "Il -- 2:9
Volkerkunde (1890) (book) -- 1:46
von Gloeden, Baron Wilhelm -- 2:31
von Hahn, Johann Georg -- 1:46
von Oefele, R.F.K. -- 1:38
Voyage en Chine (book) -- 2:8
Voyages and Five Years' Captivity in Algiers, The (1836) (book) -- 2:27
Voyages archeologiques dans la Turquie orientale (1940) (book) -- 2:26
vulva -- 1:30
W.H.", "Mr -- 1:24
Waagenaar, Sam -- 2:61
Warner (pseudonym of Elizabeth Wetherell), Susan -- 1:49 1:57
Washington, George -- 2:59
Washington the Younger, T. -- 2:27
Water-Cherubs (1937) (book) -- 1:9 1:16
We Find 'Lost' Heir to a Quarter Million (article) -- 1:64
Weigall, A.E.P. -- 1:38
Weiraugh, Anna Elizabet -- 1:53 1:57
Welter, Ernst Gunter -- 1:60
West Africa -- 2:9
Western Europe -- 2:13
Western Hemisphere -- 2:53
Westminster Abbey -- 2:61
Wetherell, Elizabeth -- 1:49 1:57
White House -- 2:44
Whitman, Walt -- 1:5 1:11
Whittaker (publisher) -- 2:26
Why I Dislike Western Civilization (article) -- 2:46
Wide, Wide World, The (1850) (book) -- 1:49 1:57
Wiedermann, A. -- 1:37
Wife of Bath's Prologue (play) -- 1:29
Wilde, Oscar -- 2:29 2:40
Willey Books (publisher) -- 1:57
Willis, Richard -- 1:63
Wilson, John Dover -- 1:64
Winch, Stanley Brooke -- 2:33
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim -- 1:61
Winsloe, Christa -- 1:52 1:57
witches -- 2:58
Withers, Robert -- 2:27
Wittlin, Alma Stephanie -- 2:27
woman-boy -- see: boy-woman, boy-love
woman-girl -- see: girl-woman, girl-love
women, subordinate role of -- 1:42
Woodcuts (1928) (book) -- 1:15
World is Young, The (1958) (book) -- 2:61
World War I -- 2:13 2:41
World War II -- 1:11 2:44
Young, Alexander M. -- 2:27
Young, Frederick F. -- 2:44
Zeitschrift für agyptische Sprache (journal) -- 1:37
Zu den agyptischen Mondsagen (article) -- 1:37
Zum kontraren Geschlechtsverkehr in Altagypten (article) -- 1:38
Zwemer, Samuel Marinus -- 2:27